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Meade, William, iii. 298.
Mediation School, iii. 25 ff.
Medici family, 11.
Melanchthon, Philip, pupil and relative
of Reuchlin, 21; his part in prepar-
ing the Augsburg Confession, 98;
important contributions from him to
the Reformation, 110 ff.; doctrinal
points upon which he came to differ
from Luther, 113; referred to, 146,

Melville, Andrew, 329 f.
Mendelssohn, F. B., ii. 432.
Mendelssohn, Moses, ii. 395.
Mendoza, ii. 132.
Menendez, ii. 130, 135.
Mennonites, 600, ii. 268, iii. 342 f.
Mercersberg theology, iii. 280.
Meteren, 245.

Methodist Episcopal Church, ii. 272 ff.,
iii. 238 ff., 280 f., 341.
Methodist Episcopal Church South,
iii. 242, 285 ff., 341.
Methodist Free Church, iii. 179.
Methodist New Connection, iii. 179.
Methodist Protestant Church, iii. 284.
Methodists, their beginnings in Eng-
land, ii. 34 ff.; Whitefield and Calvin-
istic Methodism, ii. 53 ff.; Charles
Wesley and Methodist hymnology, ii.
62 ff.; John Wesley and organized
Methodism, ii. 64 ff.; results of the
Methodist revival, ii. 92 ff.; later de-
velopments in England, iii. 179 ff.;
Methodists in Ireland, ii. 124 f.; in
America, ii. 268 ff., iii. 280 ff., 341,
343, 346, 356, 364, 372; in the mis-
sion-field, iii. 393, 397, 399, 402 f.,
405 ff.

[blocks in formation]



Miracles, reputed, 429, ii. 324 ff., iii.
51 f., 56.

Missions, Roman Catholic, 402 ff., ii.
165 ff., 170 ff.; Protestant, in the
West Indies, iii. 384 f., 406; in Green-
land and Labrador, iii. 385; in India
and Burma, iii. 386 ff.; in Java,
Sumatra, and Turkey, iii. 395 f.; in
China, iii. 396 ff.; in Japan, iii. 398 f.;
in Africa, iii. 385 f., 399 ff.; among
the American Indians, ii. 176 ff., iií.
404 ff.; in the Society, Friendly, Fiji,
Sandwich, and other Islands, iii.
406 ff.

Moderates, in the Scottish Church, ii.
107 ff., iii. 190.

Möhler, J. A., 3, iii. 72.
Moffatt, Robert, iii. 401.
Mohammedanism, iii. 395 f., 404.
Molanus, 588.
Molière, 464.

Molina, Louis, 426, 486.
Molinos, 389 ff., 477.
Mollio, John, 214, 219 f.
Molokani, ii. 448 f.
Molther, Philip, ii. 65.
Monasteries, dissolution of the English
277 f.; secularization of the French,
ii. 340; suppression of many, in Aus-
tria by Joseph II., ii. 370; other
instances of suppression, iii. 365,

Monasticism, Russian, 609 f., ii. 447.
Moncrief, William, ii. 105 f.
Monita Secreta, 411.
Monk, General, 535.
Monod, A., iii. 37.
Monod, F., iii. 37.
Montalembert, iii. 75 f., 80, 87.
Montenegro, iii. 381.
Montesquieu, ii. 294 f., 303 ff.
Moody, D. L., iii. 229.

Moore, Channing, iii. 298.

Moore, Hannah, ii. 94.

Moravians, 593 ff., ii. 42, 44 ff., 64f.

180, iii. 342, 383 ff.

More, Henry, 560.

More, Thomas, 15 f., 268, 274 f.

Morgan, Thomas, ii. 17 f.

Morgan, William, ii. 36, 38.

Mormon, Book of, iii. 331 f.

Mormons, iii. 331 ff., 342.

Mornay, Duplessis, 207.
Morone, Cardinal, 212.
Morrison, Robert, iii. 397.
Motley, J. L., 242 f.
Mozart, ii. 432.

[blocks in formation]

Myers, Frederic, iii. 168 f.

