The Works of Joseph Hall: Paraphrases on hard textsC. Whittingham, 1808 |
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affliction amongst angel Ashkelon Assyrians Babylon behold Beth-aven blessed blood brethren called captivity cast Church circumcision cometh command corrupt dead death disciples doctrine doth earth Edom Egypt enemies ephah Ephraim eternal evil faith Father flesh Gentiles give glorious glory God the Father God's Gospel grace gracious hand hath heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost honour howsoever idolatry Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews Judah Judea judgment king kingdom kingdom of heaven LORD of hosts Matthew mercy Messiah Nineveh Pharisees preach profession prophets received repentance righteousness sacrifices saith the LORD saith unto salvation Samaria Satan Saviour say unto sent servants shew sins soul Spirit temple thereof thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thyself true truth unto thee Verily verse VIII wherein whosoever wicked wickedness word XXIV XXVI yourselves Zerubbabel