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were directed by warr*: und'. his Matys. Sign Manuell, subscribed by S': Thos: Powis his Matys. Soliciter Gen'all, procured by the Earle of Sund land.

Nobe ye 22: 73

THE Duke went on weddensday to meet ye Dutches who was expected in Towne this day, but tis sd she will not be here before munday, she comes not through ye Cyty but by Land to Lambeth & Crosseth ou: in a barge to Whitehall.

The Diet at Ratisbone hath declared ye King of ffrance ye Comon enimy of ye empire & all his adherents to be soe reputed, ye ellect': of Collogene, ye Bishoppe of Munst'. and Duke of Newburg haue 12 dayes tyme allowed to devert the french interest & to Ioyne their forces wth, those of ye empire otherwise to be proceeded agust: wth: fire & sword.

It is sd. there are some differrences amongst ye great offic's in ye ffrench Army, yt Turene is sent for to Paris & yt ye Prince of Conde is discontented, yt ye Kinge is meltinge all ye ffilligrin plate at Paris wch is an argumt: yt his excheq doth not ov'.flow, and yt his affaires are not in soe florishinge a condition as form❜ly.

About a forthnith since ye Scoth regim: beinge quartered at Cant'bury & beinge to be transeported into ffrance fell into a Mutiny, & Kil'd an officTM: or 2 & for some dayes fortyfied themselves in the Church but beinge since appeased, and pswaded to goe on Shipboard, it is now sd that in their transportacon, they unfortunately met wth. 2 or 3 Dutch Capers by whome they were eth' forced or pswaded to goe into Holland & it is doubted may be Neceseated to serve the Dutch instead of ye ffrench.

ffrom Ednebrouge they write yt ye Duke Lawd'dale had not altogether soe splended a reception as form'ly, yt upon ye day yt ye Parliam' met, ye Duke beinge Comission': presented ye Kinges Lettrs: weh beinge red he prest to haue an answ': Consid'ed of, but Duke Hamleton sd before they tooke yt into debate it was necessary to consid': of their griveances wch were many and great, & moved y' ye rep'sentacon of the to ye Kinge might be ye chiefe part of their answ': to his lett. some say y Comm: are comeinge from thence to ye Kinge wth Artickles against Lod'dale It is now in Consultation at Whitehall wheth' ye Parliam*. shall meet againe or to be disolved

The Sweads hath declared for y ffrench & is Com: into ye field wth. 20 thousand men & entred ye Contenants.

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London octob. ye 25th 1690

YESTERDAY the house of Lds. passed 2 Bills the one to regulate the measure and price of Coals the other to encourage the Art of Pin making in England wch were sent to y* Comons for their Concurrence-Then ye Bill for regulating the Chancery & other Courts were read a 2a time and Comitted. Another Bill was read concerning y Comission of y Admirallty and ordered to be read again on Monday next. And all the Lords to be psent. after wch their Ldps, adjourned till Monday.-It is discoursed as if ye Ld Comission Trevor would be made a Peere and La Chancell: of England. We hear yt ye Portugall Envoy here will have Audience in 2 or 3 dayes to complem* their Majties on their accession to y Crown. vpon Wednesday last m' Grady an Irish Gentl: went back for Limbrick its sd he brought proposalls hither from 27 Irish Regimts. of their willingness to submitt and lay down their Arms. praying they may be pardoned and restored to pt of their estates, and doubted not but their example might influence y 23 Regimts to do y like, but its sd his propositions were not complyed wth, here. the whole number consists of 50 Regimts. making nearly 30,000 men and only half of them Armed. The letts from Cork say that ye D. of Grafton died the 9th Instant and was very penitent begging every ones prayers, and that day he died ordered his Chaplin to read the prayers in yo service book for sick persons 7 or 8 times, Willed his body to be conveyed to Harwich and then to Estern-hall to be Interred and left his Dutchess sole Executrix and E. Litchfield and Ld Godolphin Guardians to his Children. Dublin lett. of ye 7th advise from Kinsale yt on ye 12th in ya morning 2 Mines were sprung wth good success and in ye afternoon we stormed and took y Counterscarp. on ye 14th ye E. of Marlborough: received advice yt y D. of Berwick, Coll. Sheldon, and Coll". Maxwell were advanced with a Body of men on this side of Blackwater wth 20 pieces of Cannon to attempt the relief of y ffort, whereupon his I.dp. detached Prince. Wittenberge. Gen. Gingle, Gen. Scravemore with 8000 men and 2 field pieces to give ym Battle Gen. Gingle being ordered to fetch a Compass and. ffall upon ym in ye rear in ye mean time y E. press'd on ye Siege, and on ye 14th ye Rebels hung a white flag but their proposals rejected. Last night. about 9 of y clock Coll. ffitzpatrick arrived at Whitehall from ye E. of Marl


