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H. F. Lee, son of the Confederate commander, and the scene of Washington's marriage. From the burning mass General Stuart rescued several railroad engines, and about 10,000 stand of arms, partially burned; and on the next day, leaving a squadron to hold the position, hastened back to bear his part in the great scenes which still continued to attract all eyes to the banks of the Chickahominy.

Let us go back to the morning of the 28th of June, when Stuart took up the line of march for the White House. Up to the moment when the Federal forces retreated from Dispatch, burning the railroad bridge, and crossing to the south side of the stream, the intentions of General McClellan were undeveloped. It then became plain that he had abandoned the line of the York River Railroad; and early in the forenoon, the clouds of dust which rose from the southern bank of the Chickahominy, indicated that the Federal troops were in motion. Their destination still, however, remained unknown. No certain evidences of McClellan's intention to retreat toward Harrison's Landing were observed, and as he still had at his command Bottom's and Long bridges over the Chickahominy below, the line of retreat down the Peninsula remained open. To frustrate any movement in that direction, Ewell was ordered to move from Dispatch to Bottom's bridge, on the main road from Richmond to Williamsburg; and Stuart, on the next day, pushed on with his cavalry, to guard the bridges still lower down.

Late in the afternoon of the 28th, the Federal works on the south side of the Chickahominy, in front of Richmond, were reported to be fully manned, and their forces exhibited no intention of retiring. Here, however, commenced that run of good fortune which General McClellan derived from the character of the ground. The densely-wooded lowgrounds, penetrated only by narrow and winding roads, enabled the Federal commander to make his dispositions without chance of discovery; and at the moment when his frowning fortifications bristled with heavy guns, with cannoneers at their posts, rapid arrangements were being made to retreat to James River. During the night these

movements were too general to be longer concealed, and it was soon discovered that the entire Federal army was in full retreat.

Then commenced the great movement which will long be remembered for the horrors which accompanied it. The Confederates followed at dawn; and we shall proceed to narrate briefly the events which ensued, without undertaking to decide upon the charges of grave neglect of duty preferred by public opinion against some of the Confederate officers, for permitting the Federal forces to elude them. General Huger was to move by the Charles City road, so as to strike the flank of the retreating column; and General Magruder by the Williamsburg road, in order to assail their rear. Jackson, who had remained on the northern bank of the Chickahominy both to cut off their retreat down the Peninsula and from his inability to cross until the bridges destroyed by the enemy in their rear were reconstructed, was now ordered to cross to the south bank, and move directly down the stream to coöperate with Magruder in the attack upon the Federal rear.

On the night of the 29th, accordingly, Jackson, now rejoined by Ewell, took up the line of march for the new scene of operations, crossing at Grapevine bridge, a short distance north of the railroad. This bridge had furnished an avenue of retreat to General McClellan, on the night of the 27th, when his forces fell back from Cold Harbor; and having passed over the rolling structure of loose logs, half buried in the slushy soil, he had destroyed it behind him. Jackson hastily reconstructed it, and pushed forward without pause toward Savage Station, the line of the enemy's retreat.

Meanwhile the thunder of artillery throughout the latter part of the afternoon had indicated the progress of a severe engagement between the Federal forces and Magruder. Following the retreating column, Magruder had found their whole line of works deserted, and vast amounts of military stores abandoned. Approaching Savage's Station about noon, he came upon their rear guard, and attacked them with one of his divisions-the conflict continuing until night. The loss inflicted was consider

able, and at nightfall General McClellan continued his retreat, leaving behind immense amounts of stores and 2,500 men in the hospitals. The stores had been partially burned, and the enemy had loaded a long railroad train with their surplus ammunition, gotten the engine under a full head of steam, and applying a slow match to the ordnance, started the diabolical messenger on its way toward the Chickahominy. The engine rushed on with its dangerous freight until it reached the destroyed bridge, where the train blew up with a roar which was heard more than thirty miles—the cars rolling, torn to pieces, into the river; the grimy engine hanging like some inanimate monster on the very brink of the trestle work, in the centre of the stream, where, by some strange chance, it had not toppled over.

