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Seth. frising hastily) Heard you the rocks tremble?

Eve. Adam!

Adam Judge of the world!-I come (the rocks fall together with a tremendous crash) O death-It is thou-[

Seth. More and more they trem- come-1 come-I die. ble


"Nulli negabimus, nulli differemus justitiam."

R. H.

The CONTEMPLATIST; a Series of ing this paper, and some ensuing ones, Essays upon Morals and Literature. to the consideration of a topic which By WILLIAM MUDFORD, Author has been brought before the public of Nubilia, &c., mind by a nobleman, whose name will

TANY of the Essays of which long be remembered, and long revered,

by whose natures are not unsuscep

MANs volume is composed, ap- ball who the feelings of pity and

peared originally, in the Universal Magazine; but they are here consi- humanity. The topic to which I derably enlarged and altered. To allude, is Cruelty to Animals; nor will enter into remarks, therefore, would be superfluous, but there is one number, the eighth, which is devoted to the consideration of a subject that cannot be too generally understood and felt. This we will extract; and it will serve, likewise, as a specimen of the author's style.

I be deterred from my purpose by
any consciousness of my own insig
nificance, or the small influence which
I may be expected to have over the
conduct of my fellow subjects. Public
The conversion that is progressive is
opinion must be gradually overcome.
likely to be permanent; and, though
it may not be the lot of every man to
lead a nation's voice, yet, there is,
perhaps, no mau who is totally inca
pable of exerting, somewhere, a salu-
We allow that the
tary influence.
meanest individual has power to
Communicate the seeds of vice and
immorality, and why then may not
the same individual become the

To plead the cause of humanity is a task pleasing to the heart of a good man; and it is one, also, from the execution of which more honour is derived than from inquiries, however ingenious, which tend only to amuse the mind, or to gratify the curiosity. Speculative benevolence is sometimes productive of more extensive benefit than actual, because the latter may be vehicle of virtue and humanity? To wait for splendid opportunities of only local and temporary, while the doing good, is to let life slip away in former may continue to operate unthe intention of benevolence; but to obstructed by time or place. The writer who consecrates his talents to seize, with sincerity, every occasion the cause of virtue, is a never-ceasing worthy in the sight of God. And let of doing it, is to approve ourselves benefactor to mankind. There is no man be withheld from exerting scarcely a moment when he may not solace himself with the idea that he is himself to his utmost, whatever may be his station in society; in that producing some good : the page which he has devoted to the inculcation of station let him act, and he will not For myself, if I shall morality, may be working its effect, act in vain. bercafter have reason to believe that when the author is resigned to langour what I am about to write has carried or to mirth, or when he is pining in sickness and in sorrow: and he may conviction to one heart only, I shall console himself with the hope, that not think my-labour fruitlessly emwhen even death shall have consigned ployed. him to the dreary abode of the sepulchre, his fellow creatures will be still benefited by the labours of his


Inspirited by this conviction, I have formed the resolution of dedicat

"The first emotion with which the mind is filled, as it contemplates the relation of brutes to man, is that of kindness. They are weak, we are powerful: they are obedient, we are imperative: they serve, we command

They are humble and patient; they endure the ills which we inflict upon them without a murmur, and are still as ready to obey as if they had been cherished with abounding love and mercy. With us they contend not for supremacy. Their actions are devoid of all that can justly provoke us to resentment; and though, for the purposes of domestic and public economy, needful asperities may be requisite to fit them for our use, yet, they do not justify the wanton abuse of a privilege which we possess by inheritance, but for which we shall surely be responsible hereafter. He who is truly merciful, will always avoid the infliction of unnecessary pain; and even that which is necessary, he will perform with emotions of sorrow and regret. That heart must be lamentably hardened which is insensible to the wailings of distress, which bleeds not at the groans of the dumb creation. It is scarcely to be believed, that in civilized man that ferocity is to be found which can behold, unmoved, the agonies of animals subjected to needless torture; nay, more, (and I blush while I write it) that there should exist individuals who can malignantly inflict pain and anguish upon unoffending creatures, and exult in the sobs and convulsions of expiring nature.