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borough wth y Good News of ye New fort being surrendrd: the Garrison being to March out wth Drums beating Colours flying and 9 days provisions and to be conducted some part of y' way to Limbrick.--Edenburgh octob. ye 18th. Yesterday the Gen: Assembly met and y Comission'. presented his Majts: Lett's to ym to this effect, that his Majty wth advice and consent of Parliam' had settled presbyters in this Ancient Kingdom by Act of Parliam*. A great motive hereunto was to satisfie the minds of his people that he had now called them together and countenanced their Assembly wth; his representative, and that he expected yt they would use yt moderation wch, was becoming them judging it unjustifiable to Religion to use violence agt any party, adding that he never intended his authority should be a Tool for Irregular passions, after wch the Assembly readily voted a Lett. of Thanks to his Majty: assuring him that they wou'd use that moderation he called for, Religion required, and the neighbouring Church expected. Its sd ye ffr: Kg. is raising 50,000 men, viz* 20,000 horse & 30,000 ffoot wch, are to be maintained by y ffr: Clergy during y War.This days Lett's. advise from Ireland that ye Brada a 4th rate Ship unhappily blew up in Kinsale harbour and most of ye men wth Capt. Tenant lost wth about 30 Irish officers on board, and ya 2 companies of ffoot were surprized in y night and cut of by ye Rapperies.This day the Commission were considering how to raise further supplies and ordered an Imposition upon Iron & fforreign glass.


To Tho: Parker Esq*

at his Brousholm


London Octob. ye 8th, 1690

THE fleet from Barbadoes being 30 Sail are safely arrived in ye Downs one of ym being of abt. 400 Tunns burst her sides and sunk at the Land's end. They bring Letts. of ye 26th of August wth an account of y particulars of y descent made by our forces on y Island of St. Christophers and yt St. Timothy Thornhill and Coll: Codrington having obtained a compleat victory over ye ffr: wch, were about 1600 men, killing 400 on y spot With ye Loss of 92 on our side and St. Timothy wounded wth. 2 shott. Then he besieged the ffort wherin were 800 ffr: & 400 retired to the mountains and y' some for want of sustenance submitted themselves, 800 old men and

women & children are sent to ye Spaniards at St. Domingo, and every Soldier in our Army had one Negro for his share being 25: we have also taken St. Bartholomews and St. Martins and severall other places from y ffrench and by a sloop from New England we have an account y' our Gov': from New York wth, ye English forces and 2000 Indians had fallen into ye Country of New ffrance on yo one side, whilst S'. Wm: Phipps wth 30 ships and 4000 made a descent on the other, and y' they destroyed the whole country for 200 miles as far as Queaback up y river Canada and its beleeved will possess ymselves of all y' territory and thereby secure all ye Trade of y Hudson's Bay Com


Plimouth ye 14th.

