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"I was astounded at my new power over men and women. People actually went out of their way
to do things for me, they seemed EAGER TO PLEASE ME"

The Secret of Making
People Like You

"Getting people to like you is the quick road to suc-
cess - it's more important than ability," says this
man. It surely did wonders for him. How he does
it-a simple method which anyone can use instantly.

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Harrison and myself. That was
the way I felt about it, too.

LL the office was talking about it, and we wondering which one of us Harrison was big enough for the job, and could undoubtedly make would be the lucky man. a success of it. But, personally, I felt that I had the edge on him in lots of ways. And I was sure that the firm knew it, too.

There was an important job to be filled-as Assistant-to-thePresident. According to the general run of salaries in the office, this one would easily pay from $7,000 to $10,000 a year.

The main requisite, as we understood it, was striking personality and the ability to meet even the biggest men in their offices, their clubs, and their homes on a basis of absolute equality. This the firm considered of even more importance than knowledge of knowledge of the business.

You know just what happens when news of this sort gets around an office. The boys got to picking the man among themselves. They had the choice all

narrowed down to two men

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Never shall I forget my thrill of pleasure when the president's secretary came into my office with a cheery smile, looked at me meaningly, handed me a bulletin and said, "Mr. Frazer, here is the news about the new Assistant-to-thePresident." There seemed to be a new note of added respect in her attitude toward me. I smiled my appreciation as she left desk.


At last I had come into my own! Never did the sun shine so brightly as on that morning, and never did it seem so good to be alive! These were my thoughts as I gazed out of the window, seeing not the hurrying throngs, but vivid pictures of my new position flashing before me. And then for a further joyous thrill I read the bulletin. It said, "Effective January 1, Mr. Henry J. Peters, of our Cleveland office, will

assume the duties of Assistant-to-thePresident.at the home office.'

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Peters! Peters!-surely it couldn't be Peters! Why, this fellow Peters was Peronly a branch-office salesman. . . sonality! Why, he was only five feet four inches high, and had no more personality than a mouse. Stack him up against a big man and he'd look and act like an office boy. I knew Peters well and there was nothing to him, nothing at all.

January the first came and Peters assumed his new duties. All the boys. were openly hostile to him. Naturally, I felt very keenly about it, and didn't exactly go out of my way to make things pleasant for him-not exactly!

But our open opposition didn't seem to bother Peters. He went right on with his work and began to make good. Soon I noticed that, despite my feelings against him, I was secretly beginning to admire him. He was winning over the other boys, too. It wasn't long be fore we all buried our little hatchets and palled up with Peters.

The funny thing about it was the big hit he made with the people we did business with. I never saw anything like it. They would come in and write in and telephone in to the firm and praise Peters to the skies. They insisted on doing business with him, and gave him orders of a size that made us dizzy to look at. And offers of positions!— why, Peters had almost as many fancy

figure positions offered to him as a dictionary has words.

What I could not get into my mind was how a little, unassuming, ordinaryto-look-at-chap like Peters could make such an impression with everyone-especially with influential men. He seemed to have an uncanny influence over people. The masterly Peters of today was an altogether different man from the commonplace Peters I had first met years ago. I could not figure it out, nor could the other boys.

One day at luncheon I came right out and asked Peters how he did it. I half expected him to evade. But he didn't. He let me in on the secret. He said he was not afraid to do it as there was always plenty of room at the top.

What Peters told me acted on my mind in exactly the same way as when you stand on a hill and look through binocular glasses at objects in the far distance. Many things I could not see before suddenly leaped into my mind with startling clearness.

A new sense of power surged through me. And I felt the urge to put it into action.

Within a month I was getting remarkable results. I had suddenly become popular. Business men of importance who had formerly given me only a passing nod of acquaintance, suddenly showed a desire for my friendship. I was invited into the most select social circles. People-even strangers-actually went out of their way to do things for me. At first I was astounded at my new power over men and women. Not only could I get them to do what I wanted them to do, but they actually anticipated my wishes and seemed eager to please me. But let me tell you some of my experiences.

One of our biggest customers had a grievance against the firm. He held off payment of a big bill and switched to one of our competitors. I was sent to see him. He met me like a cornered tiger. A few words and I calmed him. Inside of fifteen minutes he was showering me with apologies. He gave me a check in full payment, another big order, and promised to continue giving us all his business.


For certain reasons it became necessary for the firm to obtain a signed letter from a prominent public man. Three of our men had tried, and failed. Then was given the job. I felt I had been made the "goat." But I got the signed letter, and with it an inside tip which enabled us to land a prize order about which our competitors are still guessing

and wondering.

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Then trouble.sprang up at one of our factories. The men talked strike. Things looked ugly. I was sent to straighten it out. On the eve of a general walkout, I pacified the men and headed off the strike. And not only this, but ever since then this factory has led all our other plants in production.

I could tell you dozens of similar instances, but they all tell the same story-the ability to make people like story-the ability to make people like you, believe what you want them to believe, and to do what you want them to do. Í take no personal credit for what I have done. All the credit I give to the

method Peters told me about. We have told it to lots of our friends, and it has enabled them to do just as remarkable things as Peters and I have done.


Which reminds me: One of my wife's close friends moved to another town where she a stranger. My wife of course knew of my method. She told it to her friend with the idea that it might be of assistance to her in meeting new people. It helped her so wonderfully that in a very short time she won the close friendship of many of the "best families" in the town. Every one wonders how she did it. But WE know.

