: Cam. Hail, most royal sir! None rare, my lord. Pol. What is the news i' the court? Cam. Pol. The king hath on him such a countenance, As he had lost some province, and a region, Lov'd as he loves himself: even now I met him With customary compliment; when he, Cam. I dare not know, my lord. Pol. How! dare not? do not. Do you know, and dare not Be intelligent to me? 'Tis thereabouts; For, to yourself, what you do know, you must; Myself thus alter'd with it. Cam. There is a sickness Which puts some of us in distemper; but Of you that yet are well. Pol. How! caught of me? Make me not sighted like the basilisk: I have look'd on thousands, who have sped the better In whose success 6 we are gentle, I beseech you, If you know aught which does behove my know ledge Thereof to be inform'd, imprison it not In ignorant concealment. Cam. I may not answer. Pol. A sickness caught of me, and yet I well! I must be answer'd.-Dost thou hear, Camillo, Which honour does acknowledge, -whereof the least What incidency thou dost guess of harm Is creeping toward me; how far off, how near; Which way to be prevented, if to be; If not, how best to bear it. Cam. Sir, I'll tell you; Since I am charg'd in honour, and by him That I think honourable: Therefore, mark my counsel; Which must be even as swiftly follow'd, as Cry, lost, and so good-night. Pol. On, good Camillo. Cam. I am appointed Him to murder you3. Cam. Pol. By the king. For what? Cam. He thinks, nay, with all confidence he swears, 6 For succession. 7 Gentle was opposed to simple; well born. As he had seen't, or been an instrument To vice you to't, that you have touch'd his queen Forbiddenly. Pol. O, then my best blood turn To an infected jelly; and my name Be yok'd with his, that did betray the best! Turn then my freshest reputation to A savour, that may strike the dullest nostril That e'er was heard, or read! Cam. Swear his thought over By each particular, star in heaven, and How should this grow? Cam. I know not: but, I am sure, 'tis safer to Avoid what's grown, than question how 'tis born. If therefore you dare trust my honesty, That lies enclosed in this trunk, which you Shall bear along impawn'd,-away to-night. Your followers I will whisper to the business; And will, by twos, and threes, at several posterns, Clear them o' the city: For myself, I'll put My fortunes to your service, which are here By this discovery lost. Be not uncertain; For, by the honour of my parents, I Pol. 9 Draw. Settled belief. Have utter'd truth: which if you seek to prove, I dare not stand by; nor shall you be safer Than one condemn'd thereon His execution sworn. by the king's own mouth, I do believe thee : I saw his heart in his face. Give me thy hand; Be pilot to me, and thy places shall Still neighbour mine; My ships are ready, and Two days ago. This jealousy Is for a precious creature: as she's rare, In that be made more bitter. Fear o'ershades me: Thou bear'st my life off hence: Let us avoid. Cam. It is in mine authority, to command [Exeunt. . ACT II. SCENE I. The same. Enter HERMIONE, MAMILLIUS, and Ladies. Her. Take the boy to you: he so troubles me, 'Tis past enduring. Come, my gracious lord, 1 Lady. Shall I be your play-fellow? No, I'll none of you. 1 Lady. Why, my sweet lord? Mam. You'll kiss me hard; and speak to me as if I were a baby still.-I love you better. 2 Lady. And why so, my good lord? Mam. Not for because Your brows are blacker; yet black brows, they say, Become some women best; so that there be not Too much hair there, but in a semi-circle, Or half-moon made with a pen. 2 Lady. Who taught you this? Mam. I learn'd it out of women's faces. -Pray now What colour are your eye-brows? 1 Lady. Blue, my lord. Mam. Nay, that's a mock: I have seen a lady's nose That has been blue, but not her eye-brows. 2 Lady. Hark ye: The queen, your mother, rounds apace: we shall Present our services to a fine new prince, One of these days; and then you'd wanton with us, If we would have you. |