[blocks in formation]

Novalis, ii. 431.

Mysticism, 580 ff., 600 f., ii. 5 f., 184 f. Nova Scotia, ii. 136, 141 f.

[blocks in formation]

Neo-Kantian School, iii. 28 ff.

Neo-Lutheran School, iii. 27 f.

Nesbit, Robert, iii. 392.

Nestorians, iii. 381.

Noyes, J. H., iii. 340.
Nürnberg, Diet of, in 1522, 430 f.
Nuñez, Vasco, ii. 128.
Nuremberg, Peace of, 101.

OBERLIN College, iii. 264.
Occasional Conformity Bill, 574 f.
Ochino, 217.

O'Connell, Daniel, iii. 201 f.

Odet, of the house of Châtillon, 182.
Oecolampadius, 21, 97, 131 f., 136.
Oetinger, ii. 399 f.

Oglethorpe, ii. 42, 147 f.

O'Keefe, Bishop, ii. 119.

Old Catholics, iii. 11, 13, 99 ff.
Olin, Stephen, iii. 289.

Netherlands, 234 ff., 599 f., ii. 440 ff., Olivers, Thomas, ii. 81.

iii. 38 ff.

Nevin, J. W., iii. 280.

Newell, Samuel, iii. 390.

New Hampshire, ii. 150 f., 205.

New Haven Colony, ii. 146, 150
221 f.

New Haven theology, iii. 262 f.

New Jersey, ii. 147, 153, 204.

Olivétan, 172.

Oneida Perfectionists, iii. 340.
Oratory of Divine Love, 211 f.

Ordinations, John Wesley's, ii. 69 ff.

f., Organic Articles, ii. 359 f.
Oriel School, iii. 133.

Orleans, Duke of, Regent of France,
ii. 291, 336.

Newman, J. H., iii. 70 f., 112, 116 f., Otterbein, William, ii. 252.

138 f., 143 f., 159 ff., 329 f.

New Mexico, ii. 130, 167 f.

New Netherland, ii. 146.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 562.
Newton, John, ii. 94.

Newton, Robert, iii. 181.

New West Education Commission, iii.

New York, ii. 146, 188.

Nicholas I., of Russia, iii. 374.
Nicolai, C. F., ii. 395.

Nicole, 466 f.

Nicon, 611.

Nihilists, iii. 375.

Nitschmann, David, ii. 42, iii. 384.
Nitzsch, K. J., iii. 18.

Ousely, Gideon, ii. 125.

Overton, J. H., ii. 8, 14.
Owen, John, 555 f.
Owen, Robert, iii. 339 f.
Owen, Robert Dale, iii. 340.
Oxford, beginnings of the Reforma-
tion at, 265 f.; largely possessed by
Puritanism, 310; rights invaded by
James II., 552; seat of Methodism
in its primary stage, ii. 36 ff.; ad-
mission of Dissenters, iii. 134 f.;
rise of tractarianism, iii. 136 ff.

PAINE, Thomas, ii. 19, 95, iii. 225.
Paleario, 214 f., 221.
Pallavicino, 2, 361.

Palmer, William, iii. 137 f.
Papacy, the, virtually solicits to, and
ostentatiously rejoices over, the St.
Bartholomew massacre, 201 f.; per-
sists for a time after the outbreak of
the Reformation in an absorbing
attention to political advantage, but
at length gives heed to the demands
of spiritual supremacy, 355 ff.; es-
capes definite limitations upon its
absolutist claims at the council of
Trent, 361 f.; exposes its fallibility
on questions of morals in the bull
Unigenitus, 502 f.; successful as
regards territorial possessions, but
weak in respect of general influence,
519; gives away America, ii. 126 f.;
harries France with the bull Unigeni-
tus, ii. 292 f., 301 f., 318 ff.; submits
to reverses in the era of the French
Revolution, ii. 348; patronizes wor-
ship of the Virgin and the saints, iii.
44 ff.; is intemperately exalted by the
advocates of infallibility, iii. 59 ff.;
asserts absolute authority for itself,
ii. 64 ff.; suppresses opposition to
the dogma of infallibility, and se-
cures its proclamation, iii. 67 ff.;
champions medieval ideas in the
Syllabus, iii. 109 ff.; refuses to be
reconciled to the loss of its temporal
power, iii. 126 f.; blesses Maximili-
an's enterprise in Mexico, and ex-
horts him to pursue a reactionary
policy, iii. 359 f.

