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murderers, forgave sinners, forgåve Peter, forgave Mag- Jesus was dalene, forgave Judas, forgave the rabble that spat in Forgiver. his face, forgave the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea for trying to hold him a prisoner. Because his emotional range was so transcendent; because he had the biggest heart in the universe, he wept over Jerusalem-chose the emotional, affectionate John as his beloved disciple-made love (not philosophy) the theme of his gospel, sympathized with the down-trodden poor-and felt his heart wrung with compassion because the lepers were unclean and the widow of Nain had lost her boy!

But for me to be therapeutically helped by believing any of the sayings of Jesus I must first of all be capable of receiving his sayings into my own Mind. I am saved from fanaticism if I technically and analytically go into the dry psychological science of Sensation; or the action of my Senses, when I become aware of the presentation to my Sight or Hearing, of one of the sayings of Jesus. To spiritually receive, I must first receive the saying psychologically. My spiritual, Christian, self-development, depends first upon my reception of the Truth. I must first take the Truth in; or, involve it. To be a true Christian is to become a spiritually evolved person. But nothing can be spiritually evolved that is not first involved. To study ourselves spiritually, as evolving beings, it is

Psychological ways of receiving the Sayings of Jesus.

first of all necessary that we study ourselves as involving beings. Evolution-spiritual-is a reaction on what has been involved. Nervous structures-in one sense-are organs of involution. Spiritual evolution always implies laws of mental action and reaction. The Senses are mental organs of involution, and reaction.

There can be no Christian mental reaction-on a Sense, Thought, an Emotional force, or a class of Nervous Energies to help any individual-without there exist, first of all, and, as its primary condition, an underlying capability for higher (mental, emotional and nervous) action and reaction in the individual.

And this fundamental law of action and mental reaction in the Soul-in its turn-is impossible unless we admit some form of transcendental Soul-Substance capable of reacting to higher ideals; as the primary condition of the Soul's evolution; or Christian growth.

The aim of Christian Suggestion is to give the emotional and nervous forces-so far as the body is concerned-a healthy, normal, upward evolutionary trend. When the nervous forces are not psychologically controlled they act in an irrational way; and with greater intensity. Thus the nervous forces move with a greater irrational intensity in a chicken with its head just cut off, than in a chicken whose wing or leg has been badly injured. Why? Do not

The Sayings of
Jesus are


through the


Mind Forces
can act on
Nervous Forces

smile. Because the nervous forces of the chicken cannot change their mode of motion unless acted upon by a su perior power. But, cutting off the chicken's head made it impossible for the chicken's psychological power to change the direction of its nervous motions, or to sensibly co-ordinate them. Hence, the chicken flops irrationally all over the backyard until its nervous forces subside into the inertia of its nerve cells and protoplasm.

The Nerve-Sense organs-the Nerve-Sense places in the body where the receptive acting motions of nervous forces operate whenever outside forces of Christian Suggestion (through Air-waves of Hearing or Light-waves of Sight) act upon them-these nerve Sense organs are in the upper outside surfaces. These Nerve-Sense organs of receptive motion, moreover, and by means of which the Christian Suggestion is first attracted to the Sense organs of Thought are also connected with the inside nerve Brain cells by what are called the nerves of general and special Sensibility.

The first condition to Christian mental reaction, as an essential to spriitual evolution is, therefore, that the Senses of Seeing, Hearing and Touch shall be in a state of rapid nervous receptive motion. Otherwise, they could gather no Bible suggestions from the outside for higher inside "faculties" to react upon spiritually.

Forces control
Nervous Forces

Sight and
Hearing are

organs of




Therefore, preceding the Christian mental reaction or any Higher Suggestion (as an essential to Spiritual Evolution) the following condition must first of all be complied with: There must be the Reaction of the Senses. means that (in order to receive the Higher Suggestion at all into the Mind through either the Eye or Ear or Touch) that a preliminary reaction of these nervous organs of the Eye, Ear and Touch-must be made on the Lightwaves essential to Seeing; and on the Air and Electric and Heat waves essential to Hearing and Touch.

The action of the Nerve organs of the Senses of Sight and Hearing-of the person receiving the higher Christian Suggestion-is, first of all, therefore, a reactionary work-on the forms of the elements of the Light as Light-waves; on the forms of the elements of Air and Electricity as Sound and Electric waves; and on the forms of the elements of Ether and heat-as Touch waves.

The nervous organs of these Senses therefore do work through the motions of their nervous forces.

The reactionary work of the motions of the nervous forces (moving in the nerve organs of the Eye and Ear) is therefore a work done by these nervous forces upon light-waves, air and electric waves, in changing the motions of these outside forces of light, air, electricity, from their straight lines of motion.

Eyes and Ears draw in Light waves and Air


Eyes and

Ears do real Involutionary Dynamic Work.

The work done is a work of reaction. And this work is done in our Eyes and Ears by the nervous motions of the nervous forces operating through the nervous machinery of our Ears and Eyes.

Therefore, the capability of the power of any Christian Suggestion, so far as it is capable of helping another by the conveyance of Thought through light, air, electricity or ether waves, absolutely depends on the reactionary work done (on these incoming motions and forces to the Brain) by the constructive reactionary work of the motions of the nervous forces operating through the Nerve Sense organs of the individual. To bring a Christian Suggestion to our Minds therefore (through Sight or Hearing) we must first have some means by which we can attract the motions of the forces of Light, Air and Electricity (by which we see and Hear) to our Bodies. As the Light and Air waves (through which we Hear and See) move in straight lines and would not come into our Eyes and Ears, unless our organs attracted them from their straight line motions, therefore:

I. The Eye is a nervous organ, the purpose of the motions and forces of whose molecules is to change the rays of Light from their right lines of motion; and to separate the colors of Light, according to the cones of the retina, after the rays have been attracted.

How our
Senses at-

tract to us the

sayings of

The work of
the Eye
of Jesus.

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