These eyes, that never did, nor never shall, So much as frown on you ? I have sworn to do it; And with hot irons must I burn them out. The iron of itself, though heat red-hot, Even in the matter of mine innocence: Re-enter Attendants, with Cord, Irons, &c. Do as I bid you do. Arth. O, save me, Hubert, save me! my eyes are out, Even with the fierce looks of these bloody men. I will not stir, nor wince, nor speak a word, Thrust but these men away, and I'll forgive you, A2 Hub. Go, stand within; let me alone with him. 1 Attend. I am best pleas'd to be from such a deed. [Exeunt Attendants. Arth. Alas! I then have chid away my friend; He hath a stern look, but a gentle heart :- Arth. O heaven!-that there were but a mote in yours, A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wand'ring hair, Then, feeling what small things are boist'rous there, Hub. Is this your promise? go to, hold your tongue. Arth. Hubert, the utterance of a brace of tongues Must needs want pleading for a pair of eyes: Let me not hold my tongue; let me not, Hubert! Or, Hubert, if you will, cut out my tongue, So I may keep mine eyes; O, spare mine eyes; Though to no use, but still to look on you! Lo, by my troth, the instrument is cold, And would not harm me. Hub. I can heat it, boy. Arth. No, in good sooth; the fire is dead with grief, Being create for comfort, to be us'd In undeserv'd extremes : 6 See else yourself; There is no malice in this burning coal; In cruelty I have not deserved. The breath of heaven hath blown his spirit out, Hub. But with my breath I can revive it, boy. Hub. Well, see to live; I will not touch thine eyes For all the treasure that thine uncle owes : 8 Yet am I sworn, and I did purpose, boy, With this same very iron to burn them out. Arth. O, now you look like Hubert! all this while You were disguised. Hub. Peace: no more. Adieu; Your uncle must not know but you are dead : Will not offend thee. Arth. O heaven!-I thank you, Hubert, Hub. Silence; no more: Go closely in with me; Much danger do I undergo for thee. [Exeunt. 7 Set him on. 8 Owns, 9 Secretly. SCENE II. The same. A Room of State in the Palace. Enter King JOHN, crowned; PEMBROKE, SALISBURY, and other Lords. The King takes his State. K. John. Here once again we sit, once again crown'd, And look'd upon, I hope, with cheerful eyes. Pem. This once again, but that your highness pleas'd, Was once superfluous: you were crown'd before, Sal. Therefore, to be possess'd with double pomp, To guard a title that was rich before, To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To smooth the ice, or add another hue Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light 2 Pem. But that your royal pleasure must be done, This act is as an ancient tale new told; And, in the last repeating, troublesome, Being urged at a time unseasonable. Sal. In this, the antique and well-roted face Of plain old form is much disfigured : ■ Lace. 2 Decorate. 1 And, like a shifted wind unto a sail, It makes the course of thoughts to fetch about: Makes sound opinion sick, and truth suspected, Pem. When workmen strive to do better than well, They do confound their skill in covetousness : 3 And, oftentimes, excusing of a fault, Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse; Sal. To this effect, before you were new-crown'd, K. John. Some reasons of this double coronation I have possess'd you with, and think them strong; And more, more strong, (when lesser is my fear,) I shall indue you with: Mean time, but ask What you would have reform'd, that is not well; And well shall you perceive, how willingly I will both hear and grant you your requests. Pem. Then I, (as one that am the tongue of these, To sound the purposes of all their hearts,) Both for myself and them, (but, chief of all, Your safety, for the which myself and them Bend their best studies,) heartily request The enfranchisements of Arthur; whose restraint Doth move the murmuring lips of discontent 3 Desire of excelling. 4 Publish. 5 Releasement. |