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light horse, and alsoe to all the trayned bands both priuiate and Common to bee in readines wth, their said Armes, vpon an houres warninge, to doe such service as they shall bee required, and that they doe keepe a setled watch both day & night wth. two able discreete men at the least in everie Constablerie wth Musketts Charged, who are hereby commanded to stay & examine everie pson & psons vpon anie cause of suspicion, and to search them for Tres or other things, And if vpon the said search they finde anie Iust cause of suspition that they then forthwth bringe them to the next Iustice a peace to bee Examined, and vpon flight or escape (if anie such bee) to make fresh suit & hew & cry by horse & foote after them vntill they bee apphended, and that you the Chiefe Constables likewyse forthwth in yor owne psons doe giue pticular Notice to all the recusants wthin yor diuision, that they doe keepe themselues wthin their seuerall confines accordinge to the lawe at their pill, and further that vpon anie congregateinge & meeteinge of anie recusants together wthin your diuision that you or the pettie Constables doe Immediatlie giue Notice thereof to the next Iustice of peace that further order may bee taken thereof, fayle yo" not hereof at yo' pill. Dated at the Castle of Yorke the 28th day of Ianuarie Anno domTM 1641.



I HAVE receiued an Order from the Lords and Commons of pliamt, that I shall call to my assistance the Justices of the peace aswell for suppressinge vnlawful Assemblies as alsoe to care for the securinge the Countie and the Magazines in it, to wch purpose I desire you all to repaire to the Cittie of Yorke vpon ffriday next being the xxviij of this Instant Ianuarie by Eight of the Clocke in the Morninge to consider of the fittest Course to bee held for the due pformance of what is required in the said Order, And hereof I desire you not to fayle in a busines soe much Importinge the good and safetie of the Countie, And soe commendinge you to god I rest

Yorke 20th
Ian. 1641

Yor much assured ffriend

Die Iouis 13° Ianuarij 1641

WHEREAS Informacon hath beene giuen to the pliamt that the Lord Digbie (sonne to the Earle of Bristoll) and Colonell Kunsford wth others haue gathered troopes of horse, and haue appeared at Kingston vpon Thames in the Countie of Surrey in a Warlike manner where the Magazine of Armes for that parte of the Countie lyes, to the terror & affright of his Maties, good subjects and disturbance of the publicke weale of this Kingdome. It is this day ordered by the Lords & Commons in pliamt that the Sheriffs of the seuerall Counties of England and Wales callinge to their Assistance the Iustices of the peace and the trayned bands of those seu all Counties or soe many of them as shall bee necessarie for the service shall suppresse all vnlawfull Assemblies gathered together to the disturbance of the publicke peace of the Kingdome in their seu all Counties respectiuelie, and that they take care to secure the said Counties and all the Magazines in them.

Die veneris viz. 14° die Ianuarij 1641.

Ordered by the Lords in pliam' that this Order be printed and published in all the Market Townes in this Kingdome.

JOHN BROWNE Cler. Parliamt.

Imprinted at London by Robt. Barker printer to the Kings most Excellent Matie; and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill.

After our hartie Comendacons

WHEREAS the Kings most excellent Matie: takinge into consideracon the Warlike p'.paracons & Rebellious p'ceedings of some in Scotland ill affected to gouernmt. & his highnes with the advice of his privie councell beeinge resolued forthwith to haue an armie to lie in the Northeren pts of this Kingdome to bee readie for defence & p'seruacon of the same vpõ all occasions hath by his royall letters directed vnto vs vnder his Matics: Signet bearinge date th xxvith of ffebruarie last commaunded vs to take p'sent & effectuall order not onlie to hinder the exportacon out of any porte or place within the Countie of Yorke of any sorte of Corne or Victuall fitt for an Armie but carefullie & p'sentlie to cause puisio to bee made of a good quantitie of Corne & Victuall & likewise of Hay & Strawe for Horses & to cause the same to

bee stowed vpp in fittinge places within the sd Countie for supplie of an Armie as there shall bee occasio.

Theise are in pursuance & obedience of his Maties: said Comaunds to Will & require you and euerie of you forthwith vpo Receit hereof to hinder & make stay of all manner of exportacon carriage or conveyinge by Badgeers or anye other way out of the divisio of Staincliffe & Ewcrosse vnto anye place whatsoeuer forth of the sd Countie of any sort of Corne, Graine, Butter, Cheese or Victualls fitt for supplie of an Armie & likwise that you doe p'sentlie cause puisio to bee made within the sd diuisio of a good quantitie of Corne, Graine, Male & other Victuall & alsoe of Hay & Strawe for Horses and to cause all the sd seu all puisions to bee stored & layed vpp in fittinge places within the same diuisio for the supplie of an Armie as aforesd. Matie: intendinge & willinge vs to assure all such as shall make puisions in this kind that they shall bee dulie payed for whatsoever shall bee receiued from them.


