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classic on the subject, Wilson's "Treatise
on English Punctuation," and timely as a

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S. Hall Young was among the first to undergo the hardships of the Chilkoot Pass on the thrilling dash to reach the Klondike. His new book

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contains experiences both wide and varied which he
relates with zest and vigor. His stories in no way
suffer in comparison with those invented by writers
of popular fiction,.and have the added quality of
being the record of genuine experiences and personal
adventures in the frozen North. Illus. $1.25 net

The Klondike Clan Illus. $1.50 net
Alaska Days with John Muir $1.25 net


th Edition. Revised aud Enlarged.
Many New Illustrations. $1.25 net



[blocks in formation]

cent system. It is a book for critical stu-
dents rather than for casual readers, and
will well repay
authors and printers.

careful examination by

Pronunciation of Standard English in
America (The). By George Philip Krapp.
The Oxford University Press, New York.
"Wherever a question of choice between
two pronunciations arises, there is rarely
any difficulty in making a choice after the
facts are once known. It is the province of
a book like this to show students how they
may become sure of their facts, not to
make their choices for them." So
says the
author. The extremely interesting and ju-
dicious conclusions of his book require real
study on the reader's part to make them
valuable, on account of the somewhat caba-
listic system of phonetic symbols used.
When these are mastered, the book will
prove a gold mine for orthoepists.


American Year Book (The). A Record of
Events and Progress. 1918. Edited by Francis
G. Wickwire, B.A., B.Sc. D. Appleton &
Co., New York.

Dwellers in Arcady. By Albert Bigelow Paine.
Illustrated. Harper & Brothers, New York.
Here is a pleasantly written account of
the reclaiming of an abandoned farm by
fortunate people who found only happiness
in their venture. There are touches of

FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY humor in the book, with many attractive

NEW YORK: 158 5th Ave., CHICAGO: 17 N. Wabash Ave.

The New Books (Continued) looking at America's share in the war from a somewhat detached standpoint. Force Supreme (The). By Walter Wellman. The George H. Doran Company, New York. The stake of the late war, as Mr. Wellman says, was the type of civilization the world is to have hereafter. It is not enough

to have won the war. We must now work
out the will of a triumphant world. That
must be done by the master peoples, and it
must be done by the law of association-a
world organized, a world of co-operation,
a world which will recognize and act upon
the truth that a wrong to any member of
the community is a wrong to the commu-
nity. Mr. Wellman's suggestions are inter-

Valley of Vision (The). By Henry van Dyke.
Illustrated. Charles Scribner's Sons, New

Dr. van Dyke's delicate art has made out of some of his experiences in the war a volume that will attract many readers whose appetite for ordinary war stories is by this time satiated. In addition, there are here some dream stories that are quite unusual in their charm.

War Diary of a Diplomat (The). By Lee Meriwether. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Mr. Meriwether is well known as a lively narrator and commentator on men and things seen. It must be about thirty years ago that his book "A Tramp Trip" told how he saw Europe on fifty cents a day, Lately he saw it in war time as a special assistant to our Ambassador in France. He had quite unusual experiences, and, as usual with him, talked with laborers and peasants, studied industry and life closely, and has amusing and odd stories to relate.

[blocks in formation]

pictures, and "Dwellers in Arcady" will
be read with interest by the many people
who long for a home in the "real country."
Farmer and the New Day (The). By Kenyon

L. Butterfield. The Macmillan Company,
New York.

Every thoughtful farmer will find in-
formation and inspiration in this book, and
if our Congressmen, Senators, and public
men generally would read it their eyes
might be opened to the necessity for a
larger programme on the part of legislators
in establishing agriculture on a better basis
in the productive activities of the Nation.
Here are two pregnant sentences of the
author's: "The war has revealed a vacant
chair at the Nation's council-table-the
chair of the farmer. . .,. Collective action
of farmers must replace the futile aims of
single-handed endeavor."

Woman Question (The). By Ellen Key, G. L.

Dickinson, and Others. Compiled and Edited
by T. R. Smith. (The Modern Library of the
World's Best Books.) Boni & Liveright, Inc.,
New York.

