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the magistracy; because the welfare of his country is his peculiar care.

But if any brother, by forgetting for a time the rules of his craft, and listening to evil councils, should unhappily fall into a contrary conduct, he is not to be countenanced in his crimes or rebellion against the state; but he forfeits all benefits of the Lodge, and his fellows would refuse to associate or converse with him in private, while he continues in his crines; that neither offence nor umbrage may be given to lawful governments. But such a person is still considered as a Mason, his character as such being indefeasible; and hopes are to be entertained, that the rules of the craft may again prevail, with him, over every evil council and device that might have led him astray.

FROM this quiet and meek temper of true Masons, and their constant desire to adorn the countries where they reside with all useful arts, crafts or improvements, they have been, from the earliest ages, encouraged and protected by the wisest rulers of states and commonwealths, who have likewise thought it an honor to have their names enrolled among the fraternity. And thus Masonry having always flourished most in the most flourishing and peaceable times of every country, and having often suffered in a particular manner through the calamitous effects of war, bloodshed and devastation, the craftsmen are therefore the more strongly engaged to act agreeable to the rules of their art, in following peace and love, as far as possible, with all men.


Concerning private Qualities and Duties,

In regard to himself, whoever would be a Mason should know how to practise all the private virtues. He should avoid all manner of intemperance or excess, which might obstruct his performance of the laudable duties of his craft, or lead him into crimes B2

which would reflect dishonor upon the ancient fraternity. He is to be industrious in his profession, and true to the Lord and Master he serves. He is to labour justly, and not to eat any man's bread for nought; but to pay truly for his meat and drink. What leisure his labour allows, he is to employ in studying the arts and sciences with a diligent mind, that he may the better perfom all his duties, as aforesaid, to his Creator, his country, his neighbor and himself. For, in a few words,-" To walk humbly in the sight of God, to do justice, and to love mercy," are the true indispensible characteristics of a real Free and accepted Mason.

For the better attainment of these shining qualities, he is to seek and acquire, as far as possible, the virtues of patience, meekness, self-denial, forbear. ance, and the like, which give him the command over himself, and enable him to govern his own family with affection, dignity and prudence; at the same time checking every disposition injurious to the world, and promoting that love and service, which brethren of the same Lodge or household owe to each other. Therefore, to afford succour to the distressed, to divide our bread with the industrious poor, and to put the misguided traveller into the way, are qualities inherent in the craft, and suitable to its dignity. But though a mason is never to shut his ear unkindly to the complaints of any of the human species; yet when a brother is oppressed or suffers, he is in a more peculiar manner called to open his whole soul in love and compassion to him, and to relieve without prejudice, according to his capacity.

It is further necessary that all who would be true Masons should learn to abstain from all malice and slander, evil-speaking, back-biting, unmanerly, scornful, provoking, reproachful and ungodly language; and that he should know how to obey those who are set over him on account of their superior qualifications as Masons, however inferior they may be in worldly rank or station. For although Masonry divests no man of his temporal honors, or titles, but on the contrary highly respects them, yet, in the Lodge, pre-eminence of virtue and knowledge in the royal art, is considered as the true fountain of all nobility, rule and government.

THE last quality and virtue which we shall mention as absolutely requisite in those who would be Masons, is that of SECRECY; which indeed froin its importance, ought to have held the first place in this chapter, if it had not been intended to treat of it, more fully, as a conclusion of the whole.

So great stress is laid upon this particular quality of virtue, that it is enforced among Masons under the strongest penalties and obligations; nor, in their esteem, is any man to be counted wise, who is void of intellectual strength and ability sufficient to cover and conceal such HONEST SECRETS as are committed to him, as well as his own more serious affairs. Both sacred and profane history teaches us that numerous virtuous attempts have failed of their intended scope and end, through defect of secret concealment.

