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ments, the magic wonders, and untiring efforts of Genius; but what is Genius? that's the question-one that none but pedants will attempt to answer. thing, the moving cause, and the modus operandi, can no more be comprehended, and reduced to materiality, than the spirit that animates our bodies. Metaphysicians, Craniologists, and Physiologists; may put on their robes of mystery, arm each eye with a microscope, each finger with the acutest phrenological sensibility, and whet up all their mental powers to a razor edge, strain their imagination to its utmost tension, tax speculation one hundred per cent., and then call to their aid men who possess this quality, the combined force could not weave a web, and label it GENIUS, that would not be an insult to common sense. Genius is not only mental power, but its essence. The frosts of

Iceland cannot freeze it, the fogs of Holland cannot mildew it, the tropical sun cannot paralyze it, the potentates of the earth cannot crush it-in all countries and climes, it springs up spontaneously in various shades, but flourishes most luxuriantly, and with more beautiful symmetry and strength, when nurtured by intelligence and freedom, amidst the social institutions of a Republican form of government, and, next to that, under a limited monarchy. A single glance at the history of American and English Genius, compared with others of modern times, will convince an unbiassed mind, of the truth of this assertion. At one period, Genius exerted its greatest force to promote the science of letters, and revelled in classic lore. Latterly, it has put forth its noblest powers upon the mechanic arts, seized some of the mightiest elements of nature, and made them subservient to man. Mechanical Genius

has reduced time, distance, and weight; in a ratio, that has eclipsed the most visionary projects of its most zealous friends, that were the subject of ridicule not many years ago. The broad ocean, the mighty river, the wide-spread lake, the towering mountain; once formidable barriers to intercourse, are now rapidly passed by the aid of steam, consolidating our own country into a phalanx, and making the nations of the old world our neighbors. To what useful purposes the electric fluid, the atmosphere, the wind, and other elements will yet be converted by Genius; time only can develope. So versatile is this essence of mental power, that we can form no rules to pre-determine or fix its personal locality, its time of development, its measure of strength, or the extent of its orbit. Like a blazing meteor, it bursts suddenly upon us, as in the darkness of night, illuminates the world, and, like the lightning thunder-bolt, shivers every obstacle that stands in its way. Like the diamond, which differs from all other precious stones, by having the power of refracting and reflecting the prismatic colors; so Genius refracts and reflects the intellectual rays of mind, imparting fresh vigor, lustre, and force. The diamond can never shine, until divested of the rubbish of the quarry, by the hand of the lapidary. In the same manner, Genius must be divested of ignorance, before it can refract and reflect its rays, and the brighter it is polished by intelligence, the more powerfully and brilliantly will it dazzle. How important, then, that the quarry of mind be explored, that none of these precious jewels lie undiscovered in time of life, and be finally lost in death. Lacon has well observed-"A Newton or a Shakespeare, born among savages-savages had died.”

of man.


VIRTUE affords the only safe foundation for a peaceful, happy, and prosperous government. When the wicked rule, the nation mourns. Not that rulers must necessarily profess religion, by being members of some Christian church, as desirable as it may be, but they must venerate it, and be men of pure moral and political honesty. Disease and corruption affect the body politic, and produce pain and dissolution, with the same certainty, that they prostrate the physical powers If the head is disordered, the whole heart is sick. If the political fountain becomes polluted, its dark and murky waters will eventually impregnate every branch with the contagious miasma. The history of the past proves the truth of these assertionspassing events afford too frequent demonstration of the baneful effects of intrigue and peculation. Without virtue, our UNION will become a mere rope of sand-the victim of knaves and the sport of kingsself government will become an enigma with monarchs, rational liberty a paradox, and a republic, the scoff of tyrants. Let every freeman look to this matter in time The crowned heads of Europe are watching, with an Argus-eye, every opportunity to weaken our Union. Every year of our prosperous existence endangers their power-the story of our liberty is reaching and enrapturing their subjects-the tenure by which they hold their crowns, is becoming more frail as time rolls onward; and, if we are true to ourselves-if virtue predominates-if the voice of wisdom is obeyed-if patriotism, discretion, and honesty, guide our rulers—

our government will increase in strength, beauty, and grandeur; and eclipse Greek and Roman fame.

By our example, we will conquer the world, more effectually, and by far more gloriously, than Alexander did with the sword-by regenerating the minds of the millions upon its surface. But we must practice upon the principle, that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. We are more in danger from internal foes, than from foreign enemies. If we would be truly great, we must be truly good. Virtue, wisdom, prudence, patriotism, and sterling integrity; must actuate, guide, and fully control our leaders, and the great mass of our increasing population. The towering waves of political intrigue and demagogue influence must be rolled back, and the purity of motive and love of country, that impelled the sages and heroes of '76, to noble and God-like action, must pervade the hearts of our rulers, and the people of our nation.


To generous minds,

The heaviest debt is that of gratitude,
When 'tis not in our power to repay


GRATITUDE is a painful pleasure, felt and expressed by none but noble souls. Such are pained, because misfortune places them under the stern necessity of receiving favors from the benevolent, who are, as the world would say, under no obligation to bestow themfree-will offerings, made by generous hearts, to smooth the rough path, and wipe away the tears of a fellow being. They derive a pleasure from the enjoyment of

the benefits bestowed, which is rendered more exquisite, by the reflection, that there are those in the world, who can feel and appreciate the woes of others, and lend a willing hand to help them out of the ditchthose who are not wrapped up in the cocoon of selfish avarice, who live only for themselves, and die for the devil. This pleasure is farther refined, by a knowledge of the happiness enjoyed by the person whose benevolence dictated the relief, in the contemplation of a duty performed, imposed by angelic philanthropy, guided by motives, pure as heaven. The worthy recipient feels deeply the obligations under which he is placed— no time can obliterate them from his memory, no Statute of Limitation bars the payment; the moment means and opportunity are within his power, the debt is joyfully liquidated, and this very act gives a fresh vigor to his long-cherished gratitude.

Nothing tenders the heart, and opens the gushing fountain of love, more than the exercise of gratitude. Like the showers of spring, that cause flowers to rise from seeds that have long lain dormant, tears of gratitude awaken pleasurable sensations, unknown to those who have never been forced from the sunshine of prosperity, into the cold shade of adversity, where no warmth is felt, but that of benevolence-no light enjoyed, but that of charity; unless it shall be the warmth and light communicated from Heaven to the sincerely pious, who alone are prepared to meet, with calm submission, the keen and chilling winds of misfortune, and who, above all others, exercise the virtue of gratitude, in the full perfection of its native beauty.

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