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" The | Travels | Of several | Learned Missioners | of the | Society of Jesus, | into Divers Parts | of the | Archipelago, | India, China, and America. "
A History of Christian Missions in China - 第 894 頁
Kenneth Scott Latourette 著 - 1929 - 930 頁
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A Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution

London Institution, London Institution. Library - 1813 - 938 頁
...Pacific Océan in 1796-7-8. 4to. LP Land. 1799 Missionaries. Travels of several learned Missionaries of the Society of Jesus into divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. 8vo. Land. 1714" Mitchell's (John) Essay on the best Means of civilizing the Subjects of the British...
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Catalogue of books in the library of Robert Ferguson

Robert Ferguson (of Raith.) - 1817 - 138 頁
...Travels through Denmark, in 1702, translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1707 Travels of the Jesuits into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America, translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1714 VANSLEB (F.). Present state of Egypt, in the year 1672 and 1673, Englished by MD 8vo....
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A catalogue of the books belonging to the Library company of Philadelphia, 第 2 卷

Library company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 頁
...travellers, and miscellaneous notes. By Mr. Lockman. 2 vols. London, 1743. — — 6644, O. The travels of several learned missioners of the society of Jesus,...parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America, <fec. Translated from the French. London, 1714. M. 8478, O. Travels of the Jesuits into various parts...
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A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of ..., 第 2 卷

Library Company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 頁
...travellers, and miscellaneous notes. By Mr. Lockman. 2 vols. London, 1743. 6644, O. The travels of several learned missioners of the society of Jesus,...parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America, &c. Translated from the French. London, 1714. M. 8478, O. Travels of the Jesuits into various parts...
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A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ...

1856 - 1156 頁
...D. The gospel in Central America. London, 1850. 8421, D. The travels of several learned Missionaries of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America. London, 1714. 10406, 0. History of American missions to the heathen, from their commencement to the...
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Catalogue d'ouvrages sur l'histoire de l'Amérique: et en particulier sur ...

Georges-Barthélemi Faribault - 1837 - 232 頁
...1711. 4to. 1712. 815. The late Expedition to Canada : .London, 1712. 8vo. 1714. 816. The Travels of Several learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus,...parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America. Translatéfi from the French Original published at Paris in the year 1713 : London, 1714. 8vo. Amons;...
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The Chinese Repository, 第 18 卷

Elijah Coleman Bridgman, Samuel Wells Williams - 1849 - 690 頁
...Persecution de la Chine. Par FG de St. Pierre. 12 mo. 1714. 258. Travels of several Missioners of the Soc. of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America London, 1714. 259. Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the would, particularly China and the...
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Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1855: General Library, 第 1 卷

New York State Library - 1856 - 1012 頁
...English, German French and Italian. 2d ed. Coblenz; 1840. 18°. BC TRAVELS of several learned missionaries of the Society of Jesus, into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America r'from the French. London, 1714. 8°. TREAT ( Capt. Joseph) A Yindication of . .against the atrocious...
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Biblioteca Americana: A Catalogue of Books Relating to the History and ...

Henry Stevens - 1861 - 292 頁
...accurate description of the Western States Cork, John Bolster, 1818, 71 pp. 12° 2167 Travels (The) of several Learned Missioners of the Society - /? of...Archipelago, India, China, " • •*- • ' and America, old calf Land. 1714, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 336 pp.; Index, Books Printed, etc. 16 pp.; 2 plates...
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Historical nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana or A descriptive account of my ...

Henry Stevens - 1862 - 390 頁
...States. Cork: John Bolster, Patrick Street. 1818. 71 pp. 12mo. (4s. 6d. 2685) TRAVELS (TRE) Of feveral Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus, into Divers...Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Containing a general Defcription of the moft remarable Towns ; with a particular Account of the Cuftoms,...
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