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On a Marble Fablet in Latimer Church this inscmption was placed by William Juke of Devonshire Requies at hie

Pars mortatio Maria Anno Campion
Obit 19 Maie Anne 1706 @tat 19
Quod superest ex altera parte quere vam
Formam egregiam
egregiam et minis illeab
Virtutes anime superarunt.
Plebeurm genes fed havstum)
Nobilitate monum decorat

Supra cetatem sagax venetaest Inter scenicos ludos in quibus aliquandiu verecunda et intemerata

Postquatuor mensium languorem
(a febri hectica correptum
Intempestivam mortem

Forti pectore, et Xtiana pietate subuit.
Humanitate proditio

(Se qued mentem mortalia tangent)

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Amicis hew flebilion

I lectipimis religing Sacmim
Lapidem home pori curavit
* Gulielmus Devonia Dux






The Introduction. The Author's Birth. Various Fortune at School. Not lik'd by thofe he lov'd there. Why. A Digreffion upon Raillery. The Ufe and Abufe of it. The Comforts of Folly. Vanity of Greatness. Laughing, no bad Philofophy.


OU know, Sir, I have often told you, that one time or other I should give the Publick fome Memoirs of my own Life; at which you have never fail'd to laugh, like a Friend, without faying a word to diffuade me from it; concluding, I fuppofe, that fuch a wild Thought could not poffibly require a serious Answer. But




I was


I was in earnest. And now you will fay, the World will find me, under my own Hand, a weaker Man than perhaps I may have pass'd for, even among my Enemies. With all Heart! my Enemies will then read me with Pleasure, and you, perhaps, with Envy, when you find that Follies, without the Reproach of Guilt upon them, are not inconfiftent with Happiness. -But why make my Follies publick? Why not? I have pafs'd my Time very pleasantly with them, and I don't recollect that they have ever been hurtful to any other Man living. Even admitting they were injudiciously chofen, would it not be Vanity in me to take Shame to myself for not being found a Wife Man? Really, Sir, my Appetites were in too much hafte to be happy, to throw away my Time in pursuit of a Name I was fure I

could never arrive at.

Now the Follies I frankly confess, I look upon as, in fome measure, difcharged; while those I conceal are still keeping the Account open between me and my Confcience. To me the Fatigue of being upon a continual Guard to hide them, is more than the Reputation of being without them can repay. If this be Weakness, defendit numerus, I have fuch comfortable Numbers on my fide, that were all Men to blush, that are not Wise, I am afraid, in Ten, Nine Parts of the World ought to be out of Countenance: But fince that fort of Modefty is what they don't care to come into, why should I be afraid of being star'd at, for


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