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There's none shall come into our secrets,
Nor we from free-masonry fall.

Then, &c.

To all those who live within compass and square. Note. The last verse and chorus were composed by another hand.


By brother RP, Esq.
[Tune, By Jove I'll be free.]


Or all institutions to form well the mind,
And make us to every virtue inclin'd;
None can with the craft of free-masons compare,
Nor teach us so truly our actions to square;
For it was ordain'd by our founder's decree,
That we should be loyal, be loving, and free,

Be loving, and free, &c.


We in harmony, friendship, and unity meet,
And every brother most lovingly greet;
And, when we see one in distress, still impart
Some comfort to cheer and enliven his heart;
Thus we always live and for ever agree,
Resolv'd to be loyal, most loving, and free,

Most loving and free, &c.


By points of good fellowship we still accord,
Observing each brother's true sign, grip, and word;
Which from our great architect was handed down,
And ne'er will to any but masons be known;
Then here's to our brethren of every degree,

Who always are loyal, are loving, and free,

Are loving, and free, &c.


Thus we interchangeably hold one another,
To let mankind see how we are link'd to each brother;
No monarch that secret knot can untie,

Nor can prying mortals the reason know why:
For our hearts, like our hands, united shall be;

Still secret, still loyal, still loving, and free,

Still loving and free, &c.

To all free, social masons, &c.

By brother B-d Cl-ke.

Magna est Veritas et prævalebit.


To the science that virtue and art do maintain,
Let the muse pay her tribute in soft gliding strain;
Those mystic perfections so fond to display,
As far as allowed to poetical lay;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons alone are the men who are free,

The men who are free, &c.


Their origin they with great honour can trace,
From the sons of religion and singular grace;
Great Hiram and Solomon, virtue to prove,
Made this the grand secret of friendship and love;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons, of all men, are certainly free,

Are certainly free, &c.


The smart and the beau, the coquette and the prude,
The dull and the comic, the heavy and rude;
In vain may enquire, then fret and despise
An art that's still secret 'gainst all they devise;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons, the' secret, are loyal and free,

Are loyal and free, &c.


Commit it to thousands of different mind,
And this golden precept you'll certainly find;
Nor interest nor terror can make them reveal,
Without just admittance, what they should conceal;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons alone are both secret and free,

Both secret and free, &c.


Fair virtue and friendship, religion and love,
The motive of this noble science still prove;
'Tis the lock and key of the most godly rules,
And not to be trusted to knaves or to fools;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That ancient free-masons are steady and free,

Are steady and free, &c,


Th' Isr'lites distinguish'd their friends from their foes, By signs and characters; then say why should those Of vice and unbelief be permitted to


Into secrets that masons alone should descry;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons, of all men, are secret and free,

Are secret and free, &c.


The dunce he imagines, that science and art
Depend on some compact or magical part;
Thus men are so stupid, to think that the cause
Of our constitution's against divine laws;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That masons are jovial, religious, and free,

Religious, and free, &c.


Push about the brisk bow!, let it circling pass;
Let each chosen brother lay hold on his glass,
And drink to the heart that will always conceal,
And the tongue that our secrets will never reveal;
Each profession and class of mankind must agree,
That the sons of old Hiram are certainly free,

Are certainly free, &c.

To the innocent and faithful craft, &c.

[blocks in formation]

WHEN earth's foundation first was laid

By the Almighty artist's hand;

It was then our perfect, our perfect laws were inade,

Establish'd by his strict command.

Hail! mysterious hail! glorious masonry,

That makes us ever great and free.


As man throughout for shelter sought,
In vain from place to place did roam ;
Until from heaven, from heaven he was taught,
To plan, to build, and fix his home.

Hail! mysterious, &c.


Hence illustrious rose our art,

And now in beauteous piles appear;

Which shall to endless, to endless time impart,

How worthy and how great we are.

Hail! mysterious, &c.


Nor we less fam'd for ev'ry tie,

By which the human thought is bound;

Love, truth, and friendship, and friendship socially,

Doth join our hearts and hands around.

Hail! mysterious, &c.


Our actions still by virtue blest,

And to our precepts ever true;

The world admiring, admiring shall request
To learn, and our bright paths pursue.

Hail! mysterious, &c.

To all true masons and upright,

Who saw the East where rose the light.



COME, boys, let us more liquor get,
Since jovially we are all met,

Since jovially, &c.

Here none will disagree;

Let's drink and sing, and all combine,
In songs to praise that art divine,
In songs, &c.

That's call'd free-masonry.


True knowledge seated in the head,
Doth teach us masons how to tread,
Doth teach, &c.

The paths we ought to go;
By which we ever friends create,
Drown care and strife, and all debate,

Drown care, &c.

Count none but fools our foe.


Here sorrow knows not how to weep,
And watchful grief is luli'd asleep,

And watchful, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Hear me, ye gods, and while I live,
Good masons and good liquor give,
Good masons, &c.

Then always happy me;
Likewise a gentle she 1 crave,
Until I'm summon'd to my grave,
But when I'm, &c.

Adieu my lodge and she.
To each charming fair and faithful she,
That loves the craft of Masonry.



Guardian genius of our art divine,
Unto thy faithful sons appear;
Cease now o'er ruins of the East to pine,

And smile in blooming beauties here.


Egypt, Syria, and proud Babylon,
No more thy blissful presence claim;
In England fix thy ever-during throne,
Where myriads do confess thy name.


The sciences from eastern regions brought,
Which, after shewn in Greece and Rome.
Are here in several stately lodges taught;
To which remotest brethren come.


Behold what strength our rising domes uprears,
Till mixing with the azure skies;
Behold what beauty thro' the whole appears,

So wisely built they must surprise.


Nor are we only to these arts confin'd,
For we the paths of virtue trace;

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