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[blocks in formation]

helps frame the Monroe Doctrine, 274, 277

President, 272, 274, 313
Secretary of State, 274

Adams, Samuel, 175-181
Addams, Jane, 476
Agricultural colleges, 471
Airships, 506, 523, 524
Alabama, 279, 370
Alabama (cruiser), 382, 390

claims, 417, 419
Alamo, 326

Alaska, 276, 277, 332, 410
Albany, N. Y., 109, 464

Albany Plan of Union, 134

Alden, John, 66, 68

Alfred the Great, 199

Algerian pirates, 233

Algonquins, 123, 124

Alien and Sedition Acts, 240, 241

Allegheny Mts., 287, 290, 292
Allen, Ethan, 183

Almanacs, 157


colonization of, 15-34, 49-121
debt to the past, I

discovery of, 20

exploration of, 15-34, 38-41, 108, 123-127
See also United States

American Federation of Labor, 468, 469. 498
Americanism, ideals of, 62, 75, 76, 87, 94, 121,
161, 177, 187, 219, 440, 441, 503, 513, 514,

in diplomacy, 443

of Carolina colony, 102

of frontier, 456, 457

of Andrew Jackson, 313, 314

of Thomas Jefferson, 246

of Abraham Lincoln, 177, 337, 370, 375, 398,

[blocks in formation]

Anglo-Saxons, 8, 9
Antietam, 385, 395
Appomattox, 405
Arabs, 10, 11

Arbitration, 417, 418, 433
Argonne Forest, 512, 513
Arizona, 495

Arkansas, 329, 372, 411

Armada, 31, 32

Armament Conference, 518, 528
Armistice Day, 516

Armor, Spanish, 35

Army, in Civil War, 372, 379-381, 383, 384-
389, 399-405

in Revolutionary War, 177, 180-182, 186,
190-198, 204-210

in Spanish War, 436, 438-440
in War of 1812, 262, 264-266
in World War, 503, 504, 509-516
Arnold, Benedict, 185, 194, 207
Arthur, Chester A., 423, 427, 428
Asbury, Francis, 295

Assembly, colonial, 161, 162

Astor, John Jacob, 253

Astoria, 253, 267

Athens, flour mill in, 464

Atlanta, 381, 404, 405

Austria-Hungary, 500, 501

Automobile, 521, 522

Aztecs, 24, 28

[blocks in formation]

Bible, I

influence on Lincoln, 342

influence on the Pilgrims and Puritans, 76,

86, 87, 92, 93

Bicycles, 534.

Big Stick policy, 490

Bird Woman, 251

Birmingham, Alabama, 465

Black Code, 411

Blaine, James G., 425

Blucher, General, 270

Bon Homme Richard (ship), 199

Boone, Daniel, 201, 202, 282

Boonesboro, 201

Border states, 378, 380

Boston, capital of New England, 91

emigration from, 85, 86

facsimiles from early newspapers, 149, 158

[blocks in formation]

Breeds Hill, 182

Brewster, William, 64, 66, 114
Brooklyn, 110, 190
Brown, John, 346

Bryan, W. J., 393, 429-431, 443
Bryant, William Cullen, 299
Buchanan, James, 338, 344
Buffalo (city), 289, 464
Buffalo Bill, 448

Buffaloes, 26, 447, 448, 452
Buggy, 422

Bull Run, battles, 379, 385

Bunker Hill, battle of, 182, 183
Bunyan, John, 157, 158
Burgesses, House of, 57, 62
chair of speaker of, 62
Burgoyne, General, 192, 193
Burke, Edmund, 177
Burnside, A. E., 385, 386
Burr, Aaron, 244
Butler, B. F., 389

[blocks in formation]

