
From heartiness, from bounty, fertile bosom,
And well become the agent: it may, I grant:
But to be paddling palms, and pinching fingers,
As now they are; and making practis'd smiles,
As in a looking-glass;-and then to sigh, as 'twere
The mort o' the deer; O, that is entertainment
My bosom likes not, nor my brows.-Mamillius,
Art thou my boy?


Ay, my good lord.


Why that's my bawcock. What, hast smutch'd thy


They say, it's a copy out of mine. Come, captain, We must be neat; not neat, but cleanly, captain : And yet the steer, the heifer, and the calf,

Are all call'd, neat. Still virginalling 4


Upon his palm ?-How now, you wanton calf?

Art thou my calf?


Yes, if you will, my lord.

Leon. Thou want'st a rough pash, and the shoots

that I have, 5

To be full like me:-yet, they say, we are
Almost as like as eggs; women say so,
That will say any thing: But were they false
As o'er-died blacks, as wind, as waters; false
As dice are to be wish'd, by one that fixes

2 The tune played at the death of the deer.

3 Hearty fellow.

4 i. e. Playing with her fingers as if on a spinnet.

5 Thou wantest a rough head, and the budding horns that

I have.

No bourn twixt his and mine; yet were it true
To say this boy were like me.-Come, sir page,
Look on me with your welkin6 eye: Sweet villain !
Most dear'st! my collop!-Can thy dam?-may't


Affection! thy intention stabs the center:
Thou dost make possible, things not so held,
Communicat'st with dreams;-(How can this be?)
With what's unreal thou coactive art,

And fellow'st nothing: Then, 'tis very credent," Thou may'st co-join with something; and thou dost; (And that beyond commission; and I find it,)

And that to the infection of my brains,

And hardening of my brows.


Her. He something seems unsettled.

What means Sicilia?

How, my lord?

You look,

What cheer? how is't with you, best brother?

As if you held a brow of much distraction :

Are you mov'd, my lord?


No, in good earnest.

How sometimes nature will betray its folly,
Its tenderness, and make itself a pastime
To harder bosoms! Looking on the lines
Of my boy's face, methoughts, I did recoil
Twenty-three years; and saw myself unbreech'd,
In my green velvet coat; my dagger muzzled,
Lest it should bite its master, and so prove,

As ornaments oft do, too dangerous.

How like, methought, I then was to this kernel,

5 Boundary.

6 Blue.

7 Credible.

This squash, this gentleman:-Mine honest friend,

Will you take eggs for money?9:

Mam. No, my lord, I'll fight.

[ocr errors]

Leon. You will? why, happy.man, be his dole!'

My brother,

Are you so fond of your young prince, as we
Do seem to be of ours?


If at home, sir,

He's all my exercise, my mirth, my matter:
Now my sworn friend, and then mine enemy;
My parasite, my soldier, statesman, all:
He makes a July's day short as December;
And, with his varying childness, cures in me

Thoughts that would thick my blood.



So stands this squire

Offic'd with me: We two will walk, my lord,
And leave you to your graver steps.-Hermione,

How thouwlov'st us, show in our brother's welcome;

Let what is dear in Sicily, be cheap :

Next to thyself, and my young rover, he's

Apparent to my heart.


If you would seek us,

We are yours i'the garden: Shall's attend you there? Leon. To your own bents dispose you: you'll be


Be you beneath the sky:-I am angling now,
Though you perceive me not how I give line.
Go to, go to!

[Aside. Observing POLIXENES and HERMIONE

How she holds up the neb, the bill to him!

[blocks in formation]

And arms her with the boldness of a wife
To her allowing husband! Gone already;
Inch-thick, knee-deep; o'er head and ears a fork'd






Go, play, boy, play;-thy mother plays, and I
Play too; but so disgrac'd a part, whose issue
Will hiss me to my grave; contempt and clamour
Will be my knell.-Go, play, boy, play; -There

have been,

Or I'am much deceiv'd, cuckolds ere now;

And many a man there is, even at this present,
Now, while I speak this, Holds his wife by the arm,
That little thinks she has been sluc'd'in his absence,
And his pond fish'd by his next neighbour, by
Sir Smile, his neighbour: nay, there's comfort in't,
Whiles other men have gates; and those gates open'd,
As mine, against their will: Should all despair,
That have revolted wives, the tenth of mankind
Would hang themselves. Physick for't there is none;
It is a bawdy planet, that will strike

Where 'tis predominant; and 'tis powerful, think it,
From east, west, north, and south: Be it concluded,
No barricado for a belly; know it;

It will let in and out the enemy,

With bag and baggage: many a thousand of us Have the disease, and feel't not.-How now, boy?

Mam. I am like you, they say.


What! Camillo there?

Why that's some comfort.

4 Approving.

5 A horned one, a cuckold.


Cam. Ay, my good lord.

Leon. Go play, Mamillius; thou'rt an honest man.


Camillo, this great sir will yet stay longer.

Cam. You had much ado to make his anchor


When you cast out, it still came home.

Didst note it?

Cam. He would not stay at your petitions; made His business more material.


Didst perceive it?

They're here with me already; whispering, rounding,

Sicilia is a so-forth: 'Tis far gone,

When I shall gust1 it last.-How came't, Camillo,

That he did stay?


At the good queen's entreaty.

Leon. At the queen's, be't: good, should be per


But so it is, it is not. Was this taken
By any understanding pate but thine ?
For thy conceit is soaking, will draw in
More than the common blocks :-Not noted, is't,
But of the finer natures? by some severals,
Of head-piece extraordinary? lower messes, 8
Perchance, are to this business purblind: say.
Cam. Business, my lord? I think, most understand

Bohemia stays here longer.

[blocks in formation]
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