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High Blood Pressure
Hardened Arteries
-How to Remedy



Founder and Director THE ALSAKER WAY

Dear Doctor Alsaker:


(Specialist in Health Conservation)

Last week I had two severe shocks. One of my friends had a stroke of apoplexy and is now in a very serious condition; another one dropped dead. Both of them are a little past fifty, and both of them have suffered from high blood pressure for some time. I am anxious because I too am past fifty, and my blood pressure runs from 190 to over 200. From time to time I have discomfort in the region of the heart and pains in the head.

A third friend tells me that he followed your directions and recovered. He is active and looks healthy, but I can hardly believe this, for my physicians-and they are good ones-have informed me that high blood pressure can not be reduced. Please write me frankly by return mail. I want to linger here a while longer.

The condition mentioned in this letter is very common among men past the age of forty-five. This is a case of hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) with high blood pressure. An examination nearly always shows more or less Bright's disease, and this is generally caused by the excessive pressure, which forces the albumin through the kidneys. The pain in the region of the heart is due to the over-worked condition of the heart, which is often aggravated by gas in the stomach and the bowels. The pain in the head is caused partly by the excessive pressure of the blood, and partly by accumulations of waste in the body. Many physicians give nitro-glycerin to lower the excessive blood pressure, but this is useless, for though the pressure is temporarily reduced, it returns again. The condition described is dangerous because if allowed to continue the patient will usually expire from apoplexy of the brain, or heart failure; sometimes death comes through Bright's disease, with its accompanying uremia.

Is the condition curable? It is in the majority of cases. Nearly everybody believes that hardened arteries with high blood pressure is a fatal affliction. And it is, if it is treated in the old way with drugs and a superabundance of food. If it is treated correctly, that is, in accordance with the laws of nature, at least four out of five will recover. Their

arteries may not become quite as soft as they should be; their blood pressure may not return to the ideal point; but they will recover to such an extent that they have neither aches nor pains, nor are they in any further danger from apoplexy or heart disease. They will recover so completely that they can live to be old-rar older than three score years and tenand they can be so healthy that they can't feel anything wrong. And what more can they ask?

In most of these cases correct treatment will reduce the blood pressure from twenty to thirty points the first month. After that the reduction is slower.

If this is true, why don't most doctors and many laymen know it? Because both physicians and lay individuals are looking for cures from pills, powders and potions, aided by serums and operations. And these means will not work in cases of high blood pressure.

The correct way, which is Nature's way, is so simple and reasonable that very few have discovered it to date. It consists of living so that the hardening process stops immediately, and then the blood pressure begins, to decrease. Usually the patient is out of danger in a few weeks.

So if you would overcome high blood pressure and soften arteries that are too hard will have to learn how to use you your lungs to get plenty of fresh air;

F. R. M.

how to drink the right kind of liquids so as to aid in washing the impurities out of the body; how to eat the best of foods in the best way, so that these foods will build health instead of producing disease; and how to give the body good general care in every way.

There are exceptions who can not recover. This is because they have abused themselves so long that either the kidneys have failed beyond recovery, or the heart valves or heart walls have been too much injured, or the walls of the arteries themselves have become as brittle as chalk in spots. But the vast majority-at least four out of five on the average can get into such good condition that they can truly say that they are enjoying good health.

I have had patrons who were continually dizzy; who had surging of the blood to the head; who had daily headaches; who had oppression in the region of the heart (precordial pain); who were so short of breath that they could not walk upstairs, or could they walk as much as a block without restingyes, individuals with as bad symptoms as that have recovered very good health after they had been told by competent physicians that nothing could be done for their hardened arteries and high blood pressure.

Nature performs wonders if you give her a chance. If you are truly interested, read the publisher's announcement following this article.

Publisher's Announcement and Personal Guarantee-R. L. Alsaker, M.D., is a new type of physician. He specializes in health and teaches those who come to him for advice how to live so that disease will vanish. He has written several health-building handbooks that explain the cause of disease and show the sick how to recover. One of the most important is "Curing Diseases of Heart and Arteries." This book is really a course of instructions on the correct home treatment of Heart Disease, Hardened Arteries, High Blood Pressure and Apoplexy. It gives specific advice on the care of the body and the proper foods to eat to produce a cure. All forms of heart disease are discussed and a correct home treatment prescribed. It is marvelous what the common foods will do for the sick when properly combined and intelligently eaten. Send $2.10 for ❝ Curing Diseases of the Heart and Arteries." Follow the doctor's advice regarding the care of the body and especially The Alsaker Way of food combining and eating, for 30 days. If you are fully satisfied with the good results obtained keep the book; otherwise return it and I will refund your money. George G. Porter, a prominent business man of Syracuse, N. Y., writes, "Measured by the usual fees charged by physicians for a single consultation and prescription, Dr. Alsaker's health-building handbooks are worth $50 to $100 each." Mr. Porter has purchased and distributed among sick people more than 200 copies of The Alsaker Handbooks.


Frank E. Morrison (Estab. 1889), Dept. 252, 1133 Broadway, N. Y., Publisher of The Alsaker Health Books.

