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The Scotch Lords are come all, some the last weeke, others last Satturday, yet it is sd my Ld. Louden is scarse well, that buisiness will wholy imploy the Parliamt.


My service Remembered &c. the Newes by this weeks post is not much, But that my Lord Keeper is in a place caled Paris: Secretary Windebanks is Layd vp in Bastile in ffrance for interceptinge the Kinge of ffrance his Letters formerly sent.-The Scotts Parliam' begins the 17th April next, and theire incendiaries are to goe home and be tried by theire owne Parliam1.-The Army of Irish imbanded by Earle of Strafford is to be disbanded because they const of Papists.-2 Imbassadors are come from ffrance to examine the Kings Revenewes and find them to be 6360000£ p an, and other Receipts 130000 pan.-Duke of Braganza Crowned Kinge of Portugall. Some of the Councell at Yorke are examined as S. Walter Mountague & some others and found seducers, and therefore Restrayned of theire libtyes. -Northumberland Newcastle & Rppbricke exempted from payeinge subsitties.-The Scotts haue received pay vntill the 16th, of ffebruary next.—It is reported the Parliam'. adiourned for the conformaĉon of 40 Acts p'posed at Edingborough.-The Bpp and deputie comes to theire triall wthin this 3 dayes.-Papists pay dooble subsitties, they are in hand to devise a way to Convict them after another manner then form❜ly.-I haue sent you some few verses here inclosed, soe in hast.


A L. from the Marques of Argile, and Sir Willm Armin to Sir Thomas Glomham, dated Janu; 20th. wth. Sir Thomas Glomham's Answere, dated Janu; 23d 1643.


ALLTHOUGH Wee iustly p'sume y the sollemne mutuall Covenant entered into by both kingdomes hath longe since come to your hands, and likewise that you had notice of the raiseinge this Army desired by ye Parliam'. of England for the psecution of those ends therein ppssed (viz) the pservacon & reformation of religion, the true honor & happines of the Kinge, & the publicke peace & liberty of his dominions. yet yt it may appeare to you

& all ye world how vnwillinge wee are to make a forceable vse of those Armes wee haue beene constrained (by the dissapointmt. of all other meanes of safety) to tak vpp. Wee the Commissioners of both Kingdomes haue thought fitt, Beside yt declaration (a copie whereof wee herewith send) lately emitted in the name of the Kingdome of Scotland for the satisfacĉon of the people concerneinge the entrance of this their Army, To take more pticular notice of you the cheife Gentl. & Commanders, hopeinge likewise, yt things of soe great considerable consequence will finde wth, you such an entertainem'. as will answere the weight & importance of them: wee will not soe much wronge ye cause wee haue vndertaken as to goe about after soe many demonstrations of ye necessity of ye p'sent posture to dispute wth. you, but rather in stead of arguments wee thinke it reasonable to acquainte you wth our well weighed resoluĉons wch, are through ye asistance of yt God in whose cause wee are ingaged, and whose strength alone wee trust in, wth our utmost industry and hazard to endeavour ye p'uenčon of y' iminent danger not onely of erruption but of ruine, wch, wee see evidently intended to ye true protestant religion by the Papists & Prelaticall faction, who never wanted will, but now thinke they want not strength & opportunity, to accomplish itt, as allso ye rescueinge of his Maties: pson & honour soe deeply & vnhappily intangled in ye councells & practise of them whose actions speake their ends to bee little better then popery & tirrany, and the redeeminge the peace & liberty of his dominions in wch the irish rebellion, & ye sad & vnnaturall divition in England haue made soe great a breach.

To the accomplishmt of these soe iust & honble: designes wee haue reason to expect ye concurrance of all men who eyther owe or pretend a due loue to their religion, Kinge, & Country, & shalbee very sory to want yours. But yf misinformation or any other vnhappy groundes shall soe farr p'vaile wth. you as to reckone vs in the number of your enimies, wch certeinely wee are not, yf you bee friends to those ends menconed in our couenant, & in stead of yt concurrance wth. vs wch, wee wish & hope to deserue wee find from you opposition & acts of hostllity, the law of nature & your owne reason will tell you what you are to expect. Wee onely add that though itt will not a litle trouble vs to see men wthstandinge not onely vs but their owne good & happinesse, yet itt doth in good measure satisfy vs yt wee haue not neglected this or any other meanes to the best of our power or vnderstandinge to p'vent those inconveniences & mischeefes that may arise from those acts of force which wee shalbee necessiated vnto.




