Rests by you only to be qualified.
Then pause not; for the present time's so sick, That present medicine must be minister'd,
Or overthrow incurable ensues.
Pand. It was my breath that blew this tempest up,
Upon your stubborn usage of the pope: But, since you are a gentle convertite,
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war, And make fair weather in your blustering land. On this Ascension-day, remember well, Upon your oath of service to the pope,
Go I to make the French lay down their arms. [Exit.
K. John. Is this Ascension-day? Did not the
Say, that, before Ascension-day at noon, My crown I should give off? Even so I have : I did suppose, it should be on constraint; But, heaven be thank'd, it is but voluntary.
Bast. All Kent hath yielded; nothing there holds
But Dover castle: London hath receiv'd,
Like a kind host, the Dauphin and his powers : Your nobles will not hear you, but are gone
To offer service to your enemy;
And wild amazement hurries up and down The little number of your doubtful friends.
K. John. Would not my lords return to me again, After they heard young Arthur was alive?
Bast. They found him dead, and cast into the
An empty casket, where the jewel of life By some damn'd hand was robb'd and ta'en away. K.John. That villain Hubert told me, he did live. Bast. So, on my soul, he did, for aught he knew. But wherefore do you droop? why look you sad? Be great in act, as you have been in thought; Let not the world see fear, and sad distrust, Govern the motion of a kingly eye: Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire; Threaten the threat'ner, and outface the brow Of bragging horror: so shall inferior eyes, That borrow their behaviours from the great, Grow great by your example, and put on The dauntless spirit of resolution. Away; and glister like the god of war, When he intendeth to become the field: Show boldness, and aspiring confidence. What, shall they seek the lion in his den, And fright him there? and make him tremble there O, let it not be said!-Forage, and run To meet displeasure further from the doors; And grapple with him, ere he come so nigh.
K. John. The legate of the pope hath been with
And I have made a happy peace with him; And he hath promis'd to dismiss the powers"
Shall we, upon the footing of our land,
Send fair-play orders, and make compromise, Insinuation, parley, and base truce, To arms invasive? shall a beardless boy, A cocker'd silken wanton brave our fields, And flesh his spirit in a warlike soil,
Mocking the air with colours idly spread, And find no check? Let us, my liege, to arms : Perchance, the cardinal cannot make your peace; Or if he do, let it at least be said,
They saw we had a purpose of defence.
K. John. Have thou the ordering of this present
Bast. Away then, with good courage; yet, I know, Our party may well meet a prouder foe.
A Plain, near St. Edmund's-Bury.
Enter, in arms, LEWIS, SALISBURY, MELUN, PEMBROKE, BIGOT, and Soldiers.
Lew. My lord Melun, let this be copied out, And keep it safe for our remembrance : Return the precedent to these lords again; That, having our fair order written down, Both they, and we, perusing o'er these notes, May know wherefore we took the sacrament, And keep our faiths firm and inviolable.
Sal. Upon our sides it never shall be broken. And, noble Dauphin, albeit we swear A voluntary zeal, and unurg'd faith,
To your proceedings; yet, believe me, prince, I am not glad that such a sore of time Should seek a plaster by contemn'd revolt, And heal the inveterate canker of one wound, By making many: O, it grieves my soul, That I must draw this metal from my side To be a widow-maker; O, and there, Where honourable rescue, and defence, Cries out upon the name of Salisbury : But such is the infection of the time, That, for the health and physick of our right, We cannot deal but with the very hand Of stern injustice and confused wrong.- And is't not pity, O my grieved friends! That we, the sons and children of this isle, Were born to see so sad an hour as this; Wherein we step after a stranger march Upon her gentle bosom, and fill up Her enemies' ranks, (I must withdraw and weep Upon the spot of this enforced cause,) To grace the gentry of a land remote, And follow unacquainted colours here?
What, here?- nation, that thou could'st remove! That Neptune's arms, who clippeth thee about, Would bear thee from the knowledge of thyself, And grapple thee unto a pagan shore; Where these two Christian armies might combine The blood of malice in a vein of league, And not to-spend it so unneighbourly!
Lew. A noble temper dost thou show in this; And great affections, wrestling in thy bosom,
Do make an earthquake of nobility. O, what a noble combat hast thou fought, Between compulsion and a brave respect! Let me wipe off this honourable dew,
That silverly doth progress on thy cheeks:
My heart hath melted at a lady's tears,
Being an ordinary inundation; But this effusion of such manly drops, This shower, blown up by tempest of the soul, Startles mine eyes, and makes me more amaz'd Than had I seen the vaulty top of heaven Figur'd quite o'er with burning meteors. Lift up thy brow, renowned Salisbury, And with a great heart heave away this storm : Commend these waters to those baby eyes, That never saw the giant world enrag'd; Nor met with fortune other than at feasts, Full warm of blood, of mirth, of gossiping. Come, come; for thou shalt thrust thy hand as deep Into the purse of rich prosperity, As Lewis himself:-so, nobles, shall you all, That knit your sinews to the strength of mine.
Enter PANDULPH, attended.
And even there, methinks, an angel spake : Look, where the holy legate comes apace, To give us warrant from the hand of heaven; And on our actions set the name of right,
Hail, noble prince of France!
The next is this, -king John hath reconcil'd
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