libraries in Great Britain or Europe. Fortunately, the Day Missions Library at Yale University and the Missionary Research Library in New York City are the most nearly complete collections on Protestant missions to be found anywhere, and both, particularly the Day Missions Library, contain material on Roman Catholic missions. The Wason Library in Cornell University, the Morrison Library in Tokyo, and the collection of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, in Shanghai, are excellent both for Protestant and for Roman Catholic missions. The material on Roman Catholic missions has been gathered from these and from a large number of other libraries, none of which contains a complete collection. For the mission of the Russian Orthodox Church the chief dependence has been upon the rather scanty material in English. Happily, some of this had as authors scholarly members of that mission. The Russian mission was, compared with those of Roman Catholics and Protestants, so small and had so relatively slight an influence on China that I have not attempted to overcome the language difficulty or to seek access to archives to obtain a more detailed picture. In listing the bibliography the arrangement, as will quickly be seen, is alphabetical—by author in the case of books, by title in the case of periodicals, and by organization in the case of reports. No attempt has been made to classify the titles according to the familiar arrangement of primary and secondary authorities. Nor has any effort been made to give critical notes or to itemize the authors and titles of articles in the periodicals. For several of the periodicals fairly complete tables of contents will be found in Cordier, Bibliotheca Sinica. The purpose has been to provide a list to which the reader can quickly refer for more details as to author, date, and place of publication than are given in the footnotes. Abeel, David. "Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring 1660. Abel-Résumat. "Mélanges asiatiques, ou choix de morceaux critiques et de mémoires relatifs aux religions, aux sciences, aux coutumes, a l'histoire et a la géographie des nations orientales." 2 vols. Paris, 1825, 1826. Abel-Rémusat. "Nouveaux mélanges asiatiques." 2 vols. Paris, 1829. "Acta causæ rituum seu ceremoniarum sinensium complectentia." Venice, 1709. "Addresses on China at the Thirty-fourth Annual Session Foreign Missions Conference of North America, Atlantic City, N. J., January 11-14, 1927." New York, 1927. Aduarte, Don Fray Diego, and Gonzalez, Fray Domingo. "Historia de la Provincia del Santo Rosario de Filipinas, Iapon y China, de la Sagrada Orden de Predicadores. Escrita por el ilustrissimo señor Don Fray Diego Advarte . . . Añ Adida por el Muyr. P. Fray Domingo Gonzalez." 2 vols. Zaragaca, 1693. Second volume is by Fr. Baltasar de Santa Cruz. Alexander. "Conformité des ceremonies chinoises avec l'idolatrie grecque et romaine. Pour servir de confirmation à l'apologie des dominicains missionaires de la Chine." Cologne, 1700. Allan, C. Wilfrid. "Chu and Lo, Two Chinese Pastors." London, 190–. Allen, Roland. "The Siege of the Peking Legations." London, 1901. "Allgemeine Missionszeitschrift. Monatshefte für geschichtliche und theoretische Missionskunde." Edited by Julius Richter, Joh. Warneck, founded by Gustav Warneck. Gütersloh, 1874-1894; Berlin, 1895 et seq. Alzog, John. "Manual of Universal Church History." Translated, with additions from the ninth German edition, by F. J. Pabisch and Thomas S. Byrne. Cincinnati, 1903. American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. "China, Social and American Baptist Missionary Union, Correspondence. [MSS.] Boston, 1867. "China." American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Correspondence. [MSS.] American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Correspondence from the field. [MSS.] American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Annual Reports. Boston, 1812 et seq. American Church Mission. "An Account of the American Church Mission