Paraguay, 407 f., ii. 129, 168, iii. 369.
Paramo, 222, 382.
Pareau, iii. 39.

Parker, Matthew, 313.

Parker, Theodore, iii. 254.

Parkman, Francis, ii. 141 f., 187.

Parliament, the Long, 343 f., 525.
Parliament of Paris, ii. 293 f.
Parsis, iii. 388.

Parton, James, ii. 309.

Pascal, 411, 489 ff.

Pascali, 221.

Pascalis, Martinez, ii. 354 f.
Passau, Treaty of, 109.
Patriarchate, in Russia, 608.

Patronage, in the English Church, ii.
1; in the Scottish Church, ii. 105 ff.,
iii. 190 f.

Patteson, J. C., iii. 408.

Paul III., 212, 356.

Paul IV., 227, 300, 303, 356 f., 372 f.,
iii. 115.

Paul V., 358 f., 387.
Paulus, E. G., ii. 414.
Pauvan, 175.

Pearce, Zachary, ii. 20, 22.
Pearson, John, 558.
Peasantry, the German, 39 ff., 90 f.
Pegna, 369 ff., 375.
Penance, its relation to Roman Catholic
casuistry, 415 f.

Penn, William, ii. 147, 153, 266 f.
Pennsylvania, ii. 147, 153, 175, 187 f.
Percival, A., iii. 138.
Perez, Juan, 222.

Perfection, Christian, as taught by
Wesley, ii. 76 ff.
Perrault, 490.
Persons, Robert, 307.
Peru and the Peruvians, ii. 128 f.,
160, 164, iii. 367.
Pestalozzi, 166.

Petavius (or Petau), 504.
Peter, the Great, 608, 612.
Peterson, Lawrence and Olaf, 116 f.
Petrarch, 11.

Petre, Jesuit at the court of James II.,

Pfleiderer, Otto, iii. 26 f., 33 f., 215,

217 f.

Philaret, 604, 606, 608 f., ii. 447.
Philip of Hesse, 102 ff., 107 ff.
Philip II., of Spain, 163, 184, 200 f.,
227, 231 ff., 237, 240, 287, 307, ii.

Philip V., 517.

Philip, Indian chief, ii. 176.

Pico, John, 11, 18; John Francis, 13.
Piedmont, iii. 124.

Pietism, 588 ff., ii. 387.
Pilgrims, ii. 145.

Pilmoor, Joseph, ii. 269.

Pistoja, Synod of, ii. 373.
Pius IV., 357.

Pius V., 201, 306 f., 357 f., 372, 434.
Pius VI., ii. 348, 379.

Pius VII., ii. 359, 361 f., 379.
Pius VIII., iii. 105.

Pius IX., his relation to Germany in
the Kulturkampf, iii. 15 f.; procla-
mation of the dogma of the Virgin's
immaculate conception, iii. 45 ff.;
patronage of sentimental devotion,
52 ff.; efforts in behalf of the declara-
tion of papal infallibility, 78 ff.;
support of political absolutism, 104;
attempt through the Syllabus to
sustain a reactionary scheme, 109 ff.;
refusal to recognize the unification

of Italy, 59 f., 126; provision for
Ultramontane propagandism in Ire-
land, 202; instructions to Maximi-
lian in Mexico, 359 f.
Pizarro, Francisco, ii. 128 f.
Placæus, 601.

Plan of Union, between Presbyterians
and Congregationalists, iii. 261 f.,
271, 274.

