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of religion is left entirely in the hands of the parents. No interference with the religious opinions of the pupils is permitted in the school, as no religion is there taught. Moral conduct is stimulated, altogether apart from the religious sanction, by the force of habit, by discipline, by a constant appeal to the common good of the school, and by the influence of high ideals.


Physical exercise is promoted chiefly by well-organized drill. One of the most interesting sights which I witnessed in connection with this school was the drill exercise in the large hall. Here the boys, from ten to fifteen years of age, went through their manual exercise, under the general orders of their sergeant; they marched in lines of two and four; they performed various manœuvres, and ultimately they formed a square round the Belgian colors, for which the boys are taught to entertain a completely military respect. During these exercises, the word of command was taken up by half-a-dozen small boys, who played their parts as sub-officers with perfect discipline, and whose shrill small voices, raised in command, were strictly obeyed by the boys forming the separate divisions. At the close of this very interesting exercise, the boys sang most pleasingly, and with exquisite feeling, to the accompaniment of the organ. Nothing could have been more gratifying than the manner in which their military exercises were performed.


An important feature in the organization and instruction of the school, aside, but in connection with the curriculum, is the periodic excursions. These are organized, not as an occasional treat or reward for the more industrious of the boys, but as an essential part of the school work; and the refusal of permission to a boy to join in the excursions is one of the punishments to which a boy is subject. Each class makes at least two excursions every month. The object of these excursions is to give the pupil a practical acquaintance with a variety of things which it is desirable that they should understand, and which otherwise they would know by the medium of books only. It is a part of the realistic system which governs the teaching of the school-that sense-knowledge should be appealed to wherever sense-knowledge can be gained. Everything connected with these excursions is carefully prepared beforehand, and such information is given to the pupils as will enable them to understand and appreciate the signification of the objects they will see. The excursions comprise visits to historical monuments in the city, to museums, to factories, to zoological gardens, to places illustrating facts in geography and geology. On returning from each excursion, the pupils write a description of what they have seen, and of what they may infer therefrom, and these descriptions are discussed and corrected by the masters.


In drawing up the programme, and indeed in every regulation of the school, the objects of the founders are made plainly evident,―viz., to train and develop the faculties, and to evoke spontaneity. "The culture of the intellectual faculties is the principal object," says the programme,

"of the pedagogic reform for which the Model School has been created." Carrying on the system of Froebel, which presents to the child's view, so as to excite observation, actual objects, it comes about, by a natural coincidence, that the objects with which science is concerned present the best possible materials for the improvement of the powers of observation, the strengthening of the memory, and the development of the reason Reached by a somewhat different method of reasoning, Herbert Spencer arrives at the same result. Herbert Spencer, it must be remembered, places the usefulness of a study,-.e., its practical service in life,-in the foreground, in the choice of subjects of instruction; and finds, by a similar coincidence, that those subjects which are best worth knowing yield, in the acquisition of the knowledge, most discipline. The founders of the Model School attach first importance to mental discipline. "That the faculties of a child are usually employed is the chief thing; the subjects of instruction are a matter of secondary importance." But they equally arrive at the same conclusion, that the elements of science afford the most suitable ideas for the development of the intellectual faculties. Accordingly, science-teaching occupies a prominent place in the programme of the studies. In the youngest classes, this consists of little more than placing before the child different objects, and giving to each its proper name. Nothing more is explained than is sufficient to draw the child's attention to the external appearance of the animal, plant, geometrical form, or other objeet that is being inspected. In this way the child's acquaintance with things is extended, and, at the same time, his knowledge of names. In the higher classes, each of the sciences in turn furnishes subject-matter for instruction; and the school authorities are fully aware that their system is open to the reproach that the teaching is superficial, and not thorough. This they admit, to a certain extent, and justify on the ground that the end of primary instruction is to arouse the intelligence, to bring the faculties into communion with as much of the outer world as possible, to draw simple inferences only, and to leave till a later period of study all complex reasoning and wide generalizations. Thus the programme of instruction includes the elements of Botany, Zoology, Mineralogy, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, and Mechanics. In estimating the value of this general and elementary science-teaching, it must be distinctly remembered that the teaching is not book-work. Nothing could be further removed from the science-teaching of the last half-century, which was gained from books on useful knowledge, and consisted generally of questions and answers, than the science-teaching of the École Modèle. Whatever may be its imperfections, it is what it professes to be-real. It is not gained from reading lessons, how economical soever such a process may be. If a child of the École Modèle describes a leaf of a tree, or the petal of a flower, he has seen it; if he tells you of the structure of the wing of a bat, he has handled it; if he talks of the bones of the human foot, he has taken them to pieces and replaced them. Indeed, of such importance is the knowledge of the structure of the human form considered, that an actual human skeleton is suspended in every class-room of the school. The teaching of Chemistry is equally real; and if you will pass into one of the class-rooms on

