SCENE VI. Fores. A Room in the Palace. Enter LENOx and another Lord. Len. My former speeches have but hit your thoughts, Which can interpret further: only, I say, Things have been strangely borne: The gracious Duncan Was pitied of Macbeth :-marry, he was dead :And the right-valiant Banquo walk'd too late; Whom, you may say, if it please you, Fleance kill'd, For Fleance fled. Men must not walk too late. Who cannot want the thought, how monstrous It was for Malcolm, and for Donalbain, To kill their gracious father? damned fact! How it did grieve Macbeth! did he not straight, In pious rage, the two delinquents tear, That were the slaves of drink, and thralls of sleep? Was not that nobly done? Ay, and wisely too; For 'twould have anger'd any heart alive, To hear the men deny it. So that, I say, He has borne all things well: and I do think, That, had he Duncan's sons under his key, (As, an't please heaven, he shall not,) they should find What 'twere to kill a father; so should Fleance. But, peace!-for from broad words, and 'cause he fail'd His presence at the tyrant's feast, I hear, The son of Duncan, Where he bestows himself? Lord. From whom this tyrant holds the due of birth, Len. Sent he to Macduff? Lord. He did: and with an absolute, Sir, not I, The cloudy messenger turns me his back, And hums; as who should say, You'll rue the time That clogs me with this answer. Len. And that well might Advise him to a caution, to hold what distance His message ere he come; that a swift blessing Under a hand accurs'd! Lord. My prayers with him! [Exeunt. 3 Honours freely bestowed. 4 For exasperated. ACT IV. SCENE I. A dark Cave. In the middle, a Cauldron boiling. Thunder. Enter the Three Witches. 1 1 Witch. Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd. 5 This word is employed to signify that the animal was hot and sweating with venom although sleeping under a cold stone, VOL. IV. S 3 Witch. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf; Witches' mummy; maw, and gulf,6 Gall of goat, and slips of yew, Enter HECATE, and the other Three Witches. Hec. O, well done! I commend your pains; And every one shall share i'the gains. SONG. Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey; The throat. 7 Ravenous. • Entrails. 2 Witch. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes :Open, locks, whoever knocks. Enter MACВЕТН. Macb. How now, you secret, black, and mid night hags ? What is't you do? All. A deed without a name. Macb. I cónjure you, by that which you profess, (Howe'er you come to know it,) answer me: Though you untie the winds, and let them fight Confound and swallow navigation up; Though bladed corn be lodg'd, and trees blown down; Though castles topple on their warders' heads; Their heads to their foundations; though the treasure Of nature's germinstumble all together, Even till destruction sicken, answer me 1 Witch. Say, if thoud'st rather hear it from our 1 |