A History of Christian Missions in ChinaCh'eng-wen Publishing Company, 1966 - 930 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 85 筆
第 274 頁
... ports of entry and discharge . " ' The three decided upon were Hankow , Kiukiang , and Chinkiang . " All of them were strategically located . Second . Foreigners were accorded the privilege of travelling in the Empire outside the treaty ...
... ports of entry and discharge . " ' The three decided upon were Hankow , Kiukiang , and Chinkiang . " All of them were strategically located . Second . Foreigners were accorded the privilege of travelling in the Empire outside the treaty ...
第 278 頁
... ports or at other places , " as a guarantee of that right outside the treaty ports . However , the 1o For example , E. C. Lord , American Consul at Ningpo , said to Southern Presbyterian missionaries when the question was up of Chinese ...
... ports or at other places , " as a guarantee of that right outside the treaty ports . However , the 1o For example , E. C. Lord , American Consul at Ningpo , said to Southern Presbyterian missionaries when the question was up of Chinese ...
第 418 頁
... ports , and the missionary sometimes called upon his government for support . The governments of the United States and Great Britain , as we have seen , took the attitude that the treaties did not guarantee to Protestant missionaries ...
... ports , and the missionary sometimes called upon his government for support . The governments of the United States and Great Britain , as we have seen , took the attitude that the treaties did not guarantee to Protestant missionaries ...
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activities American Board Amoy Annales Baptist Bishop Boxer British Broomhall Canton Catholic Missions Century of Protestant Chêkiang Chihli China Inland Mission China Mission Hand-book Chinese Christians Chinese Recorder Chinese Repository Christian community Christian Occupation Church Missionary Society College converts coöperation Cordier Empire entered Europe faith Foreign Missions Franciscans French Fukien Gospel Histoire Honan Hongkong Hunan hundred Hupeh Ibid institutions Jesuits Jesus K'ang Hsi Kiangnan Kwangsi Kwangtung later Launay Lazarists Letter lettres édifiantes literature London Missionary Society Macao Manchu Manchuria Methodist Middle Kingdom Mission Year Book Missionary Conference Missions in China Nanking nation Nestorian Ningpo non-Christians Occident Occupation of China officials organization passim Peking persecution Planchet ports Presbyterian priests Propagation Protestant missionaries Protestant Missions province reënforcements religious reported Roman Catholic schools sent Servière Shanghai Shansi Shantung sionaries Szechwan T'ai P'ings tian Tientsin tion translation treaties Vicar Apostolic Western women Yünnan