How to Sell Your

Real Estate

Doran Books



THE GRAND FLEET, 1914-1916; Its Creation, Development and Work. By ADMIRAL VISCOUNT JELLICOE, of Scapa. "Admiral Jellicoe's book is a tonic, spiritual, moral, mental, and even physical."-Rear Admiral Fiske, U.S. N. Octavo. Net, $6.00


THE WAY TO VICTORY: Vol. I, The Menace; Vol. II, The Repulse. By PHILIP GIBBS. This great panorama of the war, drawn by the most widelyread writer on the great conflict.

Maps. 2 Vols. Octavo. Net, $5.00


RICE. The true story of how the war
was won when the Huns failed at the
First Battle of the Marne.

Maps. 8vo. Net, $2.00


A new

plan for social reconstruction, as radical
as the Copernican theory in its day.
12mo. Net, $1.35


JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Secretary of the
Navy. A vivid and official account of
our navy at work.
12mo. Net, $2.00


One of the most interesting interpreta-
tions of American history ever written
by a foreigner.
12mo. Net, $2.50


[blocks in formation]

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HE most interesting insect in the

Tworld will be seen this summer, per

haps in very large numbers, over large areas of the United States. The insect referred to is the periodical cicada, commonly miscalled the seventeen-year locust, to which some mystery has always been attached and around which many superstitions have gathered. The name seventeen-year locust is incorrect in at least two particulars: First, it is not a locust at all, that name being properly applied only to members of the grasshopper family; and, second, while it has a seventeen-year period, it also has a thirteen-year period. It has so long been called by the name of locust, however, that there is no hope of divesting it of that incorrect appellation.

The periodical cicada spends either sevteen or thirteen years, lacking a few weeks, in slow development underground. Then millions of individuals attain maturity almost at the same moment and emerge for

protection can be employed that will save the
young and tender stock from serious injury.
While the periodical cicada appears in
some portion of the United States in almost
every year, the 1919 swarm is expected to
be one of the most numerous, as it will in-
clude the largest brood of the seventeen-
year family and a small brood of the thir-
teen-year family. There are thirty broods
in all. The year 1868 was the greatest
locust year in history. In that year Brood
19, the largest of the thirteen-year broods,
appeared in conjunction with Brood 10, the
two combining to make an unprecedented
infestation. The coincidence of the largest
seventeen-year brood with a smaller thir-
teen-year brood this year will hardly bring
about conditions approaching those of 1868.

The United States Department of Agri-
culture has long kept close check on all
the broods of both races, and is able to say
with accuracy just when and over what
territory any brood will appear. The work

[blocks in formation]

a, adult; b, same, side view; c, shed pupal skin. About 11⁄2 times natural size

a noisy and strenuous existence above ground, terminating in exhaustion and death after about five weeks. During that period the females lay their eggs by chiseling grooves in the small branches of trees. This results in apparently great damage to forest, orchard, and other trees, but the fear aroused is out of proportion to the real damage likely to be done. This fear appears to have existed with the savages, and has remained with their civilized successors notwithstanding the fact that the cicada has been under investigation for well over two hundred years, and the appearance of the swarms is foretold by entomologists as accurately as eclipses of the moon are foretold by astronomers.

Upon every appearance of large broods of the cicada fear is aroused that trees will be destroyed. There would seem to be some ground for such a fear. The number of the insects is so tremendous that one can hardly understand how they can deposit their eggs in the young and tender branches of the trees without killing them. Yet the fact remains that there have been outbreaks of cicadas in some sections of the United States in most of the years since this country was discovered and that no very great damage has ever been done. Very young fruit trees sometimes are killed or seriously injured, but little or no permanent injury is done to forest trees or mature trees of any kind, and measures of

of classifying and locating the various
broods with their periods of recurrence
began a long while ago and was attended
for some time with considerable confusion.
It was generally believed that the period
of recurrence was seventeen years, but
every once in a while there would be an
outbreak that failed to coincide with any
possible seventeen-year period, and investi-
gators were getting different results, with
periods apparently ranging all the way
from ten years to seventeen years. All this
work was done on the assumption that all
periodical cicadas were alike, and the rec-
ords were getting decidedly snarled before
the discovery that the thirteen-year family
is separate and distinct from the seventeen-
year family. The honor of this discovery
belongs to Dr. D. L. Phares, an independ-
ent investigator of Woodville, Mississippi,
who, on May 17, 1845, published an article
in which he asserted the existence of a
thirteen-year race. The fact was definitely
accepted in 1869, the year following the
greatest locust outbreak, when Dr. B. D.
Walsh and Professor C. V. Riley recorded
the investigations that became the basis of
the accumulated knowledge of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture.