in Shanghai and the Lower Yangtse Valley." New York, 1898. "American Church Review." September, 1883. New York, [?] American Presbyterian Mission Press. "A Mission Press Sexagenary, 1844-1904." Shanghai, 1904. American Presbyterian Mission Press. "The Mission Press in China." Shanghai, 1895. American Red Cross. "Report of the China Famine Relief, American Red Cross, October, 1920-September, 1921." "American Relations with China. Report of the Conference held at Johns Hopkins University, September 17-20, 1925." Baltimore, 1925. American Seaman's Friend Society. Annual Reports, 1829-1844. New York. American Tract Society, "Proceedings of the First Ten Years." Instituted in Boston, 1814. Boston, 1824. American Tract Society. Annual Reports. Boston, 1833 et seq. "An Abridged Account of the State of Religion in China and Cochin China during the years 1806-7." London, 1809. "An Abridged Account of the State of Religion in Tonkin, Cochinchina, and China during the years 1807-8-9." London, 1811. Anderson, Adelaide Mary. "Humanity and Labour in China. An Industrial Visit and Its Sequel (1923 to 1926)." London, 1928. Anderson, Rufus. "Memorial Volume of the First Fifty Years of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions." Boston, 1861. André-Marie. "Missions dominicaines dans l'Extrême Orient." Paris, 1865. Andrews, Roy Chapman, and Andrews, Yvette Borup. "Camps and Trails in China. A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-known China." New York, 1919. "Annales de la propagation de la foi, recueil periodique. faisant suite aux lettres édifiantes." Lyon, 1842 et seq. Collection "Annals of the Propagation of the Faith." Dublin and New York, 1838-1923. "The Anti-Christian Movement." Shanghai, 1924. (Translation of antiChristian documents.) "Fukien, A Study of a With an Appendix." Anti-Cobweb Club, The. Foochow-fu, China. Province in China." Shanghai, 1925. "The Anti-Foreign Riots in China in 1891. Shanghai, North China Herald Office, 1892. Antonini, Paul. "Au Pays de Chine." Paris [1889]. "Apologie des dominicains missionaires de la Chine ou réponse au livre due Père le Tellier, Jesuite, intitule. Défense des nouveaux chrétiens et à l'éclaircissement du P. le Gobien de la même compagnie sur les honneurs que les Chinois rendent à Confucius aux morts." Cologne, 1700. "L'apostolat missionnaire de la France. Conférences données à l'Institut Catholique de Paris." Ile série, deuxième edition, 1924-1925. Paris, 1926. Appia, G. "Souvenirs des martyrs de Chine." Paris, 1901. Arens, Bernard. "Die katholischen Missionsvereine. Darstellung ihres Werdens und Wirkens ihrer Satzungen und Vorrechte." Freiburg im Breisgau, 1922. Arens, Bernard. "Handbuch der katholischen Missionen." Freiburg im Breisgau, 1920. Second edition, 1925. Arias, Evaristo Fernández. "El Beato Sanz y Compañeros Mártires del Orden de Predicatores." Manila, 1893. "Artibus Asia. Curant editionem Carl Hentze Antwerpiæ Alfred Salmony Coloniæ. MCMXXV, Part I." Dresden. Ashmore, Lida Scott. "The South China Mission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. A Historical Sketch of its First Cycle of Sixty Years." Shanghai (Foreword, 1920). "Au pays du dragon." Paris, 1922. Auber, Peter. "China. An Outline of Its Government, Laws, and Policy: and of the British and Foreign Embassies to, and Intercourse with that Empire." London, 1834. Aubry, Père, J.-B. "Correspondance du Père J.-B. Aubry des Missions Étrangères, missionaire au Kouy-Tchéou, docteur in théologie, ancien directeur au grand séminaire de Beauvais." Beauvais, 1886. Augustana Synod. "Our First Decade in China, 1905-1915. The Augustana Mission in the Province of Honan." Rock Island, Ill., 1915. "Avisi de Giapone degli Anni M.D.LXXXII, LXXXIII, et LXXXIV. Con alcuni altri della Cina dell' LXXXIII et LXXXIV. Canoti dalle lettere della Compagnia di Giesu. Riceunte il mese de Decembre, MD.LXXXV." Milan, 1586. "Avvisi della Cina et Giapone de fine dell' anno 1586. Con l'arrivo delli Signori Giaponsi nell' India. Canoti dalle lettere della Compagnia di