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Emperor of Morocco distracted by the tooth-ache, 80. Cured
by a French furgeon, 83. Rewards him generously, ibid.
Chinese, defcription of the anniversary of his birth-day, 278.
Defcription of the park, 358.

Emprefs, fome account of the prefent, of the Gauls, 237. Her
magnificence in dress, ibid. Her expenfive bath, 238.

Emily, a Veronefe nobleman, condemned perfidiously to death
by Augereau, 69.

English, their manners defcribed, 152. Fond of animal food,
ibid. Plain in their cookery, 153. Clean in their houses
and in their drefs, 154.

Entertainments, theatrical, thofe in China described, 282.
Equality, the chimerical notions of it refuted in a popular con-
verfation, 193.

Escape, a fortunate, of an Helvetian on the 10th of August, 31.
Evening, continuation of Collins's ode to, 380.

Events, Virgil's expreffions on fome, which cannot be related
without a tear, Motto, 31.

Europeans, sketches of their manners in the West Indies, 247:
They are covetous, ibid. Their voluptuoufnefs, 248. Their
defpotifm and cruelty towards the Africans.
prone to every kind of dissipation, 252.

They are

Fairies very common anciently in Britain, according to Dryden,
Motto, 291.

Fauft is the first who cafts types, 3.

Faukes, Guido, an hiftorical account of him, 95. Where ap-
prehended, examined, conveyed, 96. Why he confeffid
what he knew of the confpiracy, 97. When, with whom,
and where executed, 98.

Fire-works, the Chinese exceed ours, 285.

Flor Silin, a Ruffian peasant, a short account of his benevolent
humanity, 230.

French ingenuity, modern anecdote of, 6. Gallantry, mif-
chance of, related in a humorous anecdote, 24. Picture of
two modern families, 128. Sketch of their manners, 152.
Gay, polite, 154. Ill dreffed and enterprifing, 158, 159.
Juftice, a modern anecdote, 354.

Frenchmen, fharpers duping a Dutch Jew, a modern anecdote, 6.

Gallantry, French, mischance of, an humorous anecdote, 24.
Gardening, there is a great analogy between the Chinese and
English ftyle of, 363.

Garter, the order of the, inftituted during the plague of Lon-
don, in 1349, 50.

Garth, his defcription of Indian indolence, Motto, 287.

Geddes, Dr. sketch of his life, 329. Where born and edu-

́cated, 330.
death, 337.

His character and attainments, 333. His

Genius defined by Cowper, 38. It always betrays itself, 40.
Georgians, flave girls fold, 13.


Why their waift is so small,

Ghost of a scrag of mutton, poetical and humorous anecdote

of, 100.

Giant's Head, in Silefia, is the highest point of land in Ger-
many, 321. Its form defcribed, 325.

Giant mountains, in Silefia, described in the journal of an ex-
curfion to them, 311. The abode, according to ancient tra-
ditions, of a giant genius, Note, 326. Not to be compared,
in point of elevation, to thofe of Swifferland, 329.

Glaciers, defcription of them, 72.

Gleaner, a literary mifcellany, Note, 104.

Gleichen, Count, anecdote of him, 275. He goes to the Holy
Land, ibid. He is made prifoner, and released by a fair Sa-
racen, 276.

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God, his omniprefence afferted by Virgil, Motto, 17.

Gondoline, a melancholy and anecdotic ballad, 109.

Grefeinftein, Elizabeth Countess of, gives an heroic inftance of
conjugal love in felling her property to ransom her husband,
and going to the Eaft, 175. By her affection for him con-
fines herself in a tomb, 180.

Greaves, Rev. Dr. nearly one hundred years of age, 44. His
ode on temperance, imitated from Horace, ibid.

Great Storm Cap, a mountain in Silefia, 318.
Grief, its effects defcribed by Horatius, Motto, 30.
Guttemberg, of Mentz, inventor of the art of printing, à
poetical address to him, 1.

Haller, Sophia, account of her romantic marriage, 341.
Happiness, according to Horace, does not confift in riches,
Motto, 196. Conjugal, that of a poet described in let-
ters, 374.

Hawkins, Sir John, praised and cenfured by Cowper, 39.
Hayward, the philanthropist, doing an act of humanity, 146.
Relating Martina's woes and melancholy madnefs, 137.
Heroism, an instance of Italian, exhibited by three refpectable
Veronefe, 69. Of conjugal affection, exemplified in the con-
duct of Elizabeth Countess of Greifenftein, 17.5.

Heron, his journey to Scotland cited, Note, 307. His opinion
on the evils refulting from the generality of manufacturers,
Note, ibid.

Highlands of Scotland, a defcriptive glance on them, 119.
Hindoo, the, is daftardly in spirit, 289. Is far from being
mild and humane, 290.

Homer praised by Cowper for his plainnefs, 36. Is translated
but with great difficulty, 37.
Hope, its beneficial effects, 259.

Horace, maxims of, afferting that the guilty never efcapes pu
nishment, Motto, 15. Describes the effects of grief, Motto,
30. Says that a found judgment forms the good writer,
Motto, 34. His thoughts on the object of travel, Motto,
152. His idea of happiness, Motto, 196.

Hofpitality, the law of, religiously observed among the Circas
fians, 10.

Hofpital, defcribed by Milton, Motto, 75. Industrious, but
indigent, old age should not be doomed to die in it, Note, 79.
Hotel, the new, reflections on entering it, 105.

Humanity, hymn to, 272. May relieve without alms, 273.
Implored in favour of woe, 274.

Hufband, Circaffian, does not live in the fame hut with his
wife, 15. Anecdote of a murderous one, 16.

Hymen, his nature energetically described by Rowe, 175.

