183 We act upon the square, on the level we'll depart, Let every, &c. How happy a mason whose bosom still flows Our friends and our bottle we best can enjoy, Our plumb, line, and compass, our square and our tools II. To Mars and to Venus we're equally true, sing, If so happy a mason, say, who'd be a king. LIII. SONG. [Tune-Hail Masonry, &c.] I. Let worthy brethren all combine 11. We level'd, plumm'd and squar'd, aright, III. Ye fools and Cowansall, who plot Ye strive in vain, attempt it not, IV. The wise, the noble, good, and great, The knave or fool, thơ' deck'd in state, V. Now fill your glasses, charge them high, Let our grand master's health go round; And let each here o'er-flow with joy, And love and unity abound. Then brethren all, &c. LIV. SONG. I. Let masons ever live in love, Let harmony their blessings prove, And sacred lodge on earth the place, Where freedom smiles in every face. CHORUS. Live free-masons, free-masons live and love, And shew that your types are from above. II. Behold the world all in amaze, Each curious eye with transport gaze, They look, they wish to be, What none can gain, except he's free. Chor. Live free-masons, &c. III. Then let each brother charge full high, Whose fame has thro' all ages run. Chor. Live free-masons, &c. LV. SONG. By brother Robert Hall. [Tune-Rule Britannia.] I. When masonry, by heav'n's decree, CHORUS. Hail masonry, for ever, ever may thou be, To all but us a mystery. II. The brethren all upright and just. Shall ever act upon the square; Until that the world dissolves to dust, The needy shall their bounty share. Cho. Hail masonry, &c. III. True moral men, sincere and free, Shall wisdom's dictates still impart, And mirth and joy, and true social unity, Shall bless those peaceful sons of art. Cho. Hail masonry, &c. IV. The Cowan and the crafty knave, Shall never tread the sacred ground, The griping miser, traitor, nor the abject slave, In mason's lodge shall ne'er be found. Cho. Hail masonry, &c.. V.. But if he's honest, just and true, His life and actions clear and bright; Report him, and prepare him, and invest him too, For he's the man shall see the light. Cho. Hail masonry, &c. LVI. A NEW SONG. By the foregoing Hand. I. When Sol, ascending from the East,, 2 186 And darkness turns to light: And quickly he does give commands, To see the lodge til'd right. II. In solemn form he then declares, No greater joys we ask. Each to perform his task. III. We square our deeds by virtue's plan, IV. But when the bright meridian sun, V. 4 Our glasses charg'd in solemn state, VI. In mirth we spend the time of East Then strength performs his part; : LVI. A NEW MASON'S SONG. I. As long as our coast does with whiteness appear, Whilst harmony, friendship, and joys are held dear. New bands shall our praises rehearse. CHORUS. Though lodges less favoured, less happy, decay, Thơ' Albions, Gregorians and Bucks fade away, II. If envy attempts our success to impede, If faction should threaten, we'll shew we're agreed, And discord shall own we are one. Chor. Tho' lodges, &c. III. Whilst with ardour we glow, this our order to raise, . Promoting its welfare and peace: Old masons return, our endeavours to praise, And new ones confirm the increase, Chor. Tho' lodges, &c. IV. Go on, cries our parents, for time is your friend, Its flight shall increase your renown; And mirth shall your guest be, and Bacchus attend, And joy all your meetings shall crown. Chor. Tho' lodges, &c. LVII. SONG. Ε.Ι. Arise gentle muse, who with wisdom inspires, Each bosom that's ardent in virtuous desires; For from glorious actions, the bliss that accrues, Is the worth all admire, and each mason pursues. CHORUS. Hence harmony springs, 'tis the cement of love, Н. Indignant around us, tho' discord is seen, Hence harmony springs, &c. |