The two broods due this year are Brood
10, which belongs to the seventeen-year
family, and Brood 18, which belongs to the
thirteen-year family. The former will ap-
pear mostly in Northern territory and the

buy with your

ears as well as

your eyes

-and you won't mistake a peacock for a nightingale or an ordinary talking machine for a jeweled Pathé.

Listen to the Pathé with the Sapphire Ball and all-wood violin tone chamber. You hear every noteevery word clearly, distinctly, no scratching metallic sounds. You cannot help being impressed with the Pathé superiority in tone when you buy with your ears.

Your eyes will see the tiny (hand-polished) Sapphire Ball gliding smoothly round and round without wearing or cutting the groove.

See it rubbed across the recordchildren often do this-without hurting it. And remember, no needles to change.

See the beautifully finished cabinets of selected woods.

Even if you buy with your eyesyou will see many advantages in the Pathé Instrument not found in the ordinary talking machine.

Go to the Pathé dealer nearest your home and hear the tone of an instrument as clear as the song of a nightingale, in a cabinet as big and beautiful as a peacock.

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Seventeen-Year Locusts " Due in 1919 (Continued) latter in Southern territory. The whole or portions of twenty States are included within this range. They are Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia. It is a little hard to understand, however, how the insect can play a very important engagement in some of these States without getting into neutral territory, such as the States immediately adjoining.

The seventeen-year pest has disregarded so many of the accepted ethics of warfare in the past three or four thousand years that a little thing like violating neutral territory would not be expected to give it any more concern than the ruthless shooting up of Belgium gave ex-Kaiser William and his gray-suited cicadas in human form. But it is to the credit of the cicada that he lets you know when he is coming, and gives you ample time to arrange your defenses.

Latitude does not make any material difference in the time for the emergence of the insects. This ranges from the last week in May to the first in June. About this time the woods and orchards will be resounding with the shrill drums of the insects, and the leaves of the trees where the brood is well represented will be studded with the cast skins deposited by the industrious and noisy little workers. Trees that exude gummy substances, such as pines and cedars, are generally avoided by the cicada when it is ready to deposit its In the orchard the apple tree is eggs. the prime favorite, with the peach and pear in close order, though all the others, and even the grape vines, are pounced upon.

The putting out of young orchards this spring is to be discouraged, according to experts. Such plantings should be deferred until fall, when danger from the great cicada swarm will be past; and already planted should not be pruned. young trees Some other ameliorative measures recommended, such as hand-picking the insects from young trees, sprays at the time of emergence, and whitewashing of trees at the beginning of the laying period, which is around July 1.


One of the superstitions connected with the periodical cicada is the notion among some people that they could identify the cry of the insect as a resemblance to the pronunciation of the name Pharaoh, the Egyptian monarch who so relentlessly persecuted the ancient Jews. Attention has also been called to the dark bars that occur on the filmy wings of the insect in the shape of the letter "W," which to many used to mean that the coming of the pests was a forerunner of war. Since, however, the coming outbreak will arrive just at the conclusion of the greatest war, some new calamity will evidently have to be suggested this time.

There have always been reports of death caused by the sting of the cicada, despite the fact that the insect has no sting and no means for infecting any one. The cicada has a bill, and what is termed an ovipositor, the organ in which the eggs are stored during the process of development. Entomologists long ago dispelled the popular fancy that there was any fight or poison in the cicada or that his mission in life was other than to cut into trees to find lodgment for the eggs necessary to keep up the line of succession of the thirteen and seventeen year tribes.

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HE cutting edge of every razor-"ordinary" or "safety scopic teeth. Magnified 1000 times these teeth look like the teeth of a crosscut saw. See illustration above.

and hurt your face.