Giesu. Riceunte il mese d'Ottobre, 1588." Milan, 1588. Backhouse, E., and Bland, J. O. P. "Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking." Boston, 1914. Bacon, Bessie Blanchard. "With Heaps o' Love.' The Story of Four Years in China. Told in letters by Bessie Blanchard Bacon, edited by her father, Charles Blanchard." Des Moines, 1925. Baddeley, John F. "Russia, Mongolia, China. Being Some Record of the Relations between Them from the Beginning of the XVIIth Century to the Death of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, A.D. 16021676. Rendered Mainly in the Form of Narratives Dictated or Written by the Envoys Sent by the Russian Tsars, or their Vævodas in Siberia to the Kalmuk and Mongol Khans and Princes: and to the Emperors of China," &c. 2 vols. London, 1919. Baldwin, S. L. "Sia Sek Ong. On the Picket Line of Missions." New York, 1897. Baller, F. W. (translator). "The Sacred Edict, with a Translation of the Colloquial Rendering." Shanghai, 1907. Balme, Harold. "China and Modern Medicine. A Study in Medical Missionary Development." London, 1921. "The Baptist." Published weekly by the Northern Baptist Convention. Chicago, 1920 et seq. "The Baptist Missionary Magazine." Published by the Board of Managers of the Baptist General Convention. Boston, 1820 et seq. Barber, Rev. W. T. A. "David Hill, Missionary and Saint." Second edition. London, 1898. Bard, Émile. "Chinese Life in Town and Country." Adapted from the French by A. Twitchell. New York and London, 1905. Barnes, Irene H. "Behind the Great Wall. The Story of the C.E.Z.M.S. Work and Workers in China." London, 1896. (Fifth edition, 1899.) Barnes, Lemuel Call. "Two Thousand Years of Missions Before Carey.” Chicago, 1900. Barrow, John. "Travels in China." London, 1804. Bartholomew, Allen R. "The Martyr of Huping. The Life Story of William Anson Reimert, Missionary in China." Philadelphia, 1925. Barton, James L. "Educational Missions." New York, 1913. Bashford, James W. "China and Methodism." Cincinnati, c.1906. Bashford, James W. "China. Cincinnati, 1916. An Interpretation." New York and Bashford, James W., "Journal." MS. Batty, J. A. Staunton. "Our Opportunity in China." London, 1912. Beach, Harlan Page. "Dawn on the Hills of T'ang; or, Missions in China." Revised edition. New York, 1905. Beach, Harlan Page. "Princely Men in the Heavenly Kingdom." Boston and Chicago, 1903. Beach, Harlan P. and Fahs, Charles H. (editors). "World Missionary Becker, Émile. "Un demi-siècle d'apostolat en Chine Le Révérend Père Joseph Gonnet de la Compagnie de Jésus." Third edition. Ho-kienfou, 1916. Beckman, E. R. "The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection with the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America." English edition. Chicago, 1913. [Benedetti, G. B.] "Difesa de' Missionarii Cinesi Della Compagnia di Giesú in riposta All' Apologia de' PP. Domenicani Missionarii della Cina, Intorno à gli onori di Confusio, e de' Morti; opera di un Religioso Teologo della medesima Compagnia." In Colonia, per il Berges, Con Licenza de' Superiori, 1700. Bentley, W. P. "Illustrious Chinese Christians." Cincinnati, 1906. Beresford, Lord Charles. "The Break-Up of China." New York and London, 1899. Berry, D. M. "The Sister Martyrs of Kucheng." New York [no date]. Beyer, Georg. "China als Missionsfeld." Berlin, 1923. "Bible in China, The." (Read at the Quarterly Missionary Meeting in Union Chapel, Shanghai, in April, 1868.) "Bibliotheca Asiatica, Part II. The Catholic Missions in India, China, Japan, Siam, and the Far East, in a series of Autograph Letters of the Seventeenth Century." (Maggs Brothers, publishers.) London, 1924. Biermann, Benno M. "Die Anfänge der neueren Dominikanermission in China." Münster in Westfalen, 1927. Bishop, Mrs. J. F. "The Yangtze Valley and Beyond." London, 1899. Bitton, Nelson. "Our Heritage in China." London, 1913. Bitton, Nelson. "Griffith, John. The Apostle of Central China." London [no date]. Bitton, Nelson. "The Regeneration of New China." London. Preface, May, 1914. |