


or another. She has given it out in some places that she is a goddess, and therefore some do worship her. She has her time, and open places of cheating; and she will say and avow it, that none can show a good comparable to hers. She promiseth to dwell with children's children, if they will but love her and make much of her. She will cast out of her purse gold like dust in some places and to some persons. She loves to be sought after, spoken well of, and to lie in the bosoms of men. She is never weary of commending her commodities, and she loves them most that think best of her. She will promise to some crowns and kingdoms if they will but take her advice; yet many hath she brought to the halter, and ten thousand times more to nell.

STAND. Oh! said Standfast, what a mercy is it that I did resist her; for whither might she have drawn me!

GREAT. Whither? nay, none but God knows whither. But in general, to be sure, she would have drawn thee into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition, 1 Tim. vi. 9. "Twas she that set Absalom against his father, and Jeroboam against his master. 'Twas she that persuaded Judas to sell his Lord; and that prevailed with Demas to forsake the godly pilgrim's life. None can tell of the mischief that she doth. She makes variance betwixt rulers and subjects, betwixt parents and children, betwixt neighbour and neighbour, betwixt a man and his wife, betwixt a man and himself, betwixt the flesh and the spirit. Wherefore, good Mr. Standfast, be as your name is, and when you have done all, stand.

At this discourse there was among the pilgrims a mixture of joy and trembling; but at length they broke out and sang:

What danger is the pilgrim in!
How many are his foes!
How many ways there are to sin
No living mortal knows.

Some in the ditch spoil'd are, yea, can
Lie tumbling in the mire:
Some, though they shun the frying-pan,

Do leap into the fire.

After this I beheld until they were come into the land of Beulah, where the sun shineth night and day. Here, because they were weary, they betook themselves a while to rest. And because this country was common for pilgrims, and because the orchards and vineyards that were here belonged to the King of the celestial country, therefore they were licensed to make bold with any of his things. But a little while soon refreshed them here; for the bells did so ring, and the trumpets continually sounding so melodiously, that they could not sleep, and yet they received as much refreshing as if they had slept their sleep ever so soundly. Here also all the noise of them that walked the streets was, More pilgrims are come to town! And another would answer, saying, And so many went over the water, and were let in at the golden gates today! They would cry again, There is now a legion of shining ones just come to town, by which we know that there are more pilgrims upon the road; for here they come to wait for them, and to comfort them after their sorrow! Then the pilgrims got up, and walked to and fro. But how were their ears now filled with heavenly voices, and



His message.


their eyes delighted with celestial | inquiry was made for her, the house visions! In this land they heard was found out where she was. nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing, the post presented her with a letter. smelt nothing, tasted nothing that The contents were,was offensive to their stomach or Hail, good woman: I mind; only when they tasted of bring thee tidings that the Master the water of the river | calleth for thee, and expects that to the tiesh, but over which they were thou shouldst stand in his preto go, they thought sence, in clothes of immortality, that it tasted a lit- within these ten days. tle bitterish to the palate; but it proved sweet when it was down.

Death bitter

sweet to the


[blocks in formation]

In this place the children of the town would go into the King's gardens, and gather nosegays for the pilgrims, and bring them to them with much affection. Here also grew camphire, with spikenard and saffron, calamus, and cinnamon, with all the trees of frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, with all chief spices. With these the pilgrims' chambers were perfumed while they stayed here; and with these were their bodies anointed, to prepare them to go over the river, when the time appointed was come.

Now while they lay here, and waited for the good hour, there was a noise in the town that there was a post come from the Celestial City, with matter of great importA messenger ance to one Christiof death sent to ana, the wife of Christian the pilgrim. So


When he had read this letter to her, he gave her therewith a sure token that he was a true messenger, and was come to bid her make haste to be gone. The token was, an arrow with a point sharpened with love, let easily into her heart, which by degrees wrought so effectually with her, that at the time appointed she must be gone.

death is to them

to die.

When Christiana saw that her time was come, and that she was the first How welcome of this company that that have nowas to go over, she thing to do but called for Mr. Greatheart her guide, and told him how matters were. So he told her he was heartily glad of the news, and could have been glad had the post come for him. Then she bid him that he should give advice how all things should be pre- Her speech to pared for her journey. her guide. So he told her, saying, Thus and thus it must be, and we that survive will accompany you to the river side.