"Shame and reproof have lost all power over such minds; all feeling is annihilated in their hearts, and it is vain to hope for their reformation by the gentler impulses of awakened compassion and remorse. No, the strong arm of the law must be raised to awe them. But, shall we be told, that to curb such horrible excesses, to abridge the empire of groans and misery, to give humanity a wider play, and to gratify the virtuous feelings of our nature, is to infringe upon the indefeasible rights of man, and to enforce arbitrary and vexations regulations? In what book, if what record, in what moral code shall we find it written, that man has a right to torture? In what bloody pandect shall we find this right acknowledged? In what constitution are we told that it is morally or politically right to abuse the creatures of God's hand? What modern Draco will dare to promulge an ordinance so monstrous, so iniqui

tous, so impious? No, the law of nature is here our guide, whose voice condemus, loudly condemns, the horrid practice.

"There is no bosom so obdurate, but it will confess this truth, if it be properly presented. Nature is always, the same, and when she can be approached through the thick envelopements which passion, habit, and society have thrown around her, we shall find her uniform in her decisions. Even they who commit the very enormities of which I now complain, would not deliberately inculcate them to their offspring, nor defend the perpetration of them upon the abstract principles of propriety and right. Men will dare to do what they will not dare to justify. It is so in all other vices, and it is so in this. The practice of it is continued without reflection, and without remorse: but place it before their eyes in all its hideous truth, and they would shudder at the monstrous apparition. Like the guilty Thane, they will be afraid to think of what they have done; look on it they dare not.'

"Here then is that solemn voice which speaks in every bosom, and which no man ever despised with impunity. To this let him appeal, who is tempted to doubt the propriety of regulations, whose object it is to restrain those by the fear of punishment who can be restrained by no other motive. Let him ask himself if animals have corporeal feeling like his own? Let him ask whether pain be a desirable sensation, or whether we have a right to inflict it unnecessarily ? The answers to these questions will be the noblest sanction of those measures which Lord Erskine is enforcing in behalf of injured animals. They too, who stigmatise the proceeding as the offspring of a morbid delicacy, of a too refined humanity, shew only their own weakness or their own cruelty. The cause of humanity is the cause of nature and of God; and is it possible to defend such a cause too zealously? Believe it not, ye who are willing to embrace any counsel which flatters your own doings. Harken not to the delusion which would persuade you that it is weakness, and not virtue, that bids you be merciful. Throw away the stubborn prejudices which


obscure your reason and harden your
hearts, and learn compassion even for
the meanest creature that has life and
feeling. You will never want the
mercy which you shew, nor will you
be without a sweet consolation when
you reflect upon your deeds.
The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessed:
It blesseth him that gives and him that


'Tis mightiest in the mighty.

We do pray for mercy, And that same prayer doth teach us all to render

The deeds of mercy.


tend to have many fears lest every
man should be abridged of an un-
limited right to exercise cruelty.
But this ferocious freedom may be
safely resisted. It will always be easy
to distinguish between needful severity
and wanton barbarity; and, besides,
the very consciousness that there is a
law to punish cruelty, will'operate as
a powerful check upon those indivi-
duals who, now, set at defiance every
feeling of humanity. No man can
walk through the streets of this me
tropolis without having hourly occa
sion to wish that he could cali in the
aid of power to befriend the harmless
victims of human brutes. Without
such an auxiliary, interference only
subjects the intruder to such conse-
quences as every man is not disposed
to encounter.

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"There is a fashion in most things, and I wish I could succeed in bringing humanity into fashion. Man will do much from custom which he will not do from reason; and it is therefore of importance that he should acquire the habit of doing right. A vice that is generally discountenanced will always be acted with caution and timidity; but that which has ceased to be regarded with abhorrence by the mass of mankind, will be perpetrated with few emotions of shame. It is thus with cruelty to animals, which, unless flagrantly infamous, seldom meets with that reprobation which it were to be wished always followed it. If, therefore, any means can be devised, by which the minds of the multitude may be awakened to a due sense of the enormity of this practice, the basis will be laid of its gradual extinction; and to effect this salutary reformation must be the labour of many individuals directed to the same purpose. The subject being thus brought before them, under various aspects, on various occasions, and with various degrees of ability. the great stream of public opinion will be slowly turning from its present channel, till at length it will be happily directed into one where its course may produce every effect which a wise and good man can wish for.