But you want to know what method I used to do all these remarkable things. It is this: You know that every one doesn't think alike. What one likes another dislikes. What pleases one offends another. And what offends one pleases another. Well, there is your cue. You can make an instant hit with any one if you say the things they want you to say, and act the way they want you to act. Do this and they will surely like you, and believe in you, and will go miles out of their way to PLEASE YOU.

You can do this easily by knowing certain simple signs. Written on every man, woman and child are signs, as clearly and as distinctly as though they were in letters a foot high, which show you from one quick glance exactly what to say and to do to please them to get them to believe what you want them to believe-to think as you think-to do exactly what you want them to do.

In knowing these simple signs is the whole secret of getting what you want out of life

- of making friends, of business and social advancement. Every great leader uses this method. That is why he IS a leader. Use it yourself and

you will quickly become a leadernothing can stop you. And you will

want to use it for no other reason than to protect yourself against others.

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What Peters told me at luncheon that day was this: "Get Dr. Blackford's Reading Character at Sight.' I did so. This is how I learned to do all the remarkable things I have told you about.

You have heard of Dr. Blackford, the Master Character Analyst. Many concerns will not employ a man without first getting Dr. Blackford to pass on him. Concerns such as Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Baker-Vawter Company, Scott Paper Company and many others pay Dr. Blackford large annual fees for advice on dealing with human nature.

So great was the demand for these services that Dr. Blackford could not even begin to fill all the engagements. So Dr. Blackford has explained the method in a simple seven-lesson course entitled "Reading Character at Sight." Even a half hour's reading of this remarkable course will give you an insight into human nature and a power over people which will surprise you.



Such confidence have the publishers in Dr. Blackford's course, Reading Character at Sight," that they will gladly send it to you on approval. Send no money. Merely fill in and mail the coupon. The complete course will go to you instantly, on approval, all charges prepaid. Look it over thoroughly. See if it lives up to the claims made for it. If you do not want to keep it, then return it, and the transaction is closed. And if you decide to keep it as you surely will then merely remit Five Dollars in full payment.

Remember, you take no risk, you assume no obligation. The entire course goes to you on approval. You've everything to gain-nothing to lose. So mail the coupon NOW, while this remarkable offer remains open.




Outlook 6-11-19

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School of Oratory

AUniversity Professional School

FFERS a two year professional course for the study of Expression, Public Speaking, Story Telling, Public Address, School Dramatics, etc. For readers and speakers. A diploma course.

A four year college and professional course leading to a Bachelor's degree and to the Speech Diploma, Graduate in Speech Arts. For teachers, readers, speakers and students who wish a college education with a maximum emphasis on Public Speaking, Debate, etc. Address Director Ralph Dennis, Box 15, Evanston, Ill.


DEAN ACADEMY, Franklin, Mass.


LES ALIZIERS, Vevey, Switzerland
Home school for girls. Charming site on the north shore of
Lake Geneva. Girls received at any time in the year.
Special advantages for the study of French. Address
M. et MME. CHAMOREL, Vevey, Switzerland.


SUMMER CAMP FOR YOUNG BOYS The Housemother of one of the great preparatory schools for boys will receive ten boys from seven to fourteen years old into her Lodge on the Maine Coast near Portland for the summer. Ocean front and pine woods. Second story bedrooms or tents with counselors. Athletics, recreation, tutoring. Number strictly limited and absolutely satisfactory references required. Especial oversight and mothering. Address Mrs. I. T. Bagley, The Tome School, Port Deposit, Md.

CAMP OXFORD A Summer Camp for Boys,
Nineteenth Season. Highest efficiency at minimum rates.


YOUNGER BOYS EXCLUSIVELY Woodcraft,nature study, manual training,all sports and swimming. H. O. LITTLE, Lincoln High School, Jersey City, N. J.


Eugene Hayden, Director

In the Maine Woods. For boys, 12 to 18. A 250 mile canoe trip of seven weeks. You get some real fishing and see lots of game. Number of boys limited to 25, every boy having the best care possible. Lessons in woodcraft.

For booklet and map, write H. J. STORER, Sec'y and Headmaster, 74 Fayette St., Cambridge, Mass.

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These shapely civilianized military shoes-built of the best leathers obtainable and with the best of New England ✰ workmanship-are recognized everywhere as automatically perfect.

Sold in 8,000 retail stores. If you are not near one, we will fit you correctly and quickly through our MAIL ORDER DEP'T at Boston JOS. M. HERMAN SHOE CO. 825 Albany Building BOSTON, MASS.


MINT&Blue Mt. Lake, Fishing, swimming, ONT BLEU. An Adirondack Summer Camp for canoeing, mountain climbing, tennis, instruction. $200 for season, $120 for five weeks. Write for booklet to JOHN MCCORMACK, A.M., Stevens School, Hoboken, N. J.


CAMP AREY for Girls

On Beautiful LAKE KEUKA, N. Y.

It makes for a sound mind in a sound body. All athletics, dramatics, cercle français, etc. Seventh season. Mrs. André C. Fontaine, 334 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.


N. C.

Home care, Camp fun. Gipsying, Mt. Climbing, Interpretive Dancing, Hand Craft, Nature Study, Camp Honors, Sewing, Domestic Science, Gardening, Competent Councilors. Address Camp Mother, Mrs. BELLE ABBOTT ROXBY.


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YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered in New York State, offers a 3 years' course-a general training to refined, educated women. Require ments one year high school or is equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York.

MIDDLESEX GENERAL HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES New Brunswick, N. J., offers a course in training to refined young women having had one year high school or its equivalent. Monthly allowance. Apply to SUPERINTENDENT.

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