The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The Cambridge Text from the Latest Ed. of William Aldis Wright, 第 9 卷Thompson Publishing Company, 1900 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 42 筆
第 3 頁
... arms , ' " " may perhaps also point to 1596-1597 as the original date of composition . The Shirleys were knighted by the Queen in 1597 . The earliest reference to the play occurs in Meres ' Palladis Tamia , 1598 ; while Ben Jonson ends ...
... arms , ' " " may perhaps also point to 1596-1597 as the original date of composition . The Shirleys were knighted by the Queen in 1597 . The earliest reference to the play occurs in Meres ' Palladis Tamia , 1598 ; while Ben Jonson ends ...
第 7 頁
... the Papists railing on him for a heretic , and therefore he must also be a coward , though indeed he was a man of arms , every 1 See edition of 1811 , ii . 131 , 132 . • · inch of him , and as valiant as. Parts I and II of King Henry IV 7.
... the Papists railing on him for a heretic , and therefore he must also be a coward , though indeed he was a man of arms , every 1 See edition of 1811 , ii . 131 , 132 . • · inch of him , and as valiant as. Parts I and II of King Henry IV 7.
第 14 頁
... arms were moulded in their mothers ' womb To chase these pagans in those holy fields Over whose acres walk'd those blessed feet Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail'd For our advantage on the bitter cross . But this our purpose ...
... arms were moulded in their mothers ' womb To chase these pagans in those holy fields Over whose acres walk'd those blessed feet Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail'd For our advantage on the bitter cross . But this our purpose ...
第 24 頁
... arms . The virtue of this jest will be , the incomprehensible lies that this same fat rogue will tell us when we meet at supper : how thirty , at least , he fought with ; what wards , what blows , what extremities he endured ; and in ...
... arms . The virtue of this jest will be , the incomprehensible lies that this same fat rogue will tell us when we meet at supper : how thirty , at least , he fought with ; what wards , what blows , what extremities he endured ; and in ...
第 36 頁
... arms , Which now we hold at much uncertainty . North . Farewell , good brother ; we shall thrive , I trust . 300 Hot . Uncle , adieu ; O , let the hours be short Till fields and blows and groans applaud our sport ! [ Exeunt . • ACT II ...
... arms , Which now we hold at much uncertainty . North . Farewell , good brother ; we shall thrive , I trust . 300 Hot . Uncle , adieu ; O , let the hours be short Till fields and blows and groans applaud our sport ! [ Exeunt . • ACT II ...
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anon Archbishop Archbishop of York arms Bard Bardolph battle of Shrewsbury blood Blunt brother called Capell Colevile Collier's Corrector cousin Davy death dost doth Douglas Dyce read Earl of Fife Earl of March Eastcheap Enter Exeunt Exit faith father fear Folio friends Gadshill give Glend Glendower grace Hanmer Harry hath head hear heart Henry Percy honour horse Host Hostess Hotspur humours Jack JOHN OF LANCASTER King Henry knight Lady lord Master Shallow merry Mortimer Mowb Mowbray never noble Northumberland old editions old reading omits peace Percy Peto Pist Pistol play Poins Pope pray Prince of Wales Quarto rascal Re-enter Richard Richard II rogue sack says SCENE Shakespeare Shal Shrewsbury Sir John Falstaff Sir John Oldcastle speak Steevens sweet sword tell thee thou art thou hast tongue Warwick Westmoreland wife wilt Worcester word