Impoftor, account of an extraordinary one in Germany, 233.
Independence is a dream, 98.

Indians, defcription of fome of their religious ceremonies, 133.
Their character sketched, 287.

Ingenuity, French, modern anecdote of, 6.
Inhuman man, a brute, 272.

Invafion, French, thoughts on, 224. The cruelties which
have attended it in every country, 228. It would be ruinous
to the British nation, 226. It would attack equally the pa-
lace and the cottage, 227. Exhortation to zeal and unani-
mity to repel it, 229.

Jackfon's ftate of the defunct contains a whimsical anecdote
of a ghoft, Note, 104.

Jealouly, its effects poetically defcribed, 9. Caufed the de-
ftruction of Troy, 10. Reprobated by Ovid, Motto, 9.
Jerufalem, defcription of the prefent ftate of that city, 397.
Jew, outwitted and duped by two Frenchmen, a modern anec-
dote, 6.

Johnfon, Dr. Samuel, has been uncourteously treated by his
biographers, Note, 34.

Judgment, a found one, according to Horatius, forms the good
writer, Motto, 34.

Jurifprudence enlarges the mind, 40.

Juftice, account of the manner in which it is now administered
in France, 354.

Juvenal, his thoughts on the tears of fympathy, 136. His
thought on flander, 171. Calls an inhuman man a brute, 272.

Kimos, a race of dwarfs inhabiting Madagascar, 53.
Klopstock, Mrs. describes the origin of her affection for her
husband, 375. Speaks of his poem, the Messiah, 377.
Where buried, Note, 379.

Klopstock, the poet, his happy marriage, 376. How he com-
poled his poem, the Meffiah, 377. The time of his death
and burial, Note, 380.

Kurgan, what is thus called, Note, 305. What it has been
anciently, Note, ibid.

Kynaft, that mountain in Silefia defcribed, 315. Singular
cuftom of Gerinan travellers there, Note, ibid.

Lady's Rock, the, where fituated, 15. Anecdotic origin of
its name, 16.

Lavater, his aphorifms are not always juft, 38. Picture of his
amiable character, 339. His vifit and confolations to the
dying fick, 340.

Law, its profeffion a foldierfhip, according to Cowper, 35.
Often, according to the fame, leaves reafon at a distance, ibid.
Lee-Boo dying of the fmallpox, 206.

Lee, his picture of a maniac, Motto, 346.
Leech, a, is a barometer, 37.

Louis XVI. advice on the education of his fon, 183. His
character expreffed in a verfe of Dryden, ibid.

Libels, dialogue on them, between an author and a bookfeller,
171. They fometimes fell better than literary works, 172.
Literature, Authian, not very ancient, 89. Defective on ac-
count of the reigning bigotry, 90.

London, poetical and admonitory addrefs to, 22. Beautiful,
though not without fpots, Motto, ibid.

Lord of Mifrule, what it was anciently, 217. Its election
and employment, 218.

Love of our country enforced, 4. Reckoned a noble paf
fion, ibid. Great men of all nations eminent for it, 5.
Wedded, its advantages afferted by Dryden, Motto, 131,
Various in different characters, Motto, 275. Makes equa-
lity, according to Dryden, Motto, 391.

Lover, foliloquy of one by moon-light, 159. Its effects com
pared to fire, by Dryden, Motto, ibid.

Lucian defcribing the object of travels, Motto, 51.

Madagascar, defcription of the island of, 51. Contains four
diftinct races of men, 52. Its aborigenes are intelligent, but
indolent, 53.
Their food and their wars, 54. Their

houfes, agriculture, and phyficians, 56.

Malay flaves numerous at the Cape of Good Hope, 41. They

are vindictive, treacherous, and ferocious, ibid. Two in-
ftances of their barbarity, 42, 43.

Małenza, a noble Veronese, treacherously put to death by Au-
gereau, 69.

Maniac, the misfortunes of a fair one poetically described, 346.
Characterifed by Lee, Motto, ibid.

Manufacture often the hot-bed of profligacy, according to Mr.
Heron, Note, 307.

Manufacturer, account of a useful and benevolent one, in Scot
land, 306.

Marriage, its comforts fung in the hiftory of Timon, 131.
Martina, the history of that fallen and unhappy female, 136.
Mary is become an unfashionable Chriftian name, 209.
Matam boos, a race of men inhabiting Madagascar, 52.
Memoria technica, a kind of, described, 38.-

Mentz illuftrious by the invention of the art of printing, 2.
Milton describes an hofpital, Motto, 75.

McLean, Duart, expofes his wife to perish in the waves, 16.
He is ftabbed by her brother, 17.

Money, its accumulation the only object of fome, Motto, 247.
Mountains, characterised by Pope, Motto, 311.

Mountebank, account of a French one, 368.

Murderous husband, an anecdote of one, 16. His punishment,


Necromancer, his pretenfions, Motto, 233.

Obfervations, various literary, of the late William Cowper,
efq. 34.

Ode to Cynthia, tranflated from the French, 149.

Oder, its fource described, 320.

Otway, praises silence, Motto, 301.

Ovid's deprecation against ferocious men, Motto, 68.

Pamela, account of an Italian one, 391.

Palace, a, may rather be called a caravansary, Motto, 105.
Paradife of ten thousand, the Chinese emperor's park, de.
fcribed, 358.

Paris, defcription of that city by an English and Ruffian
Tourist, 268. Is the centre of the fine arts, ibid. Its
magnificence is loft in dirt and filth, 270.

Patriotifm, exhortation to, 6.

Partridge, ode on a, 382.

Pearl fishery, defeription of it, 254.

Peafant, sketch of a benevolent one now living in Ruffia, 230.
Peg, a Chriftian name which gives the idea of washing tubs,
&c. Motto, 208.

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