THE SERMONS, AND OTHER PRACTICAL WORKS, Of the Late REVEREND and LEARNED MR. RALPH ERSKINE, Minister of the Gospel in DUNFERMLINE. Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO. To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, Go, preach the gospel to every creature, MARK XVI. 15. PRINTED BY PATRICK MAIR, For the Revd. JOHN STEWART, HUGH MITCHELL, Bookfeller, M.DCC.XCVI. CONTENT S. SERMON LXXIII,-LXXVIII. The Strength of Sin, and how the law is the Strength thereof, opened up and unfolded, I COR. XV. 56. The strength of fin is the law. 7 The words being viewed in their connection, analized and explained, there are two doctrinal propofitions adduced, and feparately profecuted. The FIRST is, "That fin is a very ftrong and powerful thing. obfervation, the following general heads of method are profecuted, viz. 1. The nature of fin enquired into, and opened up, And from this 12 2. The strength of fin unfolded, by viewing the qualities and degrees of its ftrength, 3. How the ftrength of fin difcovers itself, evinced, 4. Whence the ftrength of fin comes, and where it lies, 5. Some inferences deduced for application, 37 29 40 42 The SECOND doctrine is, "That the law of works is the strength of sia to the finner that hath violate and broken it." Aud from this propofition, the following general topics are propofed, viz. 1. Enquire what law is the ftrength of fin, 2. Shew what ftrength it is that fin hath from the law, 3. Shew what fin the law is the ftrength of, 4. How, and in what refpect, the law is the ftrength of fin, 5. Whence it is that the law is the ftrength of fin, 60 64 67 74 6. Application of the whole, in leveral ufes, Ufe (1.) Of caution, in four particulars, (2.) Of information, in feveral inferences, Two difficult cafes folved, relative to hypocrites and believers, 85 89 ibid. 91 106 121 143 (3.) Of examination; containing a fourfold inquiry to know who are delivered from the law, as it is the ftrength of sin, 149 (4.) of exhortation; first to unbelievers, who are under the law; and then to believers, who are not under it, SERMON LXXIX. 162 God's Great Name, the Ground and Reafon of faving great Sinners, 167 Ps.cvii.8. Nevertheless be faved them for his name's fake. The words being divided, explained, and fummed up in a doctrinal observation, feveral propofitions laid down for clearing the doctrine, and parallel fcriptures adduced for illuftrating the truth of it, the following general heads of method are infisted upon, viz. 172 1. What is that name of God, for the fake of which he faves, 2. What it is for God to fave for his name's fake, 178 3. What falvation he works for his name's fake, 183' 4. What is imported in this NEVERTHELESS; or, over what impediments doth God bring about falvation for his name's fake, 186 5. Some reasons offered why he faves for his name's fake, 6. Some inferences deduced for the application, 190 |