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" Let all who fall into your hands be at your mercy.. .Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Etzel (Attila) gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition, so may the name of Germany become known... "
A History of Christian Missions in China - 第 519 頁
Kenneth Scott Latourette 著 - 1929 - 930 頁
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Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society

Massachusetts Historical Society - 1906 - 624 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Alt Ha, gained a reputation iu virtue of which they still live in historical tradition, so may the name of Germany become known in sucli > manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial...
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The Annual Register, 第 142 卷

Edmund Burke - 1901 - 676 頁
...Just as the Huns, a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Etzel (Attila), gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again even dare to look askance at a German." Towards the end of July a telegram...
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The Annual Register, 第 142 卷

Edmund Burke - 1901 - 692 頁
...Just as the Huns, a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Etzel (Attila), gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again even dare to look askance at a German." Towards the end of July a telegram...
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Some Phases of the Civil War: An Appreciation and Criticism of Mr. James ...

Charles Francis Adams - 1906 - 58 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial convened in Manila twenty-one...
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Some Phases of the Civil War: An Appreciation and Criticism of Mr. James ...

Charles Francis Adams - 1905 - 66 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial convened in Manila twenty-one...
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Some Phases of the Civil War: An Appreciation and Criticism of Mr ..., 第 4 卷

Charles Francis Adams - 1905 - 78 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial convened in Manila twenty-one...
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Studies Military and Diplomatic, 1775-1865

Charles Francis Adams - 1911 - 458 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial convened in Manila twenty-one...
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Studies Military and Diplomatic, 1775-1865

Charles Francis Adams - 1911 - 450 頁
...mercy. Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." At a court-martial convened in Manila twenty-one...
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Boys' and Girls' Bookshelf: Historic tales and golden deeds (part 3-4)

1912 - 232 頁
...years ago under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation on which they still live in historic tradition, so may the name of Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again dare to look askance at a German." No wonder that we have learned throughout...
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The Evidence in the Case

James Montgomery Beck - 1914 - 248 頁
...Just as the Huns a thousand years ago under the leadership of Etzel (Attila), gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition,...Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again even dare to look askance at a German. And this campaign of extermination...
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