I would willingly, however, divest the lovers of English liberty of all fears for the constitution, of which they are so vociferously proud, by convincing them that such laws as I am sure it is the intention of Lord Erskine to suggest, will never rob my countrymen of one legitimate right. It is the busimess of law, negatively to enforce the practice of virtue by the prohibition of vice, and whatever comes under this denomination, whatever is an offence against the moral system of society, may, and ought to be, the object of legal punishment. A misdeineanor may be more or less criminal, but if it be a misdemeanor, there can be no doubt that some correction of it should be provided. The mul tiplication of crimes is one of the consequences of civilization; but, it is another consequence, that as those crimes become dangeroos or inconve nient to society, the wisdom of the legislature provides remedies. Let no man believe that political liberty can exist with moral depravity. Where good and bad are left in undistinguished confusion, there exists a radi cal source of corruption which, by infecting the principles of conduct, prepares the way for a universal degeneracy of manners that, like a canker, will fester round the core of social life, and spread infection through its inmost fibres. But, to oppose a barrier to such degeneracy, is the office of well-digested laws; and a nation is then most truly great

"They who condemn the project of legal interference, seem not to have any very exact notions upon the subject. Eager to display their own sagacity, by detecting the weakness of a legislative measure, they confound liberty with licentiousness, and pre

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when it is most virtuous. If there be usefulness, and cheerful obedience any one who is prepared to prove, with stripes and blows. I am willing that the exercise of wanton cruelty to believe, however, that iniquity so towards animals is not a crime, it will flagrant, requires only to be known be then proper to consider how we and felt to be detested; and I shall reshall resist an attempt to shackle it sume, therefore, this subject in some with penal laws; but, while the gene- ensuing papers, not without the hope, ral voice of mankind, while universal that by repeated efforts I may be able nature denounces it as a crime, in the to aid, in some degree, the success of abstract, why should it be wished to a cause so truly noble, generous, and shelter it from that visitation of humane." punishment which we judge to be so necessary in all other cases?

The following is the table of contents:


"But there are some who think it a No. 1. Introductory Address.-No. needless refinement of humanity, and 9. The Hill of Literature and the who condemn it as a measure which Temple of the Essayists, an Allegory. may enervate the national character. No. 3. Vindication of Authors by What! is our courage in the field, or profession.-No. 4. The Narrative of on the seas, to perish, if we are not Julia.-No. 5. The Narrative of Julia allowed to feed it by a cowardly in- continued-No. 6. Critical Examifliction of pain upon a helpless, a harmless, an unresisting animal? Is the heroic ardour of the warrior to be derived from so dastardly a source? Shall our armies be beaten, and our navies taken, when it is no longer permitted to our populace to strike out the eyes, to dissever the tendons, to crush the bones, or mercilessly to Scourge the unfortunate brute that chance places within their power? Must we without the continuance of such practices, lose, immediately, that venerable and honoured name which our ancestors have transmitted to us as a precious deposit, and which we have yet virtue enough to love and cherish. I hope not: I hope our national character is founded upon semething better than this savage freedom which is now so loudly insisted on. I hope we may still continue to be a great, a brave, and a generous people, even though there should pass a law to punish causeless, or vindictive cruelty to animals.