Now, rust forms on these teeth. This makes the blade dull-makes it " pull " You don't wipe any "safety" or "ordinary" razor blade dry enough to prevent this "surface rusting." Apply 3-in-One shaving oil before and after shaving. 3-in-One positively prevents rust on any metal.

This is the way to have a perfect shave: Moisten your thumb and forefinger with a few drops of 3-in-One. Draw razor blade between them. Then if an "ordinary" razor, strop in the usual way, first putting a few drops on the strop. You'll be surprised and delighted at the keen edge that comes so quickly and shaves so perfectly.

After shaving, be sure to repeat the oiling. That will absolutely prevent any rust forming between shaves. 3-in-One makes the razor slip over the face "slick and smooth." Also prevents the soap from burning or smarting after even a close shave. 3-in-One shaving oil has a delicate, agreeable odor..

You can get 3-in-One at any good drug, hardware or general store. East of the Rocky Mountain States, 15c, 25c and 50c in bottles; also 25c Handy Oil Cans.


A postal will bring you a generous free sample. Also the scientific "Razor Saver" circular. Write this very day and prove these things for your own self.

Three-in-One Oil Co.

165 AER. Broadway

New York








in every line of household, educational, business, or personal service-domestic workers, teachers, nurses, business or professional assistants, etc., etc.—whether you require help or are seeking a situation, may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article to sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive circular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address

[subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors]

Department of Classified Advertising,

THE OUTLOOK, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York

After shaving

Even if you shave daily, Hinds

Cream will give the skin a soft, smooth, comfortable feeling, and free it of irritation from soap or a close shave. Its use invigorates and refines the skin, bringing an improved appearance to men's complexions. Refreshingly cool relief follows its use on sunburned skin, and healing quickly follows. The new non-leakable cap makes the bottle ideal for travelers' use.

SAMPLES: Be sure to enclose stamps with your request. Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 2c. Both Cold and Disappearing Cream 4c. Talcum 2c. Trial cake Soap 8c. Sample Face Powder 2c., Trial Size 15c. Attractive Week-end Box 50c. Hinds Cream Toilet Necessities are selling everywhere, or will be mailed, postpaid in U. S. A., from Laboratory.

[blocks in formation]

We have also received a shipment of fine Japanese Mosaic work many months delayed by reason of the embargo. These are offered at old prices.

Tea Cloths in three designs with Napkins to match, 36x36 inches $7.50, 45x45 inches $12.00, 54x54 inches $16.50 each. 14x14 inch Napkins $10.00 per dozen. Scarfs 20x36 in. $3.75, 20x45 in. $4.25, 20x54 in. $4.75, 20x63 in. $5.25. Tea Cloths 36x36 in. two designs $5.50. Napkins 14x14 in. to match $7.50 doz.

MAIL ORDER SERVICE: Any of the merchandise described or illustrated above may be ordered with complete satisfaction through our mail order service.

James McCutcheon & Co.

Fifth Avenue, 34th and 33d Sts., N. Y.

Reg. Trade Mark


The German peace envoys are, it is reported, to be housed at Versailles in the charming Hôtel des Réservoirs, once the home of Mme. de Pompadour. In this same hotel, in 1871, Bismarck and von Moltke lived while negotiations for peace after the Franco-German War were being conducted. One or two members of the hotel's staff retain vivid memories of those days of humiliation for France and for themselves. Their hour of triumph has certainly arrived.

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Speaking of the Franco-German War of half a century ago, a subscriber indulges in this reminiscence: "My earliest impression of the Germans was that they were heavy consumers of beer. As a ten-yearold boy I was walking one morning in 1871 in the streets of Newark, New Jersey, with my father. A man passed crying in stentorian tones, Extra! Emperor Napoleon Surrenders at Sedan!' My father stopped him and bought a paper. It is true, my boy, he said to me. This is a great historic day. To-night there will be great. rejoicing among the many Germans here. Their beer gardens will be full of noisy, shouting, drinking men and women.' And they were. But little did those triumphant revelers realize that some of them might live to see the day when Bismarck's work would be completely undone in their old home and their sacred beer would be banished from their adopted country! What have they or their descendants left to live for?"

