The white of Pelops' shoulder. I could tell ye How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly, And whose immortal fingers did imprint That heavenly path, with many a curious dint, That runs along his back; but my rude pen Can hardly blazon forth... Hero and Leander: A Poem - 第 6 頁Christopher Marlowe, George Chapman 著 - 1821 - 124 頁完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1815 - 564 頁
...neck in touching, and surpast The white of Pelops' shoulder ; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly ; And whose immortal...forth the loves of men; • Much less of powerful Goo^s : let it suffice, That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes. Those orient cheeks and lips exceeding... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1815 - 562 頁
...neck in touching, and surpast The wh'te of Pelops' shoulder ; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly ; And whose immortal...curious dint, That runs along his back ; but my rude pea Can hardly blazon forth the loves of men; Much less of powerful Gods : let it suffice, That my... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1813 - 610 頁
...neck in touching, and surpast The white of Pelops' shoulder ; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly ; And whose immortal...Gods : let it suffice, That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes. Those orient cheeks and lips exceeding his, That leap'd into the water for a kiss Of... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1826 - 398 頁
...neck in touching, and surpass'd The white of Pelops' shoulder; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly; And whose immortal fingers...gods : let it suffice, That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes. Those orient cheeks and lips exceeding his, That leap'd into the water for a kiss Of... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1826 - 1070 頁
...neck in touching, and surpass'd The white of Pelops' shoulder; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly: And whose immortal fingers...gods : let it suffice, That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes. Those orient cheeks and lips exceeding his, That leap'd into the water for a kiss Of... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1826 - 388 頁
...surpass'd .The white of Pelops' shoulder; I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his And whose immortal fingers did imprint That heavenly...Much less of powerful gods : let it suffice, That my s!ack Muse sings of Leander's eyes. Those orient cheeks and lips exceeding his, ' <^^~' That leap'd... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe, Alexander Dyce - 1865 - 476 頁
...: I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly; And whose immortal finger» did imprint That heavenly path with many a curious...gods : let it suffice That my slack Muse sings || of Leonder's eyes ; Thoself orient checks and lips, exceeding his That leapt into the water for a kiss... | |
 | 1884 - 410 頁
...iouching, and surpast The white of Pelops' shmdder: I cmdd teil ye, How smooth his brcast was, a•ul how white his belly; And whose immortal fingers did...That heavenly path with many a curious dint, That r uns alony his back; . . . let it suffice That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes; Those orient... | |
 | George Chapman - 1875 - 556 頁 touching, and surpass'd The white of I 'clops' shoulder : I could tell ye. How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly ; And whose immortal...That runs along his back ; but my rude pen Can hardly blaton forth the loves of men. Much less of powerful gods : let it suffice That my slack Muse sings... | |
 | George Chapman - 1875 - 524 頁
...neck in touching, and surpass'd The white of Pelops' shoulder : I could tell ye, How smooth his breast was, and how white his belly ; And whose immortal...gods : let it suffice That my slack Muse sings of I^eander's eyes ; Those orient cheeks and lips, exceeding his That leapt into the water for a kiss... | |
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