The enemy's stand at Savage's Station had been made with the design of covering the further retreat of their main body. In this they succeeded, and, crossing White Oak Swamp without interruption, they destroyed the bridge behind them and were comparatively safe.

Jackson reached Savage's Station on the morning of the 30th, and gathered up about 1,000 stragglers from the Federal army. He did not delay his march, and pushing on, came up with the enemy at White Oak Swamp, where they had assumed a position behind the destroyed bridge, which rendered the passage of the stream in their front impossible. His artillery was placed in position, and a steady cannonade commenced-during which a severe action known as the battle of Frayser's Farm took place lower down.

Longstreet and A. P. Hill had pushed forward, and soon came upon the Federal forces strongly posted on the Long bridge road, about a mile from its intersection with the Charles City road. General Huger had reported that his progress was obstructed, but about four P. M. firing was heard on the Charles City road, which was supposed to indicate his approach; and Longstreet opened with his artillery to announce his presence. A fierce and sanguinary conflict followed between the enemy and Longstreet reënforced by A. P. Hill. General Huger did

not come up, and Jackson was unable to force the passage of White Oak Swamp: thus the two first-named commands bore the brunt of the whole battle, which raged furiously until nine o'clock at night. At that hour the Federal forces had been driven with great slaughter from every position but one, which they maintained until darkness settled down upon the woods. Under the cover of night they continued to fall back, leaving their dead and wounded on the field, several thousands of small arms scattered about, and large numbers of prisoners, including a general of division.

The battle of Frayser's Farm was the turning point of the drama. General McClellan fought with desperation, and managed to hold his ground until night, when he continued his retreat toward James River.

[blocks in formation]

EARLY on the next morning-the 1st of July-Jackson forced the passage of White Oak Swamp, captured a part of the Federal artillery, and pressing forward, reached the battle-field of the evening before, where he was assigned to the front by General Lee, and immediately continued the pursuit.

His presence infused new ardor into the movement, and, advancing down the Willis Church road, under an incessant fire from the Federal rear guard, he found himself in front of Malvern Hill.

On this powerful position General McClellan had drawn up his entire army to repel the assault of his obstinate and untiring foes. His left rested near Crewe's house, and his right near Binford's. His infantry was behind hastily constructed earthworks, and his artillery so massed as to concentrate a deadly fire upon every avenue of approach. In front the ground was open for about half a mile, and sloping gradually from the crest occu

pied by the Federal forces, was completely swept by their infantry and artillery. To reach this open ground, the Confederate troops were compelled to advance through a broken and thicklywooded country, traversed by streams and swamps, passable in very few places; and this whole ground was in easy range of the batteries on the heights as well as the gunboats in the river.

A more formidable position in which to repulse an assault can scarcely be imagined, and the sequel plainly pointed out the good generalship of the officer who had selected it.

General Lee determined to attack, and immediately made his dispositions for battle. Jackson formed his line with Whiting's division on the left and D. H. Hill's on the right-one of Ewell's brigades occupying the interval between them. The rest of Ewell's and Jackson's old division were held in reserve in the woods near Willis' Church. On the right of Jackson's line were posted two of General Huger's brigades, and on the extreme right of the Confederate line General Magruder's command was stationed. Longstreet and A. P. Hill were held in reserve, and took no part in the action. These dispositions were not made until late in the afternoon-the dense woods almost wholly interrupting communication. The same circumstance prevented a sufficient amount of artillery from being thrown into action; and under these disheartening circumstances the battle commenced.

Malvern Hill was less a battle, scientifically disputed, than a bloody combat in which masses of men rushed forward and were swept away by the terrible fire of artillery concentrated in their front. D. H. Hill, hearing, as he supposed, the sigual from General Lee for a general advance, put his lines in motion, and advanced to attack the tremendous position before him. He was resolutely met, and so hard pressed that he was compelled to call urgently for reënforcements. Jackson promptly sent forward Ewell's reserve and his own division; but owing to the swampy nature of the ground, the thick undergrowth, and gath ering darkness, their march was so much retarded that they did not arrive in time to enable Hill to maintain his position, and he

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