Plenary Council of Baltimore, the First,
iii. 315; the Second, iii. 316; the
Third, iii. 316, 319 f.
Plutschau, H., iii. 386.
Plymouth Brethren, iii. 189.
Plymouth Colony, ii. 145, 150 f., 174 f.
Poiret, Pierre, 601.

Poland, 363 f., 521 f., 604, ii. 366, iii.
378 f.

Pole, Cardinal, 212, 287 ff., 300 f.
Polity; see Church Constitution.
Polygamy, Mormon, iii. 334 ff.
Pombal, ii. 329 f.

Pope, Alexander, ii. 28, iii. 132.
Pope, W. B., iii. 181.
Popes; see Papacy.
Popham, George, ii. 144 f.
Porter, Ebenezer, iii. 244.
Port Royal, 488 f., 502.
Portugal, 367, 383, ii. 381.

Praise of Folly, a book by Erasmus,

27 f.

Presbyterians, in England, 311 f., 344 f.,
529, 540 ff., ii. 96 ff., iii. 185; in
Scotland, 328 ff., 530, ii. 105 ff., iii.
190 ff.; in Ireland, 352, 531, 544, ii.
121 ff., iii. 203, 206 f.; in America,
ii. 249 ff., 287, iii. 237 f., 270 ff., 341,
349 f., 356, 364, 372.
Prescott, W. H., 233, 236, 239.
Price, Richard, ii. 99.
Prierias, Sylvester, 62.

Priestley, Joseph, ii. 99 f., iii. 186.
Prime, N. S., iii. 244.

[ocr errors]

Primitive Methodists, iii. 179.
Probabilism, 416 ff., 476, 495 f., iii. 99.
Progressive Orthodoxy, iii. 268 ff.
Proprietary governments, ii. 152 f.
Protestant Episcopal Church; see Epis-
copal Church.

Protestantism, its first organized
Churches, 94 ff.; first use of the
name, 96 f.; slight influence in the
Greek Church, 605 ff.; see also de-
tails under the different countries.
Protestant Society, in Germany, iii. 9.
Proudhon, iii. 131.

Provincial Letters, 411, 489 ff.


Provoost, Samuel, ii. 205, 210.
Prussia, 95 f., 513, ii. 383 ff., iii. 1 ff.
Public Schools, the controversy respect-
ing, iii. 315 ff.; see under Education.
Pueblo Indians, ii. 130, 167 f.
Purcell, J. B., iii. 325.
Puritanism, first tokens of, 261, 283;
development and fortunes in the
reign of Elizabeth, 310 ff.; advance
and struggle in the time of James I.
and Charles I., 335 ff.; proscription
under the restored Stuarts, 537 ff.;
settlements and church establish-
ments in America, ii. 145, 213 ff.
Pusey, E. B., iii. 139, 142, 148 f., 155.

QUAKERS, 529 f., ii. 104 f., 157, 198,
233 ff., 265 ff., 286 f., iii. 186 f., 308 f.,
342 f.

Quebec Act, ii. 143.

Quemadero, 381.

Quesnel, 502.

RACINE, 465.

Raemond, Florimond de, 51, 152, 187.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, ii. 144.
Rambaud, 610 f., ii. 445, iii, 374.
Ranke, Leopold von, 36, 280, ii. 377 f.
Rankin, Thomas, ii. 270.
Ranters, 526.

Rapp, George, iii. 339.
Raskolniki, 611 f., ii. 444, 447 f., iii.

377 f.

Rationalism, German, ii. 387 f., 395 ff.,
413 ff.

Ravenscroft, Thomas, iii. 298.
Raymond, Miner, iii. 290.
Reaction, the Roman Catholic, 362 ff.,
Reason, deification of, in the crisis of
the French Revolution, ii. 351 f.
Rebmann, John, iii. 399.
Récollets, ii. 172.

Redemptorists, 497, iii. 14.
Reformation, the, relation of the en-
larged horizon at the beginning of
the sixteenth century to its initia-
tion, 1 f.; its distinctive features,
2 ff.; its chronological terminus, 5 f.;
its simultaneous initiation in different
countries, 122; the special cast which
it assumed in England, 258 ff.; points
of view which enter into its justifica-
tion, 452 ff.; see also under the dif-
ferent countries.
Reformed, the, as distinguished from
the Lutherans, 97, 165, 450.

