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In her Constitutional Susceptibilities woman should find motives for signal excellence. Philosophy teaches that sensibility alone will prompt to the kind offices of Christian beneficence. Why does man pass so often, in passive indifference, the helpless child of woe? Because nature has not gifted him with a tender heart. formed to buffet the storms of public commotion. treme sensibility would have made him shrink from the encounter. But woman was endowed with a sensitive spirit, that she might feel for the sufferer, and an active imagination, to picture his troubles, and an ardent love, to relieve them. How can she fail of perpetual charities ?

Again, her temperament is friendly to piety. St. Augustine calls hers the "devout sex." And meet is the appellation. For her weakness teaches her to lean upon an Almighty arm; and her trustfulness,—so striking, that to doubt, suspect, and despond, come, in her, only from peculiar physical infirmity, or from a most erroneous education,-leads her to confide in God. Add to these the earnest affection of this sex, and we have a moral predisposition to religious sentiment. To them is given a vantage ground, which they should joyfully and gratefully occupy. She, on whom the heavier burden is laid, is gifted with superior powers of endurance. tue is the prize of humanity, and she is placed nearer than man to its goal. Piety is the crown of our life, and for her brow is it pre-eminently fashioned. The divine Spirit, dwelling in all souls, is yet imaged to our minds, in Scripture, and in Nature, as a still, small voice," a gentle and quiet influence, which is peculiarly congenial to the soul of woman.

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Her Domestic Habits furnish the final encouragement


of woman to constant self-improvement. In the sequestered paths of home, having hours and days, in which the needle is her quiet employer, how may she meditate on the touching and lofty themes of human concern. Why should she wander from the ways of truth, integrity, and purity? She has her temptations it is true. In some situations they may be greater than man's. But, taking our whole mortal existence, and the usual occupations of the sexes, it will hardly be denied, that woman may, if diligent in attention, hear those voices of admonition, which are drowned in man's ear, by the world. She may enjoy seasons for communing with her soul, and surveying the riches of the interior world, and for estimating the vanity of sensual, and the glories of spiritual things, such as are seldom granted to man. She walks, ever, as it were, beneath that moral arcade, which Providence has raised above us to proclaim his hallowed presence. Can she withdraw her eyes from it, and look downward, and become a servant of time? Will she,will one thus nobly privileged, surrender her birthright? If she comprehends its value, she cannot be other than an aspirant for the prize of life eternal.

But how shall this prize be obtained?

Let the young woman understand that religion is not a strange thing, disconnected from this world, out of herself, and to be introduced by some mysterious influence. It is the unfolding of a principle within her. You must study self, and seek the kingdom of God in your own soul. There only will you ever find and establish it. Religion consists in giving the heart, this very heart which beats with emotion at the objects around you,unto spiritual pursuits. So directed, it will flow out on your fellow beings, and spring upward to the Father.

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Search the Scriptures. Use them chiefly as a mirror in which you are to see yourself. Dwell on the writings of the Psalmist. They speak to human experience as few books, even in the sacred volume, address us. You will feel no joy, for which they have not the language to express your gratitude. No sorrow will so deluge your heart, that God will not, through them, send a holy wind, to assuage the waters. Peruse especially the life of Christ. There is your model, an incarnation of the Divinity. Rest not until you also have begun to grow in the image of God. Do you love what he loved? Are you living as he lived? Have you the same high purposes, to "please your Father," and to " go about doing good? Pour out your soul before the Lord. Prayer is our spiritual aliment. It teaches us humility. For who can carry self-important and haughty feelings to the throne of Infinite Purity? Prayer will teach you to see the hand of Providence in all that befalls you. While you present all issues before him, second causes will not disturb and distress you. Submission is the fruit of devoutness. "Thy will be done," be this your petition, and it will not only reconcile you to those overwhelming events, which would else prostrate you in the dust, but it will be a daily sedative amid the disquieting cares of your lot. And, though you feel burdened with guilt, do not restrain prayer before God. He is the friend of the penitent.

Nor let a cold heart keep you back from this service. The habit of being instant in prayer is indispensable to salvation. Besides, who can tell that, are speaking, the cloud will not roll off,

even while you and the face of

your Father, a view of his love, deep, unutterable, and

divine, and the sense of his precious presence, revisit your soul?

You are now in the prime of your being. Commence to day the life of the soul, and you will enter on that course which leads to an immortal virtue. Time is short; why should you give to it your noblest energies? This world is but a passing shadow. Oh, do not consent to build your dwelling, as if the suns, that scorch and blast the soul, could not strike you. That Being, in whose hand is your breath, has placed you, for a few swift-winged years, on a vessel, propelled by fearful elements. In an hour you least imagine, that, which now bears you brightly onward, may burst its confines, and scatter on the wild waves the black fragments of all that is mortal. Yet fear not death; FEAR LIFE. Live as you ought; leave the rest with God. Calmly may you then lean on Him; peacefully will you pass the strange ongoings of earth. Through tears, and through smiles, in the body, or parted from it, live as you ought, and heaven is gained. Wait upon the Lord, and while worldlings, living to earth's pleasures, dead while they live, shall faint and be weary, and many shall utterly fail, you shall renew your strength; you shall mount up with wings as eagles; you shall run and not be weary, and you shall walk and not faint.


Printed by RICHARD KINDER, Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey.

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