Castle of Middle Ages, 13

Catholics, Roman, influence in sixteenth cen-
tury, 29

in Maryland, 99, 100, 103, 116
in New France, 129-131, 295
Cavaliers, 80, 82, 83

Centennial Exposition, 466, 472
Central Pacific Railroad, 450, 451
Champlain, Samuel de, 123, 124
attacking Indians, 125
Chancellorsville, Va., 386
Charles I, 86, 96, 101

execution of, 80, 92, 102
persecution by, 79, 81

Charles II, made king, 80, 10I
persecution by, 116

relation to colonies, 87, 92, 102, 112, 114
Charleston, S. C., 104, 207, 397

Charlestown, Mass., 181

Charters, 50

Carolina, IOI

Georgia, 104, 105

Maryland, 96, 97

Massachusetts Bay, 83, 92

New York, 114
Pennsylvania, 118, 119
Virginia, 50, 51, 57
Chase, Salmon P., 375
Chateau-Thierry, 510

Chattanooga, in Civil War, 381, 388, 402, 403,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Congregational Church, 74, 84, 92
Congress, Continental, 175, 183
Congress of the Confederation, 228
Congress of United States, 224, 228
Connecticut, 85-87, 188

refuses vote to negroes, 412
Western Reserve, 286

Conscription, 383, 503

Conservation of natural resources, 479-482
Constantinople, 12, 16, 18

Constitutional Convention, 220-222

Constitution of United States, framed, 220-225
text of, xi; amendments, 225, 412, 521, xix.
Constitution (ship), 264

Continental Congress (first), 175; (second),

Contraband, 236

Cooke, Jay, 394

Coolidge, Calvin, 518

Cooper, James Fenimore, 136, 299

Corinth, Miss., 387, 388

. Corn, 53, 54, 68, 69, 141

Cornwallis, Lord, 207, 209, 210

Coronado, Francisco, 25, 26

Cortes, Hernando, 24

Cotton, 283, 293, 294, 374

Cotton gin, 278, 293, 303, 304

Covenanters, 116

Cowboys, 452, 458

Cowpens, 208

Creek Indians, 265, 312

Cromwell, Oliver, 80, 92, 102

Crow Dog, 46, 47

Crown Point, 183, 186, 193
Crusades, 10, II

Cuba, 21, 138

industry and trade, 485

[blocks in formation]

Detroit, 201, 262, 263

Deutschland (submarine), 507
Dewey, George, 436, 490

Dickens, Charles, 349, 350

Discovery of America, 20

Distinguished service cross and medal, 520

District of Columbia, 233

Divine right of kings, 78, 80, 92

Dix, Dorothea, 364, 365

Donelson, Ft., 387

Dongan, Thomas, 114

Douglas, Stephen A., 341, 342, 343, 345, 346

Drake, Francis, 30, 31, 32

Dred Scott decision, 345
Duquesne, Ft., 135, 137
Dutch, the, 108-113
cottage of, 113.
Dwight, Margaret, 286

East India Company, 173, 174
Education, colonial, 154-156
in common schools, 296, 363
in early United States, 296-298
mid-nineteenth-century, 363, 364

of girls and women, 156, 157, 298, 363, 472
progress in, 471, 472

twentieth-century social, 526-533

Egyptians, our debt to, I

El Caney, 438

Electricity, 466

Eliot, C. W., 488

Eliot, John, 89

Elizabeth, Queen, 29, 30, 31, 78

Emancipation Proclamation, 398, 399

Embargo Act, 257, 267, 284, 308

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 180, 363, 367

England, attempts to colonize in sixteenth cen-

tury, 32, 33

became Protestant, 29

claim to share in New World, 28
criminal laws of, 49

part of Great Britain, 131

See also Great Britain

Enumerated articles, 162

Episcopal Church, see Church of England

[blocks in formation]

Fur trade, colonial, 37, 72, 147
French engage in, 38

Indians and, 72, 109, 141, 143

Gage, General, 175, 176, 179
Gallatin, Albert, 246
Gama, Vasco da, 18
Garfield, James A., 423, 427,
Garrison, William Lloyd, 336
Gas masks, 507, 514
Gasoline engine, 521, 522
Gates, Horatio, 194, 198
Genêt, Edmond, 235
Geneva, 395, 417

