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a fuficient acquaintance with geometry to be able to take with certainty the juft dimenfions of any given body; and an architect must serve a long apprenticefhip before he is able to build a regular and conven ient houfe; but thefe little creatures geometrically, and with the greatest accuracy, conftruct their houfes, in which they are to dwell for a time. With whom have they ferved an apprenticeship to fo difficult an art? What mafter has made them fo perfect in fo fhort a time? Who hath pointed out to them the materials most proper for the construction of their abodes? Who hath taught them the proper time for commencing their operations? What mathematician hath difcovered to bees the most conve nient figure for the ftructure of their cells? How does each species know the kind of houfe which is best adapted to it? How happens it that no one fpecies ever forfakes its own manner of building, for that of fome other fpecies? Of whom has the spider, an infect otherwise fo vile, learnt to spin fo fine and delicate a thread? From whom has fhe received the art of fixing it to fomething firm when fhe is about to make a web? Who hath taught her to unite the whole in a common centre, and to connect them by a kind of fpiral line which forms circles at equal diftances from one another? How has he been able to foresee that this web would be ferviceable in the catching of other infects which she could not have feized without this artifice? What compaffes has fhe made ufe of in order to find the centre of her work in which every thread terminates, and where the perceives the fmalleft motion, which is made in the whole extent of her web? How happens it that the never mistakes the road in her way towards the prifoner whofe exertions inform her of his captivity; Who hath informed fome of thofe infects to guard themselves from heat and others to defend themfelves from wet and the wind? How do almost the


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whole of them know without having experienced it, that they cannot fupport the rigour of winter without making the requifite preparations for putting themfelves in fecurity from the cold? In the fchool of what fportfman have they been trained to feize their prey with fo much addrefs? Who hath made them fo cunning in the art of laying fnares for their enemies? What mafter have fome had to teach them to fpin threads finer or coarfer according to their neceffities? Who hath furnished their bodies with the matter thefe threads are compofed of? Who hath discovered to them that they are provided with a fubftance proper to be employed for this ufe? What weaver hath taught them to form with it a web fo exquifite? Whence comes the vast variety there is between the webs of the different fpecies? What dyer hath taught them to give their threads fometimes one colour and fometimes another? Of what profound politician have those been taught who live in Society? What Lawgiyer hath formed their conftitution? What General hath taught them the art of war? But I am tired with afking fo many queftions; queftions which cannot be anfwered but by admitting the operation of a being all powerful and infinitely wife and good, who hath given infects the neceffary powers aud faculties for performing thofe functions which make the object of our admiration,

Let us now make it our duty to admit a truth founded on fuch ftrong and convincing proofs, and let us fay with the wife man, "The Lord by his "wifdom hath founded the earth, by understanding he

hath established the Heavens, and by his knowledge "the depths are broken up." PROV. iii. 19. 20. May we not fay without exaggeration, that God hath acted with regard to infects as he formerly did to Bezaleel. He hath filled them with the fpirit of God,

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in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in "all manner of workmanship, to devife cunning "works and in cutting of ftones, and in carving of

timber to work in all manner of workmanship." EXOD. xxxi. 3-5. As it was he who enriched that fkilful artificer with fuch excellent and various talents we cannot doubt but it is also he who hath given fimilar talents to infects. He who gave to "So"lomon wisdom and understanding and largenefs of "heart, even as the fand that is on the fea fhore, "and excelling the wisdom of all the children of the “eaft, and all the wisdom of Egypt, and that of all

the wife men of his time," KINGS iv. 29. 31, has given to infects that fagacity, forefight and industry, which we have obferved in their economy. Every perfect gift originates from the fame caufe, and def cends from the father of lights.

Infects, though unendowed with reason exhibit the ftrongest proofs of a particular wisdom; while men often tranfgrefs its rules, and difobey the laws it prescribes to them. How difgraceful to human nature is this humiliating parallel? Shall despicable animals conduct themfelves with more prudence than intelligent beings; fhall they confult their inftinct and never wander from its dictates: and fhall man, proud of the faculty which diftinguifhes him from the brutes, fhall he not deign to confult his reafon ? what culpable, infenfate conduct! But this is not all: the young of infects are guided by a natural movement, and without any other education, to purfue the conduct of their parents: but it is quite otherwife with children; the faculties of their mind must be cultivated by a good education, the reason which God hath given them is a rough diamond, which their parents are obliged to polifh, and to fet,-if they would anfwer the purposes of their creation. But is this done by the generality of man


kind? It is but too common with many to abandon their children to their own wills and totally to neglect their education. Can we then be otherwife than furprised to fee fo many intelligent creatures conducting themselves with lefs reafon than brutes? What are we to infer from these reflections? Is it not that as infects anfwer exactly the purpose of their creation by making the proper use of their faculties, men ought allo to fecond the views of the fupreme Being by employing their reafon to the advancement of his glory, and to that of their own felicity? They ought to cultivate with care the ineftimable gift of reason, and endeavour earnestly to make their children follow their example.

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THE fenfes are indifpenfably neceffaty to all animals, How could they efcape danger if they did not fee? How difcern the food that is agreeable to them if they had not the faculties of tafte and fmell? How avoid their enemy, if they did not hear, by the noise he makes, on what fide he approaches them? If deprived of touch, how could they diftinguish pleasure from pain? How know health from difeafe?

When I fay that the fenfes are indifpenfably neceffary to animals, I do not mean that they must poffefs the whole which we enjoy. It is fufficient that the Creator has bestowed on them as many as are neceffary for their preservation in their respective fi


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