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Extract from Watts-Her creation-Its design-Man made al
woman-Was created a wife-Marriage necessary for her-
with man-He loves parade and fame-She, retirement-H
She weak Yet he seeks home and marriage-Affinities-
Wife-Children-Disregards opposition to her marriage-In
man-Her patience-Suffering-Sorrows-Faults-These are
Those not so-
-Women of King Henry's age-Emelia Osborn-
-Their employments-Poor and rich-Poverty-Labor-Grac
city-Self-government-Quakers' charity-Virtue-Benevole
man's sphere-Lazy men-Extracts-Comparisons-Their se]
tiny Dana's lecture on woman, on Shakspeare-Lucretia Mc
to Dana's do. Women holding offices, &c.-The power and
a wife in discovering and circumventing an intrigue to preve
band's re-election to an office-Marriage essential for this-
control of husband and children-Husbands lean on home
wife generally if he deserts it-Exceptions-Her power over h
and love-Allan Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd.

"THE expanding rose just bursting into beauty ha sistible bewitchingness;—the blooming bride led triu to the hymeneal altar awakens admiration and interest blush of her cheek fills with delight;—but the char ternity is more sublime than these. Heaven has imp the mother's face something beyond this world, s which claims kindred with the skies-the angelic s tender look, the waking, watchful eye which keeps its over her slumbering babe.

"These are objects which neither the pencil nor t can touch, which poetry fails to exalt, which the most tongue in vain would eulogize, and on which all de becomes ineffective. In the heart of men lies this le ture; in his sympathies; it reigns in his affections ; look round in vain for such another obiect on the ear

feeding on its mother's beauty-nourish which flows through her generous veinssom and grateful eye, is no man, but a m approach the cradle of sleeping innocence of such is the kingdom of Heaven,' or hang over its beauties, and half retain her break its slumbers, with a veneration no feeling, is to be avoided in every interco only for the shadow of darkness and the though a lone being, far be such feelings

In the 27th verse, 1st chapter of Gene "So God created man in his own in God created he him; male and female c And after this, in the 31st verse of t recorded:

"And the evening and the morning w This is the general historical statement In the second chapter, there is given a m nological account of it.

It proceeds as follows: The heavens a ished with the sixth day, and God reste It then proceeds to state, that the her had not begun to grow; for there had bee was not a man to till the ground."

A mist then went up, which watered the Lord formed man of the dust of the into his nostrils the breath of life; and soul." "And a garden was planted."

And out of the ground every tree did was put into the garden, to dress and kee what fruit he might, and should not eat.

After this, every beast and fowl was f him; and he named them all. Which m years; for Adam was but a mere man; and he could not think of names, and cal than we can.

But for Adam there was "not found a


The man

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So that man was not only made by himself, but have lived alone, or without any other human being, years before the woman was made.

The general narrative of the creation of all things, the first chapter of the Bible, will not permit the inf be drawn, that man and woman were both made toge the same time; or that there was a female made befo it would seem by the words of the 27th verse, "Ma male created he them;" for this was the sixth day, a was not made until after the seventh day; nor was made until after Adam had been made, nor until aft of time sufficiently long for the execution by him of infinite magnitude, and which perhaps required yea form.

The cavil that the Scriptures are inconsistent, in th is thus explained. It is said, by some, that Moses w tradition, three thousand years after the Creation. reasonable supposition is that the books of Moses are of ancient and primitive history, made by different in of the successive generations from Adam; which were preserved amongst the chosen people of God, and now collected, arranged, and published for the general in of the rest of mankind.

So that man was made alone; that is, he was the on being then made, and he was thus alone for years, te dressing an immense garden, from which went out large as to water all the world; and sorting and nami beasts and fowls. During all this time, he lived entir and he has, therefore, ever since been better qualifi alone, or without marriage, than women have been. Again: man was given universal dominion over in the world; and all things have ever since been controlled by him; his pursuits, his employments power, are designed for the open world; the woma made for any such objects, nor for any purposes bu meet for him," not a help-mate; and that her " should be multiplied," her "desire should be unt band;" and that he "shall rule over her." How lit

is naturally single and singular, and may beginning he was made by himself, and li

The first woman was created a wife; al be wives, and cannot remain single. They and they cannot remain alone. Marriage not a necessary consideration with man; is primary, and absolutely essential. Wi child-bearing, married women live twice a do not marry; and even those who lead li tion have better health, and longer life t not espoused. So intimate and urgent their nature identified with the occasions with man.

Man delights in parade and show; wom less; and, when married, prefers and s peace. Man is restless, and roves about k contented, and never leaves her home alon

He is strong, and she is weak; he is and glory-she desires no fame but her hus but his happiness.

He mixes with the world, and racks h tions and rank in the arts, sciences, war, votes her life to her household, and her God.

Notwithstanding these distinctions, it that man most ardently prefers matrimon inferior to man. He always looks anxious mestic repose; she has a destiny to fill as which she is endowed with wonderful things" were "very good in the sight" o but one other exercise of his omnipotent to complete its transcendent perfections. of his holy and exalted conceptions, he fi as the crowning glory of his Divine wisdo

Woman combines in her exalted attrib quired to accomplish the moral perfection was enriched with the proclivity for ard

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She is unconscious of her own beauty, knows no suspects no wrong. If she is poor, she cheerfully v wastes nothing; if she has money and lands, with simplicity of a child, she gives them all to her husban him to take them; and is delighted, if they win his 1 Woman is not fastidious; she marries the wise and rich and poor, old and young, good and bad, the ugl handsome.

If her husband is more learned or rich, she make kindness and complacency; if he is poorer, or more she cheerfully brings herself down to his level; i younger, the spirit of accommodation is still triumpha

If he is bad, she keeps herself respectable, goes makes him no worse, and very often persuades and him from sin.

All restraint and opposition to her marriage are however proudly born, or delicately educated. If a gardener, or a stranger, significantly looks at, or pauso he is not suspected, repulsed, or reported; but th watched, and waited for, countenanced, secretly me marriage is offered, run away with.

She is always in earnest, and is much more dep man's respect for her than he has credit for. Wher to play the part of seducer and bigamist, it would see can do so with impunity.

It would also seem that she was made for no othe than marriage, and that, unless she is suffered to fall abyss of her manifest destiny, she comes to nothing.

True, she is not now perfect, for she fell with man was once perfect, and now is more perfect than man. She was not forbidden by God to eat the apple; a not appear that Adam told her she must not eat it.

She was not reproached with this as of a wilful sin she was beguiled; her sin was not profane, and he nation was not so heavy.

There are bad women; but there is not one bad every ten thousand bad men: every man has some ba sity; something sly, selfish, or sinister.

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