EXTRACT OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, and Scotland, AS UNDER: Grand Lodge of the most ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the Half-Moon Tavern, Cheapside, London, Sept. 2, 1772. The most noble Prince John Duke of Atholl, grand master. Laurence Dermott, esq. deputy grand master, in the chair. HEARD a letter from brother Thomas Corker, deputy grand Secretary of Ireland, to Lau. Dermott, esq. D. G. M. of this grand lodge, setting forth the state of the craft, &c. in that kingdom, and having taken the same into consideration. Resolved, "It is the opinion of this grand lodge, "that a brotherly connexion and correspondence "with the right worshipful grand lodge of Ire"land, has been and will always be, found pro"ductive of honour and advantage to the craft in "both kingdoms." Ordered, "That the grand Secretary shall transmit "the names of the officers of this grand lodge to "the Secretary of the grand lodge of Ireland "yearly, or as often as any new choice is made, "together with such informations as may tend "to the honour and interest of the ancient craft: "And that all such information, or correspon"dence, shall be conveyed in the most respectful 66 terms, such as may suit the honour and dignity " of both grand lodges." Ordered, "That no mason who has been made un "der the sanction of the grand lodge of Ireland, "shall be admitted a member, nor partake of the general charity, without having first produced แ a certificate of his good behaviour, from the "Secretary of the grand lodge of Ireland; but upon producing such certificate, he shall receive all the honours due to a faithful brother "of the same houshould with us." 'The deputy grand master proposed, that a correspondence should be opened by this grand lodge with the grand lodge of Scotland, when they unanimously came to the same resolutions as set forth for the grand lodge of Ireland. Grand Lodge of the most ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted masons, Dublin, Nov. 5, 1772. The right hon. William Lord Viscount Dunluce, grand master. Arch. Richardson, esq. deputy grand master, in the chair. RECEIVED and read the resolutions of the grand lodge of England, transmitted by their grand Secretary, brother William Dickey, and having taken the same into consideration, came to the following resolution: Resolved, "That this lodge do entirely agree with "the grand lodge of England, that a brotherly "connexion and correspondence, between the .66 grand lodge of England and the grand lodge of "Ireland, have been, and will always be, found productive of honour and advantage to the craft "in both kingdoms." Ordered, "That the grand Secretary shall continue "to transmit, from time to time, the particular occurrences of this grand lodge to the grand "Secretary of England; and that hereafter no English mason shall be considered worthy of "their charity, without producing a certificate "from the grand lodge of England; and that we shall always consider such brethren as may "be recommended to us from the grand lodge of "England, equally objects of our attention with "those of the Fraternity in Ireland :-Nor can "the grand lodge of Ireland omit this opportunity of testifying their high sense of the honour 66 they have received in this invitation of a mu"tual and friendly intercourse, which they shall 66 study to preserve and strengthen by every act "of good offices and brotherly love." 86 By Order, FIELDING OULD jun. Grand Secretary. To the most noble Prince John Duke of Atholl, grand master of England. Grand Lodge of the most ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted masons in Scotland, held in the city of Edinburgh, Nov. 30, 1772. The right honourable and most worshipful Patrick Earl of Dumfreys, grand master. The right honourable and most worshipful George Earl of Dalhousie, late grand master, in the chair. IT was reported to the brethren, that the grand lodge of England, according to the old institutions, had, on the 2d of September last, past a resolution and order relative to a constant correspondence betwixt them and the grand lodge of Scotland, a copy of which had been lately transmitted by their Sec retary, along with a letter containing the names of their officers, to the Secretary of this grand lodge. The resolution and letter being read, the grand lodge were of opinion,that the brotherly intercourse and correspondence, which the right worshipful the grand lodge of England were desirous to establish, would be serviceable to both grand lodges, and productive of honour and advantage to the fraternity in general, and to promote this beneficial purpose: Ordered, "That the grand Secretary do transmit to "the Secretary of the grand lodge of England, tt the names of the officers of the grand lodge of "Scotland, elected this day; and shall hence"forth transmit the names of the grand officers 66 yearly, or as often as any new change is made, "and shall lay such letters, orders, informations, "as he may, from time to time, receive from the grand lodge of England, before this grand lodge, their quarterly communications, or standing committee: And also shall transmit "such informations as may tend to the honour " and advantage of the craft, according as he shall "be by them directed; and that he assures the (6 right worshipful grand lodge of England, in the 66 most respectful manner, the desire the grand 66 lodge of Scotland have to cultivate a connexion "with them by a regular correspondence for the "interest of the ancient crsft, suitable to the ho"nour and dignity of both grand lodges." Ordered, "That no mason, made under the sanction "of the grand lodge of England, according to the "old institution, shall be admitted a member of "the grand lodge of Scotland, nor partake of the “ general charity, without having first produced a "certificate of his good behaviour, from the Sec"retary of the grand lodge of England; but upon "producing such certificate, he shall receive all F |