THE ancient philosophers and wise men (the princes of whom were Masons) were so fully persuaded of the great virtue of SECRECT, that it was the first lesson which they taught their pupils and followers. Thus, in the school of PythagoRAS, we find it was a rule that every noviciate was to be silent for a time, and refrain from speaking, unless when a question was asked; to the end that the valuable secrets which he had to communicate might be the better preserved and valued. Lycurgus made a perpetual law, obliging every man to keep secret whatever was committed to him, unless it were to the injury of the state. And CATO, the Roman Censor, told his friends, that of three things (if ever he happened to be guilty) he always repented, viz.-1st. If he divulged a SECRET; 2d. If he went on water, when he might stay on dry land; and Sdly. If he suffered a day to pass without doing (or endeavouring to do) some good. We also read that the Persian law punished the betraying of a secret more grievously than any other crime.

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Nor is the virtue of secrecy recommended only by the wisest heathen philosophers and law-givers; but likewise by the fathers of the church, and by inspired writers and law-givers.

ST. AMBROSE places the patient gift of silence among the principle foundations of virtue; and the wise king SOLOMON deems the man unworthy to reign or have any rule over others, who cannot command himself, and keep his own secrets. A discoverer of secrets he deems infamous and a traitor; but him that conceals them he accounts a faithful brother. "A tale-bearer," says he "revealeth secrets; but he " that is of a faithful spirit concealeth them. Dis"cover not a secret to another, lest he that heareth "it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not "away-he that keepeth his tongue, keepeth his own "soul." To the same purpose, in the book of Ecclesiasticus, (chap. xxvii.) we meet with the following beautiful passages, worthy to be forever recorded in the hearts of all masons.

"WHOSOEVER discovereth secrets, loseth his credit, and shall never find a friend to his mind. Love thy friend, and be faithful unto him; but if thou bewrayeth his secrets, follow no more after him: For as a man hath destroyed his enemy, so hast thou lost the love of thy neighbor: As one that letteth a bird go out of his hand, so hast thou let thy neighbour go, and shall not get him again. Follow after him no more, for he is too far off; he is as a roe escaped out of a snare. As for a wound, it may be bound up; and after reviling there may be reconcilement : But he that bewrayeth secrets is without hopе."

THUS far hath been spoken of the internal qualities and virtues required in all who aspire to the sublime honor and advantage of becoming Free and accepted Masons. We speak next of the external qualities and the steps to be pursued, in order to obtain initiation and admission into a duly warranted Lodge of ancient York Masons.

Be it known to you then, in the first place, That no person is capable of bec ming a member of such a Lodge, unless (in addition to the qualities and virtues mentioned above, or at least a disposition and capacity to seek and acquire them) he is also " free born; of mature and discreet age; of good report; of sufficient natural endowments, and the sense of a man, with an estate, office, trade, occupation, or some visible way of acquiring an honest livelihood, and of working in his craft, as becomes the members of this ancient and most honorable fraternity, who ought not only to earn what is sufficient for themselves and families, but like. wise something to spare for works of charity, and for supporting the ancient grandeur and dignity of the royal craft. Every person desiring admission must also be upright in body, not deformed or dismembered at the time of making, but of hale and entire limbs, as a MAN ought to be."

Thus, you see, a strict, although private and impartial, inquiry will be made into your character and ability, before you can be admitted into any Lodge; and by the rules of Masonry, no friend, who may wish to propose you, can shew you any favor in this respect. But if you have a friend who is a Mason, and is every way satisfied in these various points an dparticulars, his duty is described as follows, viz.


Concerning the proposing new Members in a Lodge.

"EVERY person desirous of being made a Free Mason in any Lodge shall be proposed by a member thereof, who shall give an account of the candidate's name, age, quality, title, trade, place of residence, description of his person, and other necessary requisites, as mentioned in the foregoing sections. And it is generally required that such proposal be also seconded by some one or more members, who likewise know something of the canditate. Such proposal shall also be made in Lodge hours, at least one night before initiation; in order that the brethren may have

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