[ocr errors]

Reformed Episcopal Church, iii. 301.
Régale, dispute over the, 472.
Regium Donum, ii. 123 f.
Reid, Thomas, ii. 109, 111.

Reign of Terror, ii. 299 f., 346, 351 f.
Reimarus, ii. 395.
Reinbeck, J. G., ii. 394.
Reinhard, F. V., ii. 413 f.
Reinkens, Bishop, iii. 99.
Relief Synod, ii. 106.

Remonstrants, in Holland, 252 ff., ii.
442; in Ireland, iii. 207.
Renaissance, the Italian, 10 ff.
Renan, iii. 22, 37.
Renée, Princess, 213.

Requescens, 247.

Reservatum ecclesiasticum, 110, 437.
Restitution, Edict of, 443 f.
Restorationists, Association of Univer-
sal, iii. 259.

Reuchlin, John, 17 ff.

Revision of the King James version,
iii. 135.

Revivals, the Methodist in England,
ii. 33 ff.; that begun by Jona-
than Edwards and continued by
Whitefield in New England, ii. 33,
240 ff.; those occurring in the United
States since the colonial era, iii.
227 ff.

Revolution, the American, ii. 154 f.;
the English of 1688, 553 f., 563,
571 f., 576; the French, ii. 290 ff.,
298 ff., 338 f.

Rhode Island, ii. 146, 150, 152, 156,

[blocks in formation]

Ritschl, Albrecht, iii. 28 ff.

Roman Catholics, treatment of, by
Elizabeth, 305 ff.; laws against, in
Scotland, 323; penal enactments
against, in England under James I.
and succeeding Kings, 332 ff., 565 f.;
leading events among them in the
Reformation era, 355 ff.; legal pro-
scription in Ireland, ii. 113 f.; con-
dition in Ireland since 1800, iii.
201 ff.; release from disabilities, ii.
96, 118, iii. 134; reorganization of
the hierarchy in England, iii. 189 f.;
course of their history in Spanish
and French America in the colonial
era, ii. 181 ff.; in the English_colo-
nies, ii. 187 ff.; in the United States
since the colonial era, iii. 309 ff.; in
Canada, ii. 142 f., iii. 351 ff.; in
Spanish America since the colonial
era, iii. 356 ff.; see also under vari-
ous countries.
Romantic School, ii. 431 f.
Rosicrucians, 526.

Rothe, Richard, iii. 26 f.
Rottmann, Bernhard, 101 f.
Rousseau, J. J., ii. 295 ff., 312 ff.
Roussel, 173.

Rudolph, Emperor, and King of Bo-
hemia, 440.
Rumania, iii. 381.
Rush, Benjamin, ii. 286.
Russia, 603 ff., ii. 443 ff., iii. 374.
Ryerson, Egerton, iii. 348.
Ryland, John, ii. 104.

SACRED Heart, institution of devotion
to the, ii. 327 f.

Sadoleto, 212.

Sailer, Michael, ii. 382.

St. Bartholomew Massacre, 196 ff.

Saint Cyran, 486, 488.

Sainte Aldegonde. 241.

St. Germain, Edict of, 192.

Ritualism, in England, iii. 136 ff.; in Saint-Martin, ii. 354 f.

Robertson, F. W., iii. 175.

America, iii. 298 f.

[blocks in formation]

Robert College, iii. 396.

[blocks in formation]

Saint Simon, iii. 130.
Salmeron, Alphonse, 395.
Salvation Army, iii. 136.
Salzburgers, 522, ii. 279.
Sandeman, Robert, ii 107.
Sanders, Lawrence, 293.

San Roman, 226.

Satolli, Mgr., iii. 323.

Saybrook Platform. ii. 220.

Scepticism, antecedent to the French

Revolution, ii. 301 ff.; see also Ration-

alism and Infidelity.

Schade, J. K., 591.

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