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Secrettes, that soe the Worlde mayeth nothinge concele from them. Thay concelethe the Art of Wunderwerckinge, and of fore sayinge thynges to comme, thatt so thay same Artes may not be usedde of the wyckedde to an euylle Ende; thay also concelethe the (17) Arte of chaunges, the Wey of Wynnynge the Facultye (18) of Abrac, the Skylle of becommynge gude and parfyghte wythouten the Holypnges of Fere, and Hope; and the Universelle [19] Longage of Maconnes.

(15) Preise. It seems the Masons have a great - regard to the reputation as well as the profit of their order; since they make it one reason for not divulging an art in common, that it may do honour to the professors of it. I think in this particular they shew too much regard for their own society, and too little for the rest of Mankind.

(16) Arte of kepynge Secrettes. What kind of art this is, I can by no means imagine. But certainly such an art the Masons must have; for though as some people suppose, they should have no secret at all; even that must be a secret which being discovered would expose them to the highest ridicule; and therefore it requires the utmost caution to conceal it.

(17) Arte of Chaunges.. I know not what this means, unless it be the transmutation of metals. [18] Facultye of Abrac. Here I am utterly in the dark.


[19] Universelle Longage of Maconnes. An uni versal language has been much desired by the learnMed of many ages. 'Tis a thing rather to be wished than hoped for. But it seems the Masons pretend to have such a thing among them. If it be true, I guess it must be something like the language of the Pantomines among the ancient Romans, who are said to be able, by signs only, to express and deliver.

Quest. Wyll he teche me thay same Artes ?

Ans. Ye shall be techedde yff ye be werthye, and able to lerne.

any oration intelligibly to men of all nations and languages. A man who has all these arts and advantages, is certainly to be envied: but we are told, that this is not the case with all Masons; for thơ' these arts are among them, and all have a right and an opportunity to know them, yet some want capacity, and others industry to acquire them.* However of all their arts and secrets, that which I most desire to know is, The Skylle of becommyng gude and parfyght; and I wish it were communicated to all mankind, since there is nothing more true than the beautiful sentence contained in the last answer, "that the better men are, the more they love one another." Virtue having in itself something so amiable as to charm the hearts of all that behold it.

I know not what effect the sight of this old paper may have upon your lordship; but for my own part I cannot deny, that it has so much raised my curiosity, as to induce me to enter myself into the fraternity; which I am determined to do, if I may be admitted, the next time I go to London, and that will be shortly.

I am,

My Lord,

Your Lordship's most obedient,
And most humble Servant,



* In the Queries relative to Ancient and Modern Masonry, page 31, the author of Ahiman Rezon has said, that he could convey his mind to an Ancient Mason in the presence of a Modern Mason, without the latter knowing whether either of them were Masons. He now positively asserts that he is able (with Quest. Dothe alle Maconnes kunne more then odher Menne ?

Ans. Not so. Thay onlyche haueth recht, and Occasyonne more than odher Menne to kunne, butt many doeth fale yn Capacity, and manye more doth want Industry, that ys Pernecessarye for the gaynynge all Kunninge.

Quest. Are Maconnes gudder Menne then odhers?

Ans. Some Maconnes are nott so Vertuous as some odher Menn; but yn the moste Parte, thay be more gude then thay woulde be yf thay war not Maconnes.

Quest. Doth Maconnes love either odher myghtyly as beeth sayde?

Ans. Yea verylyche, and yt may not odherwyse be: For gude Menne, and true, kennynge eidher codher to be soche, doeth always love the more as thay be more Gude.



a few Masonical implements, i. e. two squares and a common gavilor hammer) to convey any word or sentence of his own, or the immediate dictations of a stranger, to skilful or intelligent Free-masons of the ancient order, without speaking, writing or noise. And that to any distance where the parties can see each other and at the same time be able to distinguish squares from circles. But as Mr. Locke observed this is not the case with all Masons (Note, there were no Modern Masons in his time) few of them are acquainted with this secret. The writer of this note has known it upwards of 30 years and never taught it to more than six persons, of which number our R.W.and ...very worthy Deputy Grand Master, William Dickey, Esq. is one, and Brother Shotwell, the publisher of this book, another. DERMOTT.




Allein, only

Alveys, always
Beithe, both

Commodytye, conveniency

Confrerie, fraternity

Faconnynge, forming


Fore sayinge, prophecying

Freres, brethren
Headly, chiefly

Hem plesethe, they please

Hemselfe, themselves
Her, there, their

Hereynne, therein
Herwyth, with it
Holpynge, beneficial
Kunne, know

Kunnynge, knowledge

Make Gudde, are beneficial

Metynges, measures

Mote, may

[blocks in formation]

Myddlelonde, mediterran- Wyseacre, learned


Ynn, into



THE Grammar Rules instruct the tongue and pen,

Rhetoric teaches eloquence to men;

By Logic we are taught to reason well,

Musick has charms beyond our power to tell;

The use of Numbers numberless we find,

Geometry give measure to mankind,

The Heav'nly System elevates the mind.

All those, and many secrets more,

The Masons taught in days of yore.

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