I HAVE this day recd. yors: together wth. one to the Gent. of the Country, and haveinge communicated wth, them, wee returne you this That without the sight of yor L. wee could not haue beene induced by any flyinge rumours to beeleeve that the Scottish nation, or a p'vaileinge pty for the p'sent in that nation would haue attempted any inu'sion of England, soe contrary to the lawes of God, of nations, of both kingdomes, and especially to the late acte of Pacification; soe opposite to yr alleagance & gratitude to his Matie, to that neighbourly loue wch, they pretend, to that discreete care wch, they should haue of their owne safety: wee could not otherwise haue ymagined that they who by his Maties: goodnes enioy a setlment of their Church & state accordeinge to their owne desires should now disloyally & ingratefully imbroyle themselves in a buissines that concernes them not, forfeite their rights, dissableing his Matie: hazard the losse of their p'sent happines; no order of any Committy or Commyties whatsoeu'. of men or Angells canne giue them poure to march into the bowells of another Kingdome; to make offensiue warr against their native Sou'eigne vpon the empty p'tence of evill Councellors who could neu' yet bee named; And for the English Agents wee cannot beeleiue them to bee any Comissioners lawfully authorized eyther by the Parliam'. or by the two houses or yet the house of Commons where soe many of the members are expelled by partiall voats, so many banished by seditious tumults, soe many voluntarily absent themselves out of Conscience; where despation or want of opportunity to departe, or feare of certaine plunder are the cheefest bonds weh, hould the litle remnant together from desertion; Where the unreasonable name of Parliament is made a stall to countenance the pernitious Councellors, and ye acts of a Close Committy for Subiects to make forraine confederacy wthout their Sou❜eignes assent, to invade the territories of their vndoubted Kinge, to goe about by force to change the Lawes & religion established is grosse treason wthout all contradiction, and in this case itt argues strongly who haue beene the Contrivers & fomentors of all our troubles, noe Couenant whatsoeur or, with whom soeur canne iustifie such pceedings, or oblige a subiect to runn such disloyall courses. Yf any mann out of ignorance or feare or credulity haue entered into such a Couenant it bindes him not, except itt bee vnto repentance; neither is there any such necessity (as is p'tended) of your p'sent posture, yourselues cannot alleadge that you are any waies provoaked by vs,

neither are wee conscious to ourselves of ye least intention to molest you; those ends wch, you propose are pleasable indeed to them who doe not vnderstand them; the blackest designes did neu' want the same p'tences; if by the Protestant religion you intend your articles wch, are the publicke Confession of our Church and booke of comon prayer established by act of Parliam., you need not trouble yourselves, wee are ready to defend wth, our blood, yf itt bee otherwise it is plaine to all the world that it is not ye p'servation, but ye innovation of Religion weh, you seeke, howsoeur by you stiled reformation, what callinge haue you to reforme vs by the sword? wee doe not remember that eu the like indignity was offered by one nation vnto another, by a lesser to a greater, that those men who haue heartofore pleaded soe vehemently for liberty of Conscience, against all oathes & subscriptions, should now assume a power to themselues by armes to ympose a law vpon ye consciences of their fellow subiects; a vanquished nation would scarse endure such termes from their Conquerors; but this wee are sure of that this is the way to make ye Protestant religion odious to all Monarchies Xtian or Pagan. Your other two ends that is the honor & happines of the King and the publique peace & liberty of dominions, are soe manifestly contrary to your practisse, that there need noe other motiues to withdraw you from such a course as tends soe directly to make his Matie: contemptible att home & abroade, and to fill all his dominions wth, rapine & blood; In an Army all hath not the same Intentions, wee haue seene ye articles agreed vpon, and those vast sommes & conditions conteined in them; as yf our Countrymen thought that England was a well that could neu' be drawne dry; but whatsoeur ye Intentions bee wee know right well what wilbee the consequence, yf itt were otherwise, noe intention or consequence whatsoeur cann iustify an vnlawful action; And therefore you doe wisely to decline all disputation about itt; It is an easy thing to p'tend (the cause of God) as the Lewes did the temple of the Lord, but this is farr from those evident demonstrations wch, you often mention, neuer make. Consider there must bee an account given to God of all the blood which shalbee shed in this quarrell, ye way to p'vent it is not by such insinuations, but to retire before the sword be vnsheathed, or the breache bee made too wide; you cannot thinke that wee are growne soe tame Creatures to desert our religion, our Kinge, our Lawes, our Liberties, our estates vppon the Command of forreyners, and to suffer ourselues & our posterity to bee made beggers and slaves wthout opposition; If any of ours shall ioyne wth you in this action, wee cannot looke vppon them otherwise then as traytors to their Kinge,


vipers to their natiue Country, and such as haue beene plotters or promoters of this dissigne from ye begininge; but if misinformation or feare haue drawne any of yours ignorantly or vnwillingly vnto this cause, wee desire them to withdraw themselves att last, and not to make themselves accessary to that deluge of mischeefe which this second voyage is like to bringe vppon both Kingdomes.

T. G.

To the Kings most Excellent Matie.

The humble peticon of yo' Maties: most loyall & obedient subiects whose names are vnder written in the behalfe of themselves & diuers others.

Most gracous Sou❜aigne.

THE sence of that Dutie & seruice wch wee owe to yo sacred Matie & or earnest affections to the good & welfare of this yor Realme of England hath moued vs in all humilitie to beseech yor Royall Matie: to giue vs leave to offer to yor princelie wysedome the apprehension wch wee & others of yor faithfull subiects haue conceiued of the great distempers & dangers now threatninge the Church & state of yo' royall pson & of the fittest meanes whereby they may bee remoued & p'vented. The Evills & dangers whereof yor. Matie: may bee pleased to take notice are theise.

That yor sacred pson is exposed to hazard & danger in the p'sent Expedition against the Scottish Army & by occasion of this warr yo' revenewe is much wasted yo' subiects burdened wth. Coate & Conduct money billetinge of Souldiers & other Militarie charges & diu's Rapines & disorders committed in seu'all pts of this yor Realme by the Souldiers raysed for that service & yor, whole Kingdome become full of feares & discontents. The sundrie Innovations in matter of Religion, the Oath & Canons latelie imposed vpon the Clergie & others of yor Maties: subts: The great Increase of Poperie & the Imployinge of popish Recusants & others ill affected to religion by lawe esta⚫blished in places of power & trust especiallie in commanding men & Armes both in the field & sundrie Counties of this Realme whereas by lawe they are not pmitted to haue Armes in theire owne houses

The great mischiefe that may fall vpon this Kingdome if the intentions wch haue beene creddiblie reported of bringinge in Irish forces should take effect.

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