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seilles; sausages at Lyons; eels at be raised from twenty to fifty pounds, Melun; cherries at Montmorency; and proceeded accordingly. But the honey at Narbonne; cheese at Neuf- poor woman's appeal being forcibly chatel; aloes and sugar at Orleans; seconded by a gentleman learned in truffles in Perigord; almond cakes at the law, the widow's rate was reduced Pithviers; veal in Pontoise; red- to its primitive standard, and that legged partridges in Le Quescy; car- upon the princely domains of the unmetons and apple-jelly at Roceen; merciful assessor raised from less than haricots at Soissons; pigs' feet at St. one hundred per annum to upwards Menehould; carps and great livirs of of three. geese at Strasburgh; heads of hogs at Troyes; asparagus at Vendome; dragées at Verdun; lampreys at Vierzon,


Satan's strange Actings.

In 1697, there was published in London an account of the case of a person believed to be possessed by the

The following epigram was written devil, under the following title:

by Thomas Paine:

Going along the other day,

Upon a certain plan,

I met a nose upon the way,
Behind it was a man.

I call'd unto the nose to stop,
And when it had done so,
The man behind it he came up,

"The Surey Demoniac, or an Account of Satan's strange and dreadful Actings in and about the body of Richard Dugdale, of Surey, near Whalley, in Lancashire. And how he was dispossessed by God's Blessing on the Fasting and Prayers of divers Ministers and people. The Matter of Fact attested by the Oaths of several creditable persons before some of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in the An Irishman being told that Sir said County." These dreadful actings William Sydney Smith had, among of Satan continued above a year, durothers, been created a Doctor of Cicil ing which there was a desperate Laws at Oxford, asked what laws he followed now? Being answered, "the law of arms," he replied, "that, honey, is surely the most uncivil law of any."

A good Joke well turned.

Net long since a titled assessor of the income tax in one of the southern counties, observing that a widow woman, with five small children, contrived to maintain them decently by selling bread, took it into his head that her assessment might very well


struggle between him and nine ministers of the Gospel, who had undertaken to drive him out; and for that purpose successively relieved each other in their daily combats with him; while Satan tried all his arts to baffle their attempts, insulting them with scoffs and raillery; puzzling them sometimes with Latin and Greek, and threatening them with the effects of his vengeance, till he was finally vanquished and put to flight by the persevering prayers and fastings of the said ministers.



Heinbault. Victoria appears-vows

On Tuesday, the 16th, a new after- vengeance, and brings the Marquis to

piece, from the pen of Mr. Rey- trial before the Duke of Savoy, for a nolds, called The Bridal Ring, founded second marriage. It is discovered that on the story of the two Emmelines in his former marriage was illegal. Victhe Canterbury Tales, was produced toria is foiled, and a happy terminaat this theatre. The Marquis da Vinci tion, as usual, takes place.-What (Mr. Young) is induced, in a rash mo- might have been effected by the manument, to marry an artful woman, Vic- facturing this romance into a regular toria Malcour (Mrs. C. Kemble).- melo-drama, we do not pretend to conThinking that she had perished in a jecture; but, as an afterpiece, we apstorm, he marries Juliana (Mrs. H. prehend its fate to be decided. There Johnston), the daughter of Baron is in it neither novelty, nor probabiUNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XIV.

2 T

lity, nor wit, nor humour, nor even who, during the performance, manibuffoonery. The fine powers of Mr. fested the most apathetic indifference. Young were wasted in a species of The Bridal Ring was announced for melo-declan.ation, partaking of prose representation amidst the preconcerted and measured syllables. His perform- applause of the author's friends, and ance, which was admirable, excited the hisses of such part of the audience regret at so futile an application of as were not restrained by involuntary talent. To the performers the author yawning from joining in that expres is indebted for the toleration of a sion of disapprobation. We fear its piece, utterly inconsistent with the slight texture is not likely to wear taste and feelings of the audience, through the winter.