"Surely it is no evidence, either of manhood or of honour, to oppress the unresisting, or to punish the unof fending. Whoever looks upon the animal creation with a mind properly disposed, will be immediately struck with the conviction, that man, though he is the lord, was never meant to be the tyrant of it. The sense of benefits received is, in most cases, sufficient to ensure kindness towards those who

nation of the styles of Addison, Johnson, and Goldsmith.-No. 7. Critical Examination of Milton's Samson Agonistes.-No. 8. On the Iniquity of Cruelty to Animals; some considerations on Lord Erskine's Bili.-No. 9. The Narrative of Julia continued by her Friend.-No. 10. Analysis of the Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh, by Sewell.-No. 11. The Narrative of Julia concluded.-No. 12. The Enormity of Adultery-Seduction, whether a greater crime-No. 13. The Dignity of the Human Mind-the basis of all Man's Superiority.-No. 14. Critical Examination of the Poems and Genius of H. K. White.-No. 15. The same subject continued.—No. 16. The same subject concluded.-No. 17. Matrimonial Infelicity; its probable causes stated-No. 18. The Evils of Suspicion, illustrated by a Narrative.-No 19. Considerations on the Utility of the Learned Languages.-No. 20. Account of John Wilde, Esq.-No. 21. The Difficulty and Importance of Self-knowledge.

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We are unmindful of all that we should think ill of the state of public ebtain, and we decompense fidelity, taste, if it were coldly received. We

could wish, indeed, it had been print- the works which we possess of this na-
ed with a little more economy of ture, seems to have some claim upon
paper and type. All works of real public favou«,"
value and importance should be given
to the literary world as cheaply as
possible. It is a hard tax, in these
hard times, upon a poor scholar, that
he mu either starve his body or his
mind. If he buys books, he must
want his mutton: if he buys his
mutton, he must want books.

The following advertisement will explain the origin and republication of this work :

The preface to this volume contains some interesting historical remarks, which tend considerably to elucidate the memoirs, and the explanatory notes, by the present editor, judiciously supply the omissions of the former one.

The memoirs themselves are emi

nently amusing. They exhibit a fresh and faithful picture of the court of Elizabeth and of herself, whom they sometimes display in a "The memoirs of Sir Robert Cary light not very amiable, though writ were first published from the original ten by a man who deemed highly of M. by the Earl of Corke and Orry. her, and crouched beneath her im They contain an interesting account perious sway. The author relates of some important passages in Eliza- nothing but what he saw, and he beth's reign, and throw peculiar light was engaged in many of the most imupon the personal character of the portant events of her reign. Queen. The original edition having now become very scarce, it is presumed that a new impression will be acceptable to the public. Several additions have been made to the Earl of Corke's explanatory notes, particularly to such as refer to Border matte's. These additions are distinguished by the letter E.

"As a suitable companion to Cary's Memoirs, the Fragmenta Regalia, a source from which our historians have drawn the most authentic account of the court of the virgin Queen, have also been reprinted. The author, Sir Robert Naunton, lived in the element of a court, and had experienced all its fluctuations. His characters of statesmen and war riors are drawn with such spirit, as leaves us only to-regret their brevity, and the obscurity in which be sometimes thinks it prudent to involve them. To lessen this inconvenience, a few explanatory notes have been added.

"Memoirs are the materials, and often the touchstone of history; and even where they descend to incidents beneath her notice, they aid the studies of the antiquary and the moral philosopher. While, therefore, it is to be regretted, that the reserved temper of our nation has generally deterred our soldiers and statesmen from recording their own story, an attempt to preserve, explain, or render more generally accessible

Among the extracts which we propose to make from this volume, it would be unpardonable to omit the following account of the destruction of that numerous fleet which Spain equipped for our destruction: Spain, that country for whom we are now fighting on her own shores! Strange mutability of human events!

"The next year (1588) the King of Spain's great Armado came upon our coast, thinking to devour us all.Uon the news sent to court from Plymouth of their certain arrival, my Lord Cumberland and myself teck post horse, and rede strait to Portsmouth, where we found a frigate that carried us to sea: and having sought for the fleets a whole day, the night after we fell amongst them; where it was our fortune to light first on the Spanish Heet; and finding our-elves in the wrong, we tacked about, and in some short time got to our own fleet, which was not far from the other. At our coming aboard our admiral, we stayed there awhile; but finding the ship much pestered, and scant of cabins, we left the admiral, and went aboard Captain Reyman, where we stayed, and were very welcome, and much made of. It was on Thursday that we came to the fleet. All that day we followed close the Spanish Armado, and nothing was attempted on either side; the same course we held all Friday and Saturday, by which time the Spanish fleet cast

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