Then she called for her children, and gave them To her chilher blessing, and told dren. them that she had read with comfort the mark that was set in their foreheads, and was glad to see them with her there, and that they had kept their garments so white. Lastly, she bequeathed to the poor that little she had, and commanded


her sons and daughters to be ready against the messenger should come for them.


ought with thankfulness for ever to remember your deliverance from the hands of Giant Despair, and out of Doubting Castle. The effect of that mercy is that you are brought with safety hither. Be ye watchful, and cast away fear; be sober, and hope to the end.

When she had spoken these words To Mr. Va to her guide, and to liant-for-truth. her children, she called for Mr. Valiant-for-truth, and said unto him, Sir, you have in all places showed yourself true-heart- Then she said to Mr. Feeble-mind, ed; be faithful unto death, and my Thou wast delivered To Mr. FeeKing will give you a crown of life, from the mouth of ble-mind. Rev. ii. 10. I would also entreat Giant Slay-good, that thou mightyou to have an eye to my children; est live in the light of the living, and if at any time you see them and see thy King with comfort. faint, speak comfortably to them. Only I advise thee to repent of For my daughters, my sons' wives, thine aptness to fear and doubt of they have been faithful, and a ful- his goodness, before he sends for To Mr. Stand- filling of the promise thee; lest thou shouldst, when he upon them will be comes, be forced to stand before their end. But she gave Mr. Stand-him for that fault with blushing. fast a ring. Then she called for old Mr. Honest, and said of him, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile !" John i. 47. Then said he, I wish you a fair day when you set out for Mount Sion, and shall be glad to see that you go over the river dry-company her to the city gate. So shod. But she answered, Come wet, come dry, I long to be gone; for however the weather is in my journey, I shall have time enough when I come there to sit down and rest me, and dry me.

To old Honest.


Now the day drew on that Christiana must be gone. So the road was full of people to Her last day, see her take her jour- and manner of ney. But behold, all departure. the banks beyond the river were full of horses and chariots, which were come down from above to ac

she came forth, and entered the river, with a beckon of farewell to those that followed her. The last words that she was heard to say were, I come, Lord, to be with thee and bless thee! So her children and friends returned to their place, for those that waited for Christiana had carried her out of their sight. So she went and called, and entered in at the gate with all the ceremonies of joy that her husband Christian had entered with before her. At her departure the children wept. But Mr. Great-heart After him came Mr. Despond- and Mr. Valiant played upon the ency and his daugh- well-tuned cymbal and harp for joy. ter Much-afraid; to So all departed to their respective whom she said, You places.

Then came in that good man Mr. To Mr. Ready. Ready-to-halt to see her. So she said to him, Thy travel hitherto has been with difficulty; but that will make thy rest the sweeter. Watch and be ready; for at an hour when ye think not, the messenger may


To Mr. Despondency and his daughter.


In process of time, there came ter hath need of thee, and that in Mr. Ready-to- a post to the town a very little time thou must behold halt summoned. again, and his busi- his face in brightness. And take ness was with Mr. Ready-to-halt. this as a token of the truth of my So he inquired him out, and said, message: "Those that look out at I am come from Him whom thou the windows shall be darkened," hast loved and followed, though Eccles. xii. 3. Then Mr. Feebleupon crutches; and my message is mind called for his friends, and to tell thee that he expects thee at told them what errand had been his table to sup with him in his brought unto him, and what tokeu kingdom, the next day after Eas- he had received of the truth of the ter; wherefore prepare thyself for message. Then he said, Since I this journey. Then he also gave have nothing to bequeath to any, him a token that he was a true to what purpose should I make a messenger, saying, "I have broken will? As for: my feeble He makes no thy golden bowl and loosed thy sil-mind, that I will leave will. ver cord," Eccles. xii. 6. After this Mr. Ready-to-halt call-no need of in the place whither I ed for his fellow-pilgrims, and told them, saying, I am sent for, and God shall surely visit you also. So he desired Mr. Valiant to make his will. And because he had nothing to bequeath to them that should survive him but his crutches, and his good wishes, therefore thus he Promises. said, These crutches His will.

