"Have I offended? is my fault so great, "That truth and friendship cannot change thy hate? At once, each fiend around his heartstrings twines,- And beam'd forgiveness, ere they closed their last. "O thought most dreadful! how my blood congeals! "How every vein increasing horror feels! "How faint his visage, and how droops his head! Those lips, that once gave rapture to her breast, The father stood, nor comfort could bestow. "Here stretch thy limbs, thou wretch! O may this blast "Bear death, and may this moment be thy last! "May blackest night eternal hold her reign; "And may the sun forget to light the plain ! "Ye shades, surround me! darkness hide my sin! ""Tis dark without, but darker still within. "O Abel! O my brother! could not all 66 66 Thy love for me preserve thee from thy fall! Why did not Heaven avert that deadly blow, "That dreadful, hated wound, that laid thee low! "O I'm in hell! each breath, each blast alarms, "And every maddening demon is in arms: "The voice of God, the curse of Heaven I hear; "The name of murder'd Abel strikes my ear, "Rolls in the thunder, rustles in the trees, "And Abel! Abel! murmurs in the breeze. "Still fancy scares me with his dying groan, "And clothes each scene in horrors not its own. "Curst be that day, the harbinger of woes, "When first my mother felt a mother's throes; "When sweetly smiling on my infant face, "She blest the firstling of a future race. "O Death! thou hidden, thou mysterious bane! "Can all thy terrors equal living pain ?— "Yet still there lies a world beyond the grave, "From whence no death, no subterfuge can save. 66 Thou, God of Vengeance! these my sufferings see,— "To all the God of Mercy, but to me! "O soothe the tortures of my guilty state,― 66 My brother! thou canst see how deep I grieve; "Look down, thou injured angel, and forgive! "Far hence, a wretched fugitive, I roam, "The earth my bed, the wilderness my home. "Far hence I stray from these delightful seats, "To solitary tracts, and drear retreats. "Yet ah! the very beasts will shun my sight, "Will fly my bloody footsteps with affright. "No brother they, no faithful friend have slain, "Detested only for that crime is Cain. "Had I but lull'd each fury of my soul, "Had held each rebel passion in control, "To nature and to God had faithful proved, "And loved a brother as a brother loved,-"Then had I sunk into a grave of rest, "And Cain had breathed his last on Abel's breast!" The following juvenile exercises (composed amidst the hurry of public examinations, and within the short time allowed on such occasions) were thought to give fair promise of future excellence in Latin versification. Some of the best verses which he wrote have been lost; and he never applied himself afterwards to the cultivation of his talents in that way. GRÆCIA CAPTA FERUM VICTOREM CEPIT. Intenta bellis, et rudis artium, Sed non Camœnas; hæ placido domant, Hæ sæva cultu pectora molliunt, Roma ferox Latiumque fluxit. Raptâ sonori Mæonidis tubâ, Dignos magistro dat numeros Maro; Audaxque clangorem strepentem Mel dulce libavit, Poetæ Aonii labiis caducum. |