Milton and the BaroqueUniversity of Pittsburgh Press, 1980 - 192 頁 |
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achieved Adam Alte Pinakothek angels appear Arch Antagonist architecture argued attempt authorial baroque art baroque artist baroque mode battle become Bernini biblical bright C. S. Lewis Catholic celestial central century challenge Christian classical concept conflict contemporary contrast Copernican Copernicus cornice cosmic cosmos Counter-Reformation created creation Creator criticism darkness depiction divine E. M. W. Tillyard earlier earth effect epic fall forces frescoes God's heaven heavenly hell human Il Gesù imaginatively immense impressive infinite infinity light literary man's mannerist medieval Milton moral narrator Neoplatonic Omnipotent painting Paradise Lost passage physical Pietro da Cortona planets poem poet poetic poetry Protestant Puritan purpose Raphael reader rebel rebel angels rebellion recognised religious Renaissance Rubens Satan scene sense setting solid sphere spirits splendour stars struggle style suggest theme theological theory thir thou throne titanomachy tradition universe vast verse victory vigour vision visual