ers, with quite as hores of the Baltic , too, appeared to moment of pause, who would eat his Lo forget. Let thy -t in good season to by the state, itself, ronage of San Teodola to him who is n we shall have the well, for there are I met a rover of rounding the head alf a mind to follow nes." es of thy feet, Gino his deck, but every and a shorn chin. st craft that floats h her gilding may ond the Pillars of ng all that can be pretending to do ود young days." "Don Camillo has the reputation of talking boldly of the foundations of this city of piles, when he has the roof of old Sant' Agata safely over his head. Were he to speak more reverently of the horned bonnet, and of the Council of Three, his pretensions to succeed to the rights of his forefathers might seem juster in the eyes of his judges. But distance is a great mellower of colours, and softener of fears. My own opinions of the speed of the felucca, and of the merits of a Turk, undergo changes of this sort between port and the open sea; and I have known thee, good Gino forget San Teodoro, and bawl as lustily to San Gennaro, when at Naples, as if thou really fancied thyself in danger from the mountain." "One must speak to those at hand, in order to be quickest heard," rejoined the gondolier, casting a glance that was partly humorous, and not without superstition, upwards at the image which crowned the granite column, against whose pedestal he still leaned. "A truth which warns us to be prudent, for yonder Jew cast a look this way, as in he felt a conscientious scruple in letting any irreverent remark of ours go without reporting. The bearded old rogue is said to have other dealings with the Three Hundred besides asking for the moneys he has lent to their sons. And so, Stefano, thou thinkest the republic will never plant another mast of triumph in San Marco, or bring more trophies to the venerable church ?" "Napoli herself, with her constant change of masters is as likely to do a great act on the sea, as thy winged beast, just now! Thou art well enough to row a gondola in the canals, Gino, or to follow thy master to his Calabrian castle= more north has come." "Thou hast been much, of late, among the lying Genoese, Stefano, that thou comest hither with these idle tales of what a heretic can do. Genova la Superba! What has a city of walls to compare with one of canals and islands, like this? and what has that Appenine republic performed, to be put in comparison with the great deeds of the Queen of the Adriatic? Thou forgettest that Venezia has been-" "Zitto, zitto! that has been, caro mio, is a great word with all Italy. Thou art as proud of the past, as a Roman of the Trastevere." " And the Roman of the Trastevere is right. Is it nothing, Stefano Milano, to be descended from a great and victorious people?" "It is better, Gino Monaldi, to be one of a people which is great and victorious just now. The enjoyment of the past is like the pleasure of the fool who dreams of the wine he drank yesterday." "This is well for a Neapolitan, whose country never was a nation," returned the gondolier, angrily. I have heard Don Camillo, who is one educated as well as born in the land, often say that half of the people of Europe have ridden the horse of Sicily, and used the legs of thy Napoly, except those who had the best right to the services of both." "Even so; and yet the figs are as sweet as ever, and the beccafichi as tender! The ashes of the volcano cover all!" " Gino," said a voice of authority, near the gondolier. "Signore." He who interrupted the dialogue pointed to the boat, without saying more. "A rivederti," hastily muttered the gondolier. His mong the lying Gewith these idle tales uperba! What has canals and islands, republic performed, deeds of the Queen Tenezia has been-" mio, is a great word he past, as a Roman is right. Is it no d from a great and ne of a people which e enjoyment of the dreams of the wine e country never was rily. I have heard well as born in the Europe have ridden thy Napoly, except rices of both." eet as ever, and the the volcano cover near the gondolier. inted to the boat, gondolier. His aroused his subordinate brother of the oar from a profound sleep. CHAPTER II. Hast ever swam in a gondola at Venice? SHAKSPEARE. WHEN Don Camillo Monforte entered the gondola, he did not take his seat in the pavilion. With an arm lean ing on the top of the canopy, and his cloak thrown loosely over one shoulder, the young noble stood, in a musing at titude, until his dexterous servitors had extricated the boa from the little fleet which crowded the quay, and had urged it into open water. This duty performed, Gind touched his scarlet cap, and looked at his master, as if to in quire the direction in which they were to proceed. He wa answered by a silent gesture, that indicated the route o the great canal. "Thou hast an ambition, Gino, to show thy skill in the regatta?" Don Camillo observed, when they had made little progress. "The motive merits success. Thou was speaking to a stranger, when I summoned thee to the gon dola?" "I was asking the news of our Calabrian hills, from on who has come into port with his felucca; though the ma the padrone?" "La Bella Sorrentina, commanded by a certain Stefano Milano, son of an ancient servant of Sant'Agata. The bark is none of the worst for speed, and it has some reputation for beauty. It ought to be of happy fortune, too, for the good curato recommended it, with many a devout prayer, to the Virgin, and to San Francesco." The noble appeared to lend more attention to the discourse, which, until now, on his part, had been commenced in the listless manner with which a superior encourages an indulged dependant. "La Bella Sorrentina! Have I not reason to know the bark?" "Nothing more true, signore. Her padrone has relations at Sant' Agata, as I have told your eccellenza, and his vessel has lain on the beach, near the castle, many a bleak winter." "What brings him to Venice?" " That is what I would give my newest jacket of your eccelenza's colours to know, signore. I have as little wish to inquire into other people's affairs as any one, and I very well know that discretion is the chief virtue of a gondolier. I ventured, however, a deadly hint concerning his errand, such as ancient neighbourhood would warrant, but he was as cautious of his answers as if he were freighted with the confessions of fifty christians. Now, if your eccelenza should see fit to give me authority to question him, in your name, the deuce is in't if, between respect for his lord, and good management, we could not draw something more than a false bill of lading from him." "Thou wilt take thy choice of my gondolas for the reby a certain Stefano nt'Agata. The bark has some reputation Fortune, too, for the my a devout prayer, attention to the disart, had been com which a superior reason to know the padrone has relaour eccellenza, and the castle, many a west jacket of your I have as little wish any one, and I very irtue of a gondolier. ncerning his errand, warrant, but he was e freighted with the . if your eccelenza uestion him, in your ect for his lord, and w something more gondolas for the re The gondola continued its noiseless course, with th sprite-like movement peculiar to that description of boat Gino, who, as superior over his fellow, stood perched o the little arched deck in the stern, pushed his oar wit accustomed readiness and skill, now causing the light vesse to steer to the right, and now to the left, as it glided amon the multitude of crafts, of all sizes and uses, which it me in its passage. Palace after palace had been passed, an more than one of the principal canals, which diverged to wards the different spectacles, or the other places of reson frequented by his master, were left behind, without Do Camillo giving any new direction. At length the bos arrived opposite to a building, which seemed to excite mor than common expectation. Giorgio worked his oar with single hand, looking over his shoulder at Gino, and Gin permitted his blade fairly to trail on the water. seemed to await new orders, manifesting something lik that species of instinctive sympathy with him they served which a long practised horse is apt to show when he draw near a gate that is seldom passed unvisited by his driver. Bot The edifice which caused this hesitation in the two gon doliers, was one of those residences of Venice, which ar quite as remarkable for their external riches and ornaments as for their singular situation amid the waters. A massiv rustic basement of marble was seated as solidly in the ele ment, as if it grew from a living rock, while story was seen ingly raised on story, in the wanton observance of the mos capricious rules of a meretricious architecture, until th pile reached an altitude that is little known, except in th dwellings of princes. Colonnades, medallions, and ma sive cornices, overhung the canal, as if the art of man ha |