George III, 169, 174, 186

Georgia, colony of, 104-106

defies U. S. Supreme Court, 318

secession and reconstruction, 370, 414, 416

Sherman's march through, 404, 405

Germans, 5

Germany, and Monroe Doctrine, 490

emperor of, awards San Juan Islands to U.S.,

immigration from, 105, 120, 360, 378
in World War, 501-517

Gettysburg, 399-401

Gettysburg Address, 342, 401

Ghent, treaty of, 267

Gibault, Pierre, 203

Gilbert, Humphrey, 32

Girls, bound out, 147, 151
early colleges for, 363, 472
early high school for, 298

in factories, 306, 307

learned varied household arts, 147

unequal education of, 156, 157, 298, 363

work and play of colonial, 146, 147, 151,


Goethals, G. W., 489

Gold, Fifty-Niners and, 353
Forty-Niners and, 338, 352, 362

money standard, 429, 431
Spain's quest for, 24-28, 31
Virginia colony and, 50, 53
Golden age, 359

Gold standard, 429-431
Gompers, Samuel, 448
Goodyear, Charles, 357
Gorgas, W. W., 488
Gothic cathedrals, II
Grady, H. W., 465

Grant, Ulysses S., in Civil War, 376, 377, 387,
388, 401-405

in Mexican War, 330
President, 416-420, 426
qualities of, 376, 377, 420
strove for peace, 417, 419

Gray, Robert, 253

Great Britain, 131, 236, 278, 331, 332, 336
and Venezuelan boundary, 432, 433
attitude during Spanish-American War,

causes of separation from, 161-178

in French and Indian War, 123-140

in relation to the Civil War, 396, 397, 398,
416, 418

Panama Canal treaty with, 489

treaties of peace with, 210, 267
War of 1812 with, 261-270

See also England

Greeks, 2, 355

Greenbacks, 393, 429

Greene, Nathanael, 208, 209

Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 331
Guam, 439

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

in Cuba, 441

in the World War, 503, 504, 505, 517
of American writers, 157, 367, 368

of Declaration of Independence, 187

of government, 75, 76, 121, 161, 177, 187, 219,
475, 503

of social justice, 76, 121, 364-366, 471, 476,
479, 525, 530, 531

of the home, 7, 75, 145, 306, 307

of the Maryland colony, 98, 100

of the missionaries, 89, 130, 295, 364

of the Pilgrims, 65, 74, 76

of the Puritans, 94

of the Quakers, 119, 121

of the Rhode Island colony, 87

of the twentieth century, 475, 476, 526, 530,

[blocks in formation]

limitation of, 529

of indentured servants, 58, 59, 148-151
physical test for, 529

whence it came, 105, 120, 360, 361, 378, 465

Implied powers, 238, 242

Impressment of sailors, 255-257, 269, 271
Incas, 25, 28

Income tax (sixteenth amendment), 521
Indentured servants, 58, 59, 148-151
Independence, Mo., 332

Independence Hall, 181 (see Frontispiece)
Indiana, 279, 295, 298

Indians, attempts to convert, 89, 130
buffalo dance of, 45

characteristics of, 41, 44, 46, 47
dwellings of, 42

food of, 42, 43

how they helped the settlers, 71, 72, 99

Iroquois, 42, 109, 123-125, 136, 198

moral training and religion of, 45-47

move West, 318, 454

peace pipe of, 70

picture writing of, 44

steps toward civilizing, 455

wars with, 89-91, 166, 198, 202, 204, 233,

261, 312, 454, 455

why they interest the young, 43, 44

Industrial Revolution, 301-310, 459-473 (the


cheap steel an aid to, 460-469

factories, 304-307, 462-465

gives United States first place, 462

immigration in, 464, 465

inventions in, 302-304, 463

large scale production in, 464

machinery in, 463

natural resources in, 37, 462, 463

used child labor, 307

Inflation, 191, 320, 393-395, 430

Interstate Commerce Commission, 471, 478
Intolerable Acts, 174

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