[graphic][merged small]

ters counted as kidnappers.

a kidnapper; thou gatherest up women and chil- God's minis dren, and carriest them into a strange country, to the weakening of my master's kingdom. But now Great-heart replied, I am a servant of the God of heaven; my business is to persuade sinners to repentance; I am commanded to do my endeavour to turn men, women, and children, from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God; and if this be indeed the ground of thy quarrel, let us fall to it as soon as thou wilt.

Then the giant came up, and Mr Great-heart went to meet him; and as he went, he drew his sword, but the giant had a club. So without more ado, they fell to it, and at the first blow the giant struck Mr Great-heart down upon one of his knees; with that the women and children cried out; so Mr Great-heart recovering himself, laid about him in full lusty manner, and gave the giant a wound in his arm; thus he fought for the space of an hour, to that height of heat, that the breath came out of the giant's nostrils, as the heat doth out of a boiling caldron.

Then they sat down to rest them, but Mr Greatheart betook him to prayer; also the women and children did nothing but sigh and cry all the time that the battle did last.

When they had rested them, and taken breath, they both fell to it again, and Mr Great-heart, with a full blow, fetched the giant down to the ground. Nay, hold, and let me recover, quoth he; so Mr Great-heart fairly let him get up. So to it they went again, and the giant missed but little of allto-breaking Mr Great-heart's skull with his club.

The giant

and Mr

must fight.

Weak folks prayers do help strong


folks' cries.

The giant down.


He is slain, and his head

Mr Great-heart seeing that, runs to him in the full heat of his spirit, and pierceth him under the fifth rib; with that the giant began to faint, and could hold up his club no longer. Then Mr Greatheart seconded his blow, and smote the head of the giant from his shoulders. Then the women and children rejoiced, and Mr Great-heart also praised God, for the deliverance he had wrought.

When this was done, they among them erected a disposed of pillar, and fastened the giant's head thereon, and wrote underneath in letters, that passengers might read

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He that did wear this head was one

That pilgrims did misuse;

He stopp'd their way, he spared none,
But did them all abuse;
Until that I, Great-heart, arose,

The pilgrim's guide to be;

Until that I did him oppose,

That was their enemy.

Now I saw, that they went to the ascent that was a little way off, cast up to be a prospect for

First Part, pilgrims, (that was the place from whence Christian had the first sight of Faithful his brother ;) wherefore here they sat down, and rested; they also here did eat and drink, and make merry, for that they had gotten deliverance from this so dangerous an enemy. As they sat thus, and did eat, Christiana asked the guide if he had caught no hurt in the battle. Then said Mr Great-heart, No, save a little on my flesh; yet that also shall be so far from being to my detriment, that it is at present a proof of my love to my Master and you, and shall be a means, by grace, to increase my reward at last.

2 Cor. 4.

Chris. But was you not afraid, good Sir, when Discourse of the fight. you saw him come out with his club.

Great-heart. It is my duty, said he, to distrust my own ability, that I may have reliance on Him that is stronger than all.

Chris. But what did you think when he fetched you down to the ground at the first blow?

Great-heart. Why, I thought, quoth he, that so my Master himself was served, and yet he it was that conquered at the last.


Matt. When you all have thought what you Matthew please, I think God has been wonderful good unto admires us, both in bringing us out of this valley, and in goodness. delivering us out of the hand of this enemy; for my part, I see no reason why we should distrust our God any more, since he has now, and in such a place as this, given us such testimony of his love as this.

Then they got up and went forward. Now a little before them stood an oak; and under it, when they came to it, they found an old pilgrim Old Honest fast asleep; they knew that he was a pilgrim by his clothes, and his staff, and his girdle.

So the guide, Mr Great-heart, awaked him, and the old gentleman, as he lift up his eyes, cried out, What's the matter? Who are you? and what is your business here?

Great-heart. Come, man, be not so hot, here are none but friends: yet the old man gets up, and stands upon his guard, and will know of them what they were. Then said the guide, My name is Great-heart; I am the guide of these pilgrims, which are going to the Celestial Country.

asleep under an oak.

One saint sometimes takes

his enemy.

Honest. Then said Mr Honest, I cry you mercy;

I feared that you had been of the company of those another for that some time ago did rob Little-faith of his money; but now I look better about me, I perceive you are honester people.



Great-heart. Why, what would, or could you Great-heart have done, to have helped yourself, if we indeed had been of that company?

and he.

Mr Honest


Hon. Done! why I would have fought as long as breath had been in me; and had I so done, I am sure you could never have given me the worst on it; for a Christian can never be overcome, unless he should yield of himself.

Great-heart. Well said, father Honest, quoth the guide; for by this I know thou art a cock of the right kind, for thou hast said the truth.

Hon. And by this, also, I know that thou knowest what true pilgrimage is; for all others do think that we are the soonest overcome of any.

Great-heart. Well, now we are so happily met, pray let me crave your name, and the name of the place you came from.

Hon. My name I cannot; but I came from the town of Stupidity; it lieth about four degrees beyond the City of Destruction.

Great-heart. Oh! are you that countryman, then? I deem I have half a guess of you; your name is Old Honesty, is it not? So the old gentleman blushed, and said, Not Honesty, in the abstract, but Honest is my name; and I wish that my nature shall agree to what I am called.

Hon. But, sir, said the old gentleman, how

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