the right, you will find a roughly constructed laboratory, and a number of boys busily engaged in the preparation of the simpler gases. Their nimble fingers are accustomed to manipulation, and the experiments previously performed by the teachers are easily and accurately reproduced by separate groups of boys.

I need not say that considerable attention is given to the teaching of Geometry, which occupies an important place in the time-table of all the classes of the school. But it is not the Geometry of Euclid; it is not the Geometry, or what unfortunately passes for it, of nine-tenths of our English schools. The pupil of the Model School of Brussels, and indeed of the majority of Continental schools, is not plunged wholly unprepared into the complex deductions of Euclid, or any other system of demonstrative Geometry, the difficulties of which are so often met by the pupil learning by heart the words of the propositions to be proved, without understanding anything of their signification.

In the first place, the pupil is shown solid geometrical figures; he is then exercised in constructing them for himself in clay, in cardboard, or with wires; he is then shown how to distinguish the several parts of which figures are composed, and so to understand the definitions; to recognize in other objects than in mere geometrical figures the recurrence of the same forms; and further, to judge distances by the eye, so as readily to distinguish five inches from seven inches. This elementary teaching is followed by a more intimate investigation into the characters of solid bodies. The pupil is exercised in making sections of prisms, spheres, cylinders, and cones; in methods of measuring areas and volumes; in obtaining by actual intuition a knowledge of the properties of different figures; and, finally, in geometrical constructions.

Let me ask you to follow me for a moment into a class-room on the right, where a lesson in Geometry is being given to a class of boys of about ten years of age. The walls are furnished with shelves, on which various objects are ranged. Here is a complete set of weights and measures; near these are a number of geometrical forms,—some in wire, some in wood, others in section. Further on are skeletons of other animals, and a collection of different kinds of wood. The eye is then caught by a series of surfaces illustrating the various shades of color; and close to this is a case of different woolen and cotton materials, and a variety, too numerous to recount, of other objects appealing to the senses for recognition. Near me is the master, standing on an ordinary platform, with a desk in front of him, and a black-board at his side; and round the room, with their backs to the master, are ranged the boys, each in front of his paneled black-board, with chalk in one hand, and sponge moistened at the china sink with which every class-room is provided, in the other. And now the master commences to dictate a geometrical exercise to his pupils. Before him is an irregular six-sided figure, with sides of unequal length. "From the point A draw a horizontal line AB of 11 centimetres in length, at B construct an angle of 120 degrees," and so on; and gradually is evolved on every black-board an accurately drawn facsimile of the figure from which the teacher has dictated the exercise. Mistakes undoubtedly occur, but they are corrected when the figure is examined and the source of the error clearly pointed out.

Let us witness a very early lesson in Geography. As maps are indispensable to the study of Geography, through the practical and absolute inability of everyone to travel over the countries with the general features of which it is necessary to be familiar, it is very essential that a child should have a clear idea of the meaning and purpose of a map. We are standing in the big hall on the ground floor. The plan of the school is exhibited before us. The boys are gathered round it. One boy holds a long pointer, and indicates on the plan a course which he proposes another boy shall take to reach a certain spot on the school. The course having been indicated, a third boy objects that it is impossible, as it would necessitate the passing through a wall, or the jumping over a high rail. The course being duly altered, a boy at once proceeds to travel over the ground described on the plan, and having arrived at the place proposed, he halts and makes known his position by showing himself on the gallery, or by letting himself be heard. Sometimes he goes wrong, and another boy corrects his route. This game of Geography seems to amuse the small boys very much, and is undoubtedly a practical way of clearly explaining to young children the meaning of a map.

