A History of Christian Missions in China, 第 1 卷Macmillan, 1929 - 930 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 82 筆
第 18 頁
... religious activity and hunger . " 31 The religious mind of China , then , during the period that the Christian missionary has had his most extensive contacts with it , has been the product of many movements , some of them indigenous ...
... religious activity and hunger . " 31 The religious mind of China , then , during the period that the Christian missionary has had his most extensive contacts with it , has been the product of many movements , some of them indigenous ...
第 532 頁
... religion based largely on Confucianism but showing the influence of Christianity . New syncretic cults were born , taking the forms of the private religious associations which had so long been a feature of religious life , but also ...
... religion based largely on Confucianism but showing the influence of Christianity . New syncretic cults were born , taking the forms of the private religious associations which had so long been a feature of religious life , but also ...
第 695 頁
... religious and that the most en- lightened among them had outgrown religion earlier than had any other group on earth . Breathing this atmosphere from child- hood , Chinese students naturally lent a not unfriendly ear to the questionings ...
... religious and that the most en- lightened among them had outgrown religion earlier than had any other group on earth . Breathing this atmosphere from child- hood , Chinese students naturally lent a not unfriendly ear to the questionings ...
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activities American Board Amoy Annals Baptist Bible Bishop Boxer British Broomhall Buddhism Canton Catholic Missions Century of Protestant Chêkiang Chihli China Inland Mission China Mission Hand-book Chinese Christians Chinese Recorder Chris Christian Association Christian community Christian Occupation Church Missionary Society College coöperation Cordier Empire entered Europe faith Foreign Missions Franciscans French Fukien Gospel Histoire Honan Hongkong Hunan hundred Hupeh Ibid institutions Jesuits Jesus K'ang Hsi Kiangnan Kwangsi Kwangtung later Lazarists Letter lettres édifiantes literature London Missionary Society Macao Manchu Manchuria Methodist Mission Year Book Missionary Conference Missions in China moreover movement Nanking nation Nestorian non-Christians Occident Occupation of China officials organization passim Peking persecution Planchet Presbyterian priests Propagation Protestant missionaries Protestant Missions province reënforcements religious reported Roman Catholic schools sent Servière Shanghai Shansi Shantung sionaries Szechwan T'ai P'ings tian Tientsin tion treaties Union Vicar Apostolic Western women Yünnan