I bequeath to my son, that shall tread in my steps, with a hundred warm wishes that he may prove better than I have been. Then he thanked Mr. Great-heart for his conduct and kindness, and so addressed himself to his journey. When he came to the brink of the river he said, Now I shall have no more need of these crutches, since yonder are chariots and horses for me to ride on. The last words he was

His last words.

heard to say were, Welcome life! So he went his way. After this Mr. Feeble-mind had Feeble-mind tidings brought him that the post sounded his horn at his chamber-door. Then he came in, and told him, saying, I am come to tell thee that thy Mas


behind me, for that I shall have

go, nor is it worth bestowing upon
the poorest pilgrims; wherefore,
when I am gone, I desire that you,
Mr. Valiant, would bury it in a
dunghill. This done, and the day
being come on which he was to de-
part, he entered the river as the
rest. His last words
were, Hold out, faith
and patience! So he went over to
the other side.

His last words.


When days had many of them passed away, Mr. De- Mr. Despondspondency was sent ency summon. for; for a post was come, and brought this message to him: Trembling man! these are to summon thee to be ready with the King by the next Lord's day, to shout for joy for thy deliverance from all thy doubtings. And, said the messenger, that my message is true, take this for a prooí: so he gave him a grasshopper to be a burden unto him, Eccles. xii. 5.

Now Mr. Despondency's daughter, whose name was Much-afraid, said, when she heard His daughter what was done, that goes too. she would go with her father. Then




Mr. Despondency said to his friends, | Now the river at that time overMyself and my daughter you know flowed its banks in some places; what we have been, and how trou- but Mr. Honest in his blesomely we have behaved our- life-time had spoken ence helps Mr. selves in every company. My will to one Good-consci- Honest over the and my daughter's is, ence to meet him that our desponds and

His will.

slavish fears be by no man ever re


After this it was noised abroad


there, the which he also did, and lent him his hand, and so helped ceived, from the day of our depar-him over. The last words of Mr. ture for ever; for I know that after | Honest were, Grace reigns! So he my death they will offer themselves left the world. to others. For to be plain with you, they are ghosts which we entertained when we first began to be pilgrims, and could never shake them off after; and they will walk about, and seek entertainment of the pilgrims: but for our sakes, shut the doors upon them. When the time was come for them to depart, they went up to the brink of the river. The last words of Mr. Despondency were, Farewell, night; welcome, day! His daughter went through the river singing, but none could understand what she said.

His last words.

that Mr. Valiant-for- Mr. Valiant-
truth was sent for by for-truth sum-
a summons by the
same post as the other, and had
this for a token that the summons
was true, "That his pitcher was
broken at the fountain," Eccles.
xii. 6. When he understood it, he
called for his friends, and told them
of it. Then said he, I am going
to my Father's; and though with
great difficulty I have got hither,
yet now I do not repent me of all
the trouble I have been at to arrive
where I am. My sword I give to
him that shall succeed me in my
pilgrimage, and my
courage and skill to
him that can get it. My marks and
scars I carry with me, to be a wit-
ness for me that I have fought His
battles who will now be my re-

His will.

Then it came to pass a while after, that there was a post in the town that inquired for Mr. Honest. So he came to the house where he Mr. Honest was, and delivered to summoned. his hand these lines: Thou art commanded to be ready against this day sevennight, to pre-warder. When the day that he sent thyself before thy Lord, at his Father's house. And for a token that my message is true, "All the daughters of music shall be brought low," Eccles. xii. 4. Then Mr. Honest called for his friends, and said He makes no unto them, I die, but will. shall make no will. As for my honesty, it shall go with me; let him that comes after be told of this. When the day that he was to be gone was come, he addressed himself to go over the river.

must go hence was come, many ac
companied him to the river side,
into which as he went he said,
"Death, where is thy sting?" And
as he went down deeper, he said,
"Grave, where is thy His last words
victory?" 1 Cor. xv.
55. So he passed over, and all the
trumpets sounded for him on the
other side.

Then there came forth a sum-
mons for Mr. Stand-
Mr. Standfast
fast. This Mr. Stand-

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