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URING the past four years the financial status of each and every country has experienced a great transmutation, but the conversion was so gradual and modified, as each phase was supplanted by another, that now as we look about us we perceive a complete transformation. Probably the most intricate problem confronting us to-day is the relation in its financial aspect that the United States bears to the rest of the world.

Before we can develop our foreign trade we must create foreign credits and amplify our foreign financial plans and agreements. We have become a creditor nation, and a large part of the world's gold is held within our boundaries. The ratio of exports over imports has constantly increased from about one-half a billion to over three and one-half billions, and probably the question of greatest import to-day is how Europe is to pay us for the commodities we are shipping and will continue to ship to her in ever-increasing amounts. She must be given credit and more credit, for she cannot pay in gold; without injuring our own industries we must buy from Europe everything possible, for we cannot export to her if we do not accept and encourage her importation, so that one may balance the other to some extent. Europe is again to become our customer, and what a distressed and complicated plight she is in!

Russia and the Central Empires present grave problems indeed, for a world which has been engaged in destruction for the past four years necessarily finds it difficult to turn at once to the business of formative construction and lucrative production. Readjustment cannot come in a few weeks under the burden of enormous debts, after so long a period of unproductiveness, when wealth has been diminishing at a terrific rate of speed. The remarkable forced exertion of strength and energy which has been expended on mutual destructiveness must now be applied to and concentrated upon the upbuilding of the industrial What

A-G-Danforth.&Co activity of each of the contestants.

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really amounts, in some cases, to a peaceful internal revolution exists throughout the world to-day, and this may be approached in only the most delicate manner; only time can adjust this feeling of unrest satisfactorily to all concerned.

When we are confronted by the many complex phases of the financial conditions of the countries to which we must lend credit, upon which we must depend for reimbursement for the goods we shall ship abroad, it is indeed confusing if not discouraging. The countries of Europe owe us to-day about ten billion dollars, but we must finance them, however black the situation may appear. We must supply them with raw materials, and we can expect to supply them with credits for some time to come. Supplying credits to Europe means, to a large extent, buying its securities, but to accomplish this they must be made attractive to the investor, after a campaign of education has been waged to accustom the investing public to the idea. The sooner we realize that this task must be met, the better for the world of commerce; for it is our duty and our opportunity to supply the means for Europe to re-establish herself, to feed her people and give work to her men, and at such time as these starved peoples shall feel assured that their hungry bodies will be fed we may confidently expect a diminishing tendency toward social

unrest and lawlessness. We must help them to help themselves, feed them now so that they may later supply their own wants from their own labors. We must aid them to regain their old spirit of hope, and this is perhaps our most difficult task.

The people of Europe must be endowed with and animation; whereas some energy have a great deal, in others it is practically benumbed or dead. Let America set the example and back this up by her enormous wealth, to enable the weak to regain a working foothold. We have come away victorious, and, if for no other motive than selfishness, we cannot afford to withhold helping hands, for we cannot hope to prosper and enjoy a state of well-being undisturbed if humanity, expressed in millions, lives in a state of anarchy and distress. This international problem is one for every American to consider and attempt to solve. It is a problem for each one of us; complex and intricate, to be sure, but not beyond us if we attack it with the purpose of mastering it.

The productive capacity of this great country has been expanded by the war, far beyond our former vision. What shall we do to take care of this expansion? Create new markets for our goods and increase the potentialities of our former channels of trade; and in attempting both of these we may expect the keenest competition. Economic waste and inefficiency will have to be reduced to a minimum, goods must be standardized, and the art of buying and the science of selling more carefully studied and developed. The cost of production and transportation will become more vital elements than ever before. Our constantly growing merchant marine must be able to compete with foreign shipowners to an extent it has never been able to before. Whatever questions may arise, it is certain that the financial and industrial power of America will be drawn on to its full extent if order is to be obtained from present chaotic conditions.

If America is to hold her position of industrial and financial leadership, we must become investors not only in our own Government bonds, but in foreign securities as well. Europeans now own fewer American securities, and consequently have lost the lucrative income they formerly enjoyed from them. It is estimated that between $2,000,000,000 and $2,500,000,000 of American paper was held abroad, and $2,000,000,000 more was lent to Europe before we entered the conflict. Since that time about $8,000,000,000 in the form of loans has been advanced to the Allies. We hold about onethird of the total gold coin and bullion of the world, and we have an enormous trade balance in our favor. We do not want more gold, and we cannot hope for some time to buy from Europe any quantity of her goods which could materially reduce this trade balance; therefore how can we hope to obtain a settlement from Europe of her indebtedness to, us unless we shall establish foreign credits in the shape of collaterally secured loans?

These must be made interesting to the American investor, for, if the private investor does not buy, the financial institutions will be forced to; and the same arguments which hold against the policy of overloading the banks with our own Liberty Bonds exist to possibly a greater extent in regard to foreign obligations in order that America may hold the position she now

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America's Obligation and Opportunity (Continued) holds; for it is generally recognized that whatever affects the prosperity or happiness of one nation affects in some degree the prosperity and happiness of other nations. It is to the benefit of all that each nation be as prosperous as possible. American capital invested abroad will perform an invaluable service by helping other peoples to help themselves. This is a humanitarian work and a patriotic duty as well as good business; for do we not wish our flag admired and respected in the field of commerce as it has been honored and victorious on the battlefields of Europe?

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