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Be It Further Resolved, that the Governor be, and he is hereby, requested to forward to the President a copy of this Resolution, and to urge upon the President, in so far as he may with Official propriety, an early consideration of the same.

Representative, Fifth District.

The Concurrent Resolution was referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Affonso gave Notice (Not. No. 166) of intention to introduce the following Bills:

(1) “An Act Granting a Franchise for the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a Telephone System in the District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii ;"

(2) "An Act to Prohibit the Dealing in Merchandise at Retail by Certain Corporations."

Mr. Rice moved that the Rules be suspended in order that the Bills may be introduced. Seconded by Mr. Makekau and carried.

Mr. Affonso introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 198), entitled "An Act Granting a Franchise for the Construction, Maintenance and Operating of a Telephone System in the District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii."

On motion by Mr. Affonso, seconded by Mr. Makekau, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Mr. Affonso introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 199), entitled "An Act to Prohibit the Dealing in Merchandise at Retail by Certain Corporations."

On motion by Mr. Marcallino, seconded by Mr. Affonso, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Mr. Moanauli gave Notice (Not. No. 167) of intention to introduce a Bill, entitled "An Act to Provide the Appointment of Deputy County and City and County Officers, and fixing Salaries Thereto."

The Rules having been suspended, Mr. Moanauli introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 200), entitled "An Act to Provide the Appointment of Deputy County and City and County Officers, and fixing Salaries Thereto."

On motion by Mr. Fernandez, seconded by Mr. Kawewehi, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Mr. Towse presented a Memorial from the Oahu Young People's Christian Union of Christian Endeavorers, opposing the passage of Senate Bill No. 67, (Pet. No. 31), as follows:


Whereas, we believe that every person is entitled wherever possible to rest from labor on Sunday and failing that in case of employees of public service corporation, police, firemen, etc., to one day's rest in seven, and Whereas, we understand much needless Sunday labor both in this City and on certain plantations in this Territory is permitted either under or in spite of our present laws, and

Whereas, all amusements for which a charge of any kind for seats or for admission is made require labor of persons entitled to Sunday rest; Resolved, that the Oahu Young Men's Christian Union of Christian Endeavorers and Epworth Leaguers in worship of God assembled this 24th day of March, 1911, respectively and earnestly request the Legislature of Hawaii not to pass Senate Bill No. 67 which provides a way by which theaters and other shows may be opened in this Territory on Sunday, etc.

The Petition was laid on the table to be considered with Senate Bill No. 67.

Mr. Castle presented a Memorial from St. Clement's Church, Honolulu, opposing the passage of Senate Bill No. 67, (Pet. No. 32), as follows:


Whereas, we believe, that every person is entitled, wherever possible, to rest from labor on Sunday and failing that, in case of employees of public service corporations, police, firemen, etc., to one day's rest in


Resolved, that St. Clement's Church, Honolulu, represented by its Clergyman and Vestry this 25th day of March, 1911, respectfully and earnestly request the Legislature of Hawaii not to pass Senate Bill No. 67, which provided a way by which theaters and other shows may be opened in this Territory on Sunday, etc.

The Petition was laid on the table to be considered with Senate Bill No. 67.

At 3:40 o'clock P. M., on motion by Mr. Kawewehi, seconded by Mr. Waiaholo, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow Morning.

Edward Woodward.


Clerk, House of Representatives.

HP. L. Holstein

Speaker, House of Representatives.


Tuesday, March 28, 1911.

The House met at 10:10 o'clock A. M.

Mr. Speaker presided.

Prayer by Chaplain Desha.

The Journal of the proceedings of the previous day was read by the Clerk, and approved as read.

Mr. Correa, for the Printing Committee, reported that House Bill No. 189 was printed and ready for distribution, (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 237), as follows:

Hon. H. L. Holstein,

Honolulu, T. H., March 28, 1911.

Speaker of the House of Representatives
of the Territory of Hawaii.

Sir: Your Committee on Enrollment, Revision and Printing, beg leave to report that House Bill No. 189 has been printed and is now ready for distribution.

