A History of Christian Missions in ChinaRussell & Russell, 1929 - 930 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 53 筆
第 94 頁
... Kwangsi . " However , so many obstacles obstructed the free course of the Gospel that the fathers felt that it would be wise if an embassy could be sent by some of the European powers to obtain imperial toleration for the preaching of ...
... Kwangsi . " However , so many obstacles obstructed the free course of the Gospel that the fathers felt that it would be wise if an embassy could be sent by some of the European powers to obtain imperial toleration for the preaching of ...
第 107 頁
... Kwangsi , the general - in - chief of the Ming forces , and Kuei Wang's highest court functionary , a eunuch , were also professing Christians . It may well be that this attachment to Christianity was at least in part due to a ...
... Kwangsi , the general - in - chief of the Ming forces , and Kuei Wang's highest court functionary , a eunuch , were also professing Christians . It may well be that this attachment to Christianity was at least in part due to a ...
第 124 頁
... Kwangsi , the Vicar Apostolic or the Bishop of Macao , and was not settled for some years . In 1696 the Pope again asserted himself against the 115 Moule , op . cit . 122 120 116 Moule , op . cit .; Moule in The New China Review , Vol ...
... Kwangsi , the Vicar Apostolic or the Bishop of Macao , and was not settled for some years . In 1696 the Pope again asserted himself against the 115 Moule , op . cit . 122 120 116 Moule , op . cit .; Moule in The New China Review , Vol ...
第 158 頁
... Kwangsi , five in Chihli ( apparently outside of Peking ) , nine in Shantung , two in Shansi , seven in Shensi , three in Szechwan , and two in Honan . 11 Mailla from Peking , Oct. 16 , 1724 , in Lettres édifiantes , Vol . 3 , p . 365 ...
... Kwangsi , five in Chihli ( apparently outside of Peking ) , nine in Shantung , two in Shansi , seven in Shensi , three in Szechwan , and two in Honan . 11 Mailla from Peking , Oct. 16 , 1724 , in Lettres édifiantes , Vol . 3 , p . 365 ...
第 166 頁
... Kwangsi , and Fukien . " From 1773 comes a report that nearly one hundred Chinese had been baptized at one time in Nanch'ang in Kiangsi . ** THE DISSOLUTION OF THE SOCIETY of Jesus , 1773 To persecutions was added in 1773 still another ...
... Kwangsi , and Fukien . " From 1773 comes a report that nearly one hundred Chinese had been baptized at one time in Nanch'ang in Kiangsi . ** THE DISSOLUTION OF THE SOCIETY of Jesus , 1773 To persecutions was added in 1773 still another ...
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第 519 頁 - Let all who fall into your hands be at your mercy.. .Just as the Huns a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Etzel (Attila) gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition, so may the name of Germany become known in such a manner in China that no Chinaman will ever again even dare to look askance at a German.
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第 673 頁 - That, in planting the Church of Christ on Chinese soil, we desire only to plant one Church, under the sole control of the Lord Jesus Christ, governed by the Word of the Living God and led by His guiding Spirit.
第 673 頁 - Churches have attained, we fully recognise the liberty in Christ of the Churches in China planted by means of the Missions and Churches which we represent, in so far as these Churches are, by maturity of Christian character and experience, fitted to exercise it ; and we desire to commit them in faith and hope to the continued safe keeping of their Lord, when the time shall arrive, which we eagerly anticipate, when they shall pass beyond our guidance and control.
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第 451 頁 - The promotion of educational interests in China and the fraternal cooperation of all engaged in teaching, "was organized by the General Missionary Conference held in Shanghai, May, 1890, and is actively engaged in prosecuting the work for which it was created. Dr. Frank D. Gamewell, for many years a professor in the Peking University, whose reliance upon God, unconquerable devotion...
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