I need hardly say that Drawing is taught throughout the entire school, and not as an accomplishment, but as an essential of primary instruction. And I hope I may be pardoned if I avail myself of this opportunity to express the hope that Drawing may become, before long, an obligatory subject in all our Board Schools.

With respect to the question of Grammar, let us see what is done at our École Modèle. The child obtains by practical experience an acquaintance with the elements of Etymology. He is able to distinguish a noun from an adjective, and an adjective from a verb; he discovers, too, the difference between such words as "of" and "to," and categorematic words. Some notice of inflection he will also necessarily obtain. But Grammar is regarded as an abstract science, which has its proper place in secondary education. The teaching of it to young children is pronounced


A subject of instruction, which appears to have given great difficulty to the founders of this school, is History. All practical teachers will understand the kind of difficulty which the teaching of this subject presents, when it is taught for its own sake, and for the development of the faculties, and not for the satisfaction of an examiner. We cannot place Alcibiades and Julius Cæsar, Charlemagne, St. Dunstan, Queen Elizabeth, and Isabella on the table, and make them like puppets re-act the scenes of their past lives. We cannot reproduce the circumstances in which they lived, nor realize the influence of the element of time in the production of bygone events. Indeed, the question of time gives rise to two difficul ties; first, the difficulty of enabling children to realize the interval between the past and the present; and secondly, the difficulty of enabling them to form an idea of the intervals between different events in the distant past. History is spread before the child's mind, like the stars of heaven are before the vulgar gaze. Our eyes fail to tell us how far they are away from us, or how distant they are from one another. But the realization of the past is perhaps more difficult; and History, be it remem

bered, is studied before Astronomy. Nevertheless, the teaching of History finds a place among the subjects of instruction of this strictly RealSchule; and, in order to give it a real character, and to bring home to the child's mind the method of historical research, so that the word "authenticity" may have a clear signification, the teaching of History proceeds from what is near to what is remote. Commencing with the study of family life, and passing to the history of the city itself, to the changes that have taken place in its structure, in its streets and buildings, etc., and proceeding thence to the history of the reigning King, and the events of the last few years, the teacher works back to a period within the memory of the parents of his pupils, whose reminiscences are made available, in order to furnish the child with the notion of tradition. From our own history to the history of other peoples the transition is easy. In bringing home to the child's mind the surroundings of bygone periods, frequent use is made of pictures, maps, and other objects that serve to illustrate the habits and conditions of the people, and equally of contemporary narratives where any exist.


The time-table shows that the school hours are from 8 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon-8 hours in all. But as there is hour's free recreation between each lesson, and 14 hours for dinner in the middle of the day, the school hours are reduced to 331 in the week, or about 6 hours a day. Of these 331, 7 are devoted to gymnastics, drill, etc., reducing the number to 26. This distributed over 5 days, as is the case with us, would give 5 hours a day,-say, from 9.30 till 12.30, and from 2 till 4. You will observe that the attempt is made so to arrange the order of the subjects each day as to ensure the occupation of different faculties in turn. Further, you will note that the greatest amount of time is given to language; and that Flemish is taught as well as French. In a country where the language of the people did not differ from that of the educated classes, this would be unnecessary, and another modern language might be substituted. Under the head of language is understood reading, writing, dictation, recitation, and grammar. Science stands next in order, as regards time given to it, with 5 hours in the week. The subjects of geometry and drawing overlap to some extent, and we find 54 hours given to the two subjects. Gymnastics and exercise also take a fair share of the week's work-7 hours.

Should we ever be fortunate enough, which I trust we may be, to have a Model School of our own, it will be necessary to elaborate a scheme of instruction, and critical consideration of the scheme of the École Modèle will be found of the utmost use. Meanwhile, all who are interested in the advancement of primary instruction must be grateful to the Ligue de l'Enseignement for the opportunity afforded by this school of enabling educational investigators to see the practical results of methods of teaching, and of the applications of theoretic principles to the work of instruction, which a variety of circumstances, too potent to be set aside, prevent our observing in our own schools. I have no doubt whatever that the foundation of a Model School in London would do more to improve primary

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