And because his Matics: direcĉons herein doe require speedie & effectuall execucon wee will & require you to vse all possible care & dilligence in the speedie pformance of the same. And that within six dayes after the receit of theise our letters, an exact account of your pceedings & certifie vnto vs by Writinge what puisions of euie kind aforemenĉoned will bee supplied or may bee had within the sd diuisio & what fitt place you have appointed for storinge & layinge vpp the same. soe expectinge yr effectuall endeavors in the p'mised wee bid you hartilie farewell & rest

Pr.claimed at Yorke

4th of March 1638.

Yr verie lov. friends


Io: MELTO ser.

A PTICULAR Note of what Money is behinde & vnpaid of the Pole money wthin the severall pishes of Gigleswicke Gysborne & longe Preston, the pties vpon whome the same were assessed some of them haue billeted souldiers & were not assessed aboue xijd a peice some haue paid in other places and some were gone out of their services & some dead betwixt the tyme of the assessinginge & collectinge of the said pole money as by

seu all certificates vnder the pettie Constables & assessors hands doth appeare.

Allowed to billiters of souldiers not assessed above 12d:18 D

a man


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gone out of their services soe many psons as were assed


43 6

To the Kings most excellent Matie:

The humble peticon of yor Mats Loyall Subts: of the Clergie in the Countie of Yorke, whose Names are hereunder written.

HUMBLIE sheweth to yor sacred Matie: that an Oath is enacted by the Clergie latelie assembled & shortlie to bee imposed wch, to vs seemes offensiue to god, makeinge his word Insufficient to saluation by Ioyninge discipline to it vnder the head of things necessarie to yo' sacred Matie: byndinge vs now to sweare contrarie to or Oath of Supreamacie alreadie taken, and in case of alteračon to necessarie piurie or disobedience to or brethren in all other reformed Churches condemninge them of exerciseing a discipline contrarie to the word of God.

May it therefore please yo' sacred Matie: to free vs yo' obedient subiects of this Oath wch, wee conceiue cannot bee taken wthout guilt of Impietie to god, disloyaltie to yor Matie:, & vncharitablenes to our breethren in other protestant Churches, & yor Maties: peticoners shall daylie pray.


THE Light horse I sent to ye Lrd. Leist, was att Yorke & pontefract where they was dismissed that appeared there, & our man came home ffrom Skipton this morneing, & brought this inclosed lett'; sent yo by my servant, If yo thinke fitting I desire a meeting of vs to morrow (& shall give Mr. Drake notice my selfe & desire y" to send this to Mr Iohnson) to consult of ye best course to pforme out. dutyes vppon this Comand. have adventred to appoynt Gisburne I ffeare yo would thinke it to ffarr to draw yo to Skipton, to Skipton, though I thinke that ffitest place ffor our meeting vppon this occasion, as ye Center of ye Counterey to doe businesse in & most noted


towne But the wayes & wether considered I thinke not of it now least yo thinke Gisburne ffar enough to come & I beseech yo p'sent my service to both my Cozens & accept the like yor selfe ffrom

Yor very affectionate Cozen

January 20th 1660

to serve you


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Septembr. ye 4th. 1662

By vertue of an order to me directed I doe Authorise Thomas Parker Capt: to Collonell Pudsey's Regiment of foote yt hee in his diuision doe vpon ye 9th of this Instant, begine with a dilligent search for armes, in the houses of any psons, except such as are imployed in office of trust vnder his Matie: that now is, or his father of Blessed Memorye, & its further ordered, yt he shall secure such armes, as shall be founde, in such places, as hee shall thincke fitt, till further order and yt he examine all psons whom hee shall Iudge dangerous, & secure theire psons if hee shall finde it nesesarye Given vnder my hands & seale ye day & year aboue sa sd I YORKE

To Captaine Thomas Parker

West Ryd

Com. Ebor

Hen: Marwood Esq Sheriffe of the Countie of Yorke, to the Baliffe of the Wepontacke of Stainclife & Ewcrosse his deputie or deputies,

WHEREAS A Commition is issued forth of his Majesties Court of Exchequer, for the inquiring after & Seazing such parte of the estates of popish recusants in the sd Commition & schedules therevnto annexed to George Viscount Castleton & others directed. Thesse are therefore to will & requier you or one of you, to giue notice vnto the parties herevnder named commitioners in the sd Commition mentioned that the bee pleased psonally to appeare on Tuesday the Sixteenth day of this instant August at Pontefract within the sd Riding there to meete the rest of the Commitioners in order to the executing of the same, & in this faile not.

Given vnder the seale of my office the second day of August
An: Dom: 1675.

Sir JOHN OTWAY, Knight



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