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W. Harvey, Assistant National Secretary, Annual Report for year ending Sept. 30, 1914; D. W. Lyon, Assistant National Secretary, Annual Report for year ending Sept. 30, 1913. Young Men's Christian Association. "Five Years of Progress, 19071912. A Report of the Work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1912, with a Review Covering the Period 1907-1912." Shanghai, 1913. Young Men's Christian Association. Shanghai, 1914. 'Another Year's Progress, 1913." Young Men's Christian Association. "The Year Nineteen Sixteen." Shanghai, 1917. Young Women's Christian Association. "Threads. The Story of the Industrial Work of the Y. W. C. A. in China, 1925." Shanghai. Yule, Henry. "Cathay and the Way Thither." New edition by Henri Cordier. 4 vols. London, 1913-1916. Third edition, revised Yule, Henry. "The Book of Sir Marco Polo." A Abbasid Caliphs, 47, 51, 62. INDEX Abeel, David, 217, 218, 244, 247, 395. Almonte (Canada), 721. A-lo-pên, 53. Altar of Heaven, 612. America and Americans, 363, 368, 369, American Advent Mission Society, 402, American Baptist Foreign Mission So- ciety, 621. See also Northern (Amer- American Baptist Missionary Union, 371, 395. See also Northern (Amer- American Benedictines, 731. American Bible Society, 217, 262, 266, American Board Mission (Hongkong), American Board of Catholic Missions, American Board of Commissioners for American-Chinese Educational Commis- American Church Mission (Episcopal), American Civil War, 357, 371, 372, American Department of State, 523. American Minister (or Consul), 475, American missions and missionaries, 577. American Relief Fund, 767. American Seaman's Friend Society, 217, American Scandinavian Christian Free American Swedish Free Mission Society, Amherst Embassy, 212. Amoy, 229, 244, 246, 247, 259, 328, 363, 365, 366, 377, 395, 407, 412, Ancestor Worship, 7, 19, 41, 133-155, Ancient Society of Elder Brothers, see |