A New Edition, with a Memoir and Notes, PRINCIPALLY SELECTED FROM BUNYAN'S WORKS, BY GEORGE OFFOR, Esq. ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN GILBERT. LONDON: GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & CO., FARRINGDON STREET, ADVERTISEMENT. Veneration for the memory of Bunyan has stimulated the Editor's most anxious care to make this edition a correct fac simile of what the Author himself published. Most of the notes are extracted from his other works, and throw a light upon those few passages which have proved difficult to young persons:The certificate which was to be carried beyond the grave to the gates of the celestial city-the meaning of the lions-the House Beautiful-the giants—the fight with Apollyon-passage through death's dark valley in the midst of the pilgrimage, and many other adventures easily understood by the experienced Christian. In the Notes the extracts are numbered in conformity with the only correct list of Bunyan's whole works arranged in chronological order as they were published. This list will be found on the last page of the Memoir. They amount to the amazing number of sixty distinct treatises, among which most admirable and useful productions, it would indeed be difficult to mark those which are the most striking. To render this invaluable book a blessing to the millions, by publishing it at a very moderate price, has necessarily much abridged the notes and the memoir. This humble effort to promote the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom is dedicated to the youthful inquirer after the wicket-gate and the celestial, devoted friend, OTHER GEORGE OFFOR. MEMOIR OF JOHN BUNYAN. I. HIS BIRTH, YOUTHFUL DEPRAVITY, AND MARRIAGE. THE history of mankind does not furnish so remarkable a memoir as that of the prince of allegorists. From the most degraded state in the ranks of human nature, he was, by divine tuition, fitted to become an exalted minister of the gospel, a Christian hero, exhibiting that mighty conquest over sin and death by which the portals of life are opened to exquisite enjoyment and to an infinite and eternal extent. Born in deep poverty, left to run wild in demoralizing excesses, a ring-leader in vice, and a very curse to society; he was arrested by the stings of conscience, fixed and rankling in his heart. In vain were his efforts to smother his convictions, that he might rush on to perdition. The mighty hand of God was upon him, curbing his wild propensities, and converting the poor blasphemer into the energetic proclaimer of salvation, through the merits of the Redeemer. His whole career is beautifully portrayed by the Psalmist,-" Ye have lien among the pots," discoloured by smoke and soot," Yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove, covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold." The bright and beautiful plumage of an eastern dove, glistening interchangeably as with polished silver and burnished gold. The seventeenth century was a most eventful and important period. Every effort had been made to counteract the mighty efforts of the Reformation. Sunday sports and pastimes were commanded. In the midst of a struggle between the friends of Christianity and infidelity, Bunyan..was born, in 1628, and his birth-year was honoured with a signal victory gained over lawless violence by the passing of the bill of rights. The sum of that act was, that "No man shall be taxed without the consent of Parliament, nor be arrested, imprisoned, or executed but by due course of law." Every attempt was made by the court to recover arbitrary power, to attain which, cruelties were perpetrated which rendered it still more odious. Laymen and clergymen renowned for learning and piety, for opposing the views of the court, had their ears cut off, noses slit, faces branded with red hot irons, publicly whipped on the naked body, every lash bringing away the flesh, and then imprisoned with such cruelties, that when released, they could neither see, hear, nor walk. These cruelties were followed by a desolating civil war, which overwhelmed the country with demoralization and debauchery. To stem these torrents of iniquity, God was pleased to raise up an army of Christian worthies, of spotless life and energetic character. Two of these pos. sessed creative geniuses, the one a decided republican, whose sublime poem of Paradise Lost, has graced the literature of his country. The other as decided |