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Yesterday arrived ye Providence & Imploym' of London and 2 merchant ships being separated from y Barbadoes fleet by y bad weather, a ship is also put in here from ye Coast of Ireland, who sayes that he discovered sevill: ffr: men cruising upon ye Coast of Scilly and yt y D. of Grafton was very well recovered and has Comission to comand a Squadron of his Maties: ships yt are on y Coast. Its sd. yt Count Sarsfield is dead in Ireland. Dublin Letts. of ye 12th say your forces had made a new breach in y new fort at Kinsale and were advanced wth.in pistoll shot of ye Counterscarp and y' a party of our horse & Dragoons near ye schannon had defeated a pty of y Enemy killing severall on y place and Driving y rest into y ffort of Banary whereupon a detachm'. being sent from our Army at Mullingare they made ymselves Masters of ye sd. ffort and returned wth 180 prisoners amongst whom was a Lievtenant Coll. a Major and 3 Capts: wth severall inferior officers. they also add that there was 9000 psoners at Dublin.

We have an account from Bristol y' a Vessel put in there ye 15th. from ye Coast of Ireland and yt ye M. gives a possitive account yt ye new fort of Kinsale is surrendered upon discretion.

Edenburgh ye 11th.

A great storm of wind happened here at N. W. wth, an Extraordinary high tide wch, caused most of ye ships in Leith Road to break Cable and run ashoar and some upon ye very Land some Bulged and some sunk. and we have advice from Ipswich y' in ye late storm a Collier of 300 Tunn newly built was forced 2 miles down the river and struck upon the Sound.

On Thursday was held a great Councill at White hall ab'. ye E. of Torringtons business where it was ordered y' he should be brought to speedy triall and to y' intent a small Bill will pass in parliam'. to impower the Lds: of

ye Admiralty to grant Commissions to yt purpose. it is generally discours'd at White hall yt ye Ks, will go for Holland beginning of December.

At ye Sessions in ye Old Bailey received sentence of Death a Bricklayer for Robbing on ye high way. A ffr:man for Clipping Money, A Woman for Murthering her Child, and ye 2 Soldiers for killing ye Millener in ye Strand.

This week 3 waggons and a Coach were Robbed by 10 Highwaymen upon Bagshot heath who its sd. have taken to ye value of 900£.

Yesterday ye Hudson's Bay Company received advice of ye arrivall of 2 of their ships at Cowes in the Isle of Wight richly Laden.


London ye 4th of octob (90)

LETTS from Edenburgh say y' one Clark son to ye Advocate of y name was Seized coming from ye Irish rebells and beinge searched was found about him bills of exchange for 2000 Drawn upon some psons in y City upon which he was examined before ye Councill and confessed severall matters acted wth, ye rebells wch, he had been privy to.--Letts from Chester mention y St Cloudsley Shovell had met wth, ye ffr: fleet on ye Irish Coast and engaged ym sunk 2 or 3 and in pursuit of ye rest, but all other Lett's being silent makes it of little or no credit.--Lett's: from Coll. Bruer Govrnor: of Waterford says yt upon Advice he heard yt ye Rapperes were marched in a body to plund' ye Country he detach'd 80 Musketeers to look after ym and coming up wth ym m found they were 150 horse and 300 foot nevertheless they fought & routed the whole body and killed 90 and took 30 prisoners and brought away 600 head of black Cattle and great many Sheep, ye Geor: being in ye Action and Money being scarce Sold ye bease for 10. a piece and sheep 18d-The E. of Sailsbury and peterborough petitioned ye Lds. on Thursday praying yt they might be brought to speedy Tryall or set at Liberty and received Answer that they would consult the Iudges therein.LettTM from Dublin of ye 28th past say yt ye E. of Marlborough landed near Cork 6215 Men besides officers and servants and joyned by 1500 horse and Dragoons beside 2400 foot under ye Pr: of Wittenberg and some regim's from Wexford & Waterford making in all 16,000 men and doubting not but to be M': of ye place within a few days notwstanding ye Gov'.n'. a young resolute Gen": the E. of Clanearty, and was reinforced by two Irish regim's from Kinsale an has in ye City 40 pieces of ordinance and all other necessaries for War. the enemy.

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