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The "comics in the daily papers are frequently banal and sometimes foolish; but occasionally one has point and humor; this, for instance, from the New York "World:" Jeff-"I'm against this League of Nations." Mutt-" Why? Political reasons?" "No; musical reasons." "What do you mean?" "I mean this: It took me forty-two years to learn to sing' My Country, 'tis of Thee,' and now we'll have to learn to sing Our Countries, 'tis of Those '!"

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Trees are to be planted in an Avenue of Victory in Brooklyn as a memorial to fallen soldiers and sailors. Each tree will bear a plate giving the name of the man in whose memory the tree is planted. The cost of the tree, eight dollars, is contributed by friends or relatives, while the city's Park Department will plant and care for the tree and provide the name plate.

He was an airman, says the London "Sphere;" one of the kind who are not loquacious about their exploits. She tried to draw him out, with this result: She: "What does it feel like to fly ?" He: "Oh, rippin'." She (after a barren pause): "Good floor last night at the dance?" He: "Toppin'." Another pause, then-She: "Tell me about Mesopotamia. What was it like?" He (with energy): "Oh, blotto!" This last bit of slang is perhaps a successor to the now obsolescent American " n. g."

The famous prison of old Paris, the Bastille, was well guarded, and few prisoners ever escaped from it. The first man who broke out, according to "The Romance of Escapes," by Tighe Hopkins, was the Abbé Count de Buquoit, an adventurer of the early part of the eighteenth century. With a small file he cut the gratings of his cell window. He constructed a ladder from the wicker casings of wine bottles, eked out with scraps of sheets. On a dark night he and two companions descended to the moat by this ladder. His

By the Way (Continued) companions were captured, but Buquoit evaded the sentries and made good his escape to Switzerland.

During the war the road over the Mont Cenis Pass was used even in winter by trains of motor cars. Several thousand men, it is said, were employed to keep the Pass free from snow. The travel was mainly between Turin and Modane, a distance of eighty miles. Twenty-one thiles of this was steady climbing to the top of the Pass, 7,000 feet up. Many thousands of cars, it is reported, were sent from Italy to France by this route. One set of drivers was kept exclusively for the most difficult part of the road.

The Federal Trade Commission has issued an order, it is announced, providing that a moving-picture firm must not change the name of an old, used film and show it again unless it is " clearly, definitely, distinctly, and unmistakably "made known to the public that the film with the new title is an old one reissued. This to prevent deception; for probably few people care to see a film twice. Perhaps "Cabiria," "Civilization," ""Joan of Arc," and a few others are exceptions to this rule.

What is the most interesting country in the world for the tourist? The question was asked recently of a traveler of wide experience. "If I could wake up to-morrow morning in any place of my choice," he answered, "it would be Egypt. The charm of the Nile scenery, the fascination of the stupendous monuments of antiquity, and the attraction of the picturesque people that one meets there, combine to make Egypt the most interesting country in the world. Besides, do you know that Cairo has more 'double stars' in Baedeker-that sign of a first-class wonder-than Florence or Venice, and, if I mistake not, even London ?"

The sale at a New York book auction, remarks "The Writer," of a copy of Edgar Allan Poe's first book, "Tamerlane," printed in Boston in 1827, for $11,600the highest price ever paid for any Ameri

can book-and, at another New York auc-
tion, of the dedication copy of Milton's
"Comus" for $1,425, may
be encouraging

to modern authors by showing them what
sums their works may sell for a century or
three hundred years from now.


The advantages of system and standardized methods are shown in the getting of meals as in everything else. Table d'hôte meals are much cheaper and easier to prepare than à la carte meals. Hear the Railway Age" on the subject: "The traveler cannot get as good a meal for $2.25 under the à la carte system as he could for $1.25 with the table d'hôte. The able dining-car steward under the table d'hôte system could serve dinner to more than two complete cars full of diners without confusion, with the food well cooked and hot, table linen clean and waiters and cooks unhurried. This is not possible, apparently, under the à la carte system."

Whether the following excerpt from the Williamsville, North Dakota, "Item" is a bona fide apology, or only the work of the office humorist, it has originality:

We wish to apologize to Mrs. Orville Over-
holt. In our paper last week we had as a
headline "Mrs. Overholt's Big Feet."
word we ought to have used is a French word,
but spelled "fete."

pronounced the same way,


It means a celebration, and is considered a

very tony word.

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