Very respectfully submitted,



The report of the Committee was ordered placed on file. Mr. Keliinoi offered a Resolution, asking for an appropriation for the support of the Harvard Medical School to be established in Shanghai, China, (H. R. No. 97), as follows:


Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, Session of 1911, that the sum of $10,000.00 be inserted in the Appropriation Bill for the support and maintenance of the Harvard Medical School to be established in Shanghai, China, for the study of Asiatic Diseases and for the prevention of the entry of such diseases into Hawaii and the Pacific States of the United States to be expended under the auspices of the Board of Health.

S. KELIINOI, Representative, Third District.

Honolulu, March 28, 1911.

The Resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Keliinoi offered a Resolution, asking an appropriation for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of House Bill No. 87, (H. R. No. 98), as follows:


Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, Session of 1911, that the sum of $20,000.00 be inserted in the Appropriation Bill for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of House Bill No. 87.

Honolulu, March 28, 1911.

S. KELIINOI, Representative, Third District.

The Resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Keliinoi gave Notice (Not. No. 168) of intention to introduce a Bill, entitled "An Act Repealing Act 96 of the Session Laws of 1905, entitled 'An Act Prohibiting Certain Government Officials Practising Law, or Acting as Attorneys or Counsellors at Law, during their Term of Office.'"

Mr. Keliinoi moved that the Rules be suspended in order that he may introduce the Bill. Seconded by Mr. Makekau and carried.

Mr. Keliinoi introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 201), entitled "An Act Repealing Act 96 of the Session Laws of 1905, entitled 'An Act Prohibiting Certain Government Officials Practising Law, or Acting as Attorneys or Counsellors at Law, during their Term of Office.''

On motion by Mr. Keliinoi, seconded by Mr. Makekau, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Mr. Affonso gave Notice (Not. No. 169) of intention to introduce the following Bills:

(1) "An Act to Reimburse the Subscribers to the Fund for the Purchase of the Severance Lease required for the Federal Building Site, Hilo, Hawaii;"

(2) "An Act to Limit the Reversal and Setting Aside of Judgments and the Granting of New Trials in Civil and Criminal Cases."

The Rules having been suspended, Mr. Affonso introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 202), entitled "An Act to Reimburse the Subscribers for the Purchase of the Severance Lease required. for the Federal Building Site, Hilo, Hawaii."

On motion by Mr. Affonso, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Under suspension of the Rules, Mr. Affonso introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 203), entitled "An Act to Limit the Reversal and Setting Aside of Judgments and the Granting of New Trials in Civil and Criminal Cases."

On motion by Mr. Affonso, seconded by Mr. Kawewehi, the Bill passed First Reading by Title, and was referred to the Printing Committee.

Mr. Kawewehi moved that the Rules be suspended in order that he may present a Petition. Seconded by Mr. Makekau and carried.

Mr. Kawewehi presented a Memorial from the Christian Endeavor Society of Kalihi and Moanalua, Honolulu, opposing the passage of Senate Bill No. 67, (Pet. No. 33), as follows:


The Honorable H. L. Holstein,


[blocks in formation]

Whereas, there has been introduced in the Senate of the Territory of Hawaii, certain Bill known as Bill No. 67, providing for the opening of Moving Picture shows on Sunday, whereby measures of that tenor generally tend to draw the attention of great masses of people of all classes, developing and increasing an utter neglect of duty and devotion to the principles of God as laid down for the Observance of Sunday; Therefore, at a meeting held this 26th day of March, 1911, the members of the Christian Endeavor Society of Kalihi and Moanalua, through its proper officers, declare its intention of opposing the Bill, and requests of Your Honorable Body to vote against the Bill.


President, Christian Endeavor Society, Kalihi and Moanalua. JNO. K. KAHUENA,


The Petition was laid on the table to be considered with Senate Bill No. 67.

Mr. Castle gave Notice (Not. No. 170) of intention to introduce the following Bills:

(1) "An Act to Amend Section 2359 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii as amended by Act 7 of the Laws of 1905, Relating to Duties of the Registrar of Conveyances;"

(2) "An Act to Amend Section 1320 of the Revised Laws, Relating to the Schedule of Stamp Duties."

Mr. Castle moved that the Rules be suspended in order that he may introduce the Bills. Seconded by Mr. Kanekoa and carried.

Mr. Castle introduced a Bill, (H. B. No. 204), entitled "An Act to Amend Section 2359 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii

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