HE state of Portugal has, since operation, and destroy all the small our last, excited, to the utmost, corps that have been left in garrison public attention. At the moment of in different towns and fortresses. If writing this it is delivered, probably, they do not indeed rise, it will be mafrom the fierce invading army after a nifest that the French party is very most dreadful battle, or surrendered strong in the country, and that the entirely to the power of the French. accounts, so frequently circulated of British valour has been displayed in a engagements and ruin to the French, most eminent manner, and the Portu- are mere fabrications. If the cause of gnese have manifested such spirit and Ferdinand is supported by a tenth courage, that the French, it is said, part of the strength attributed to it, have ascribed to us the ruse de guerre the French must be completely anniof clothing our troops in Portuguese hilated.

uniforms, and thus giving that nation The Cortez of Spain have met.a degree of credit to which, in their This body, in which the government apprehension, it could never be en- of the country constitutionally resided, titled. The fact, however, is, that a was never permitted to deliberate ungreat part of the brunt of a battle was der the Bourbon dynasty. Necessity sustained by our allies, and they has brought it together, and, actuated proved that the discipline had not by the strongest motives, by a view of been st upon the, and that they the state of their country, by the very were completely capable of defending position in which they meet, when the their country. Thus Lord Welling- guns of the enemy are within their ton, at the head of a numerous weil- hearing, the degrading passions of sordisciplined army, with the population did self-interest must disappear: every of the country in his favour, and im- thing is calculated to rouse the nobler mense resources of every kind, in a position chosen by himself, has little to fear from the attack of the French, rendered desperate by famine, incapable of maintaining themselves in their positions, or escaping again out of the country.

feelings of the mind, and to produce the grandest efforts of patriotism. It is not a body of men, called together from drunken meetings of a province, where the candidate for the office has been profuse of flattery to his electors, and liberal of his purse, in the hopes If ever there was a time for the en- of having his largesses ten fold repaid tire deliverance of the peninsula, the by the liberality of a minister: it opportunity is now increased tenfold. not a body of men, each looking up to The great strength of the French is an individual, who nominated him to with Massena in Portugal; a large be- his post; nor a body of men who can sicging army is before Cadiz, the at- expect to be paid on each vote out of tention of the French is distracted by the public purse. Honour and interseveral lage bodies in arms in vari- est are united together in the Cortez, ous provinces. A general rising of if they were as base in mind as the the country would ciecinally cut off members of some senates have been, the communication between the French still their situation would cover their armics, render them incapable of co- meanness, and in spite of their dishe

nesty they could not manifest to the ances for prejudices: but we cannot world that disregard of principle, that entertain for a body, true respect, if subserviency to a minister or to a fac- it is led away by prejudices, which tion, which, in other cases, is too they ought to have overcome. We likely to exist in a representative body. tremble for the Cortez. We fear that One of the early acts of this body it is incapable of saving the country, excites great hopes in its favour. In- or rather that the country deserves deed, it is an act which is easily past not to be saved upon such terms: that in times of difficulty, and too easily it will be better under the worst tyrevoked, when the danger is over. It ranny of the French, than under the was prefaced by a speech, shewing the best political government that can be necessity of the measure, and adopted, devised, with the restriction to which though not without opposition, by a the Cortez has in the most solemn considerable majority. By this act a manner pledged itself. It was opened member of the Cortez is rendered in- indeed in a most inauspicious manner, capable of being appointed to any with all the mummery of the Romish post or office under the executive go- church, with a mass to the Holy Ghost, vernment, except to those places to than which scarcely any thing more which in his profession he would rise offensive can strike the ear of a proby seniority, during the time that the testant. When the idolatrous rites Cortez is held, and for one year after had been performed, each member he ceases to be a member of it. This swore to the observance of the Roman act is essentially necessary to a dele catholic religion, and to the exclusion gated body for such is the nature of of every other inode of faith. Horrid man, that, without it, it is impossible oath! what! has not the peninsula that it should perform its duty to its groaned long enough under the yoke constituents. Political writers extol of the priests, under the terror of the a constitution to the skies, and attri- inquisition? Is the reign of falsehood bute to it all the excellencies which a to be prolonged without end? and is fertile imagination may devise. They the human mind to have no chance of will talk of the excellence of a repre- being relieved from its chains? With sentative government, of the check it the deepest affliction of mind we read is to the wild schemes of a minister, the account of this day's proceedings: or the subtle plans of a tyrant. But all we could wish to see it erased from their specious reasoning falls to the their acts, we could wish that men, ground, when a simple, plain question who have the courage to deny themis left unanswered. By whom is your selves any reward for their votes, were representative body appointed-To also inspired with liberal sentiments, whom does it look up for honour and and understood that civil is of little reward? On the answer to these consequence without religious liberty. questions depends the manner in which But we will not give ourselves enany subject for discussion will be dis- tirely up to despair. The mind may posed of and the Cortez has acted become enlightened, and one engine with true wisdom in taking away from remains, which may still be brought its members one bias, which would into action, and sap that power, inevitably carry them from the coun- which seems at present too strong for try to the mean views of party. There open resistance. This is the press, is a probability that questions in the Cortez will be fairly discussed, and, in general, the decision will be according to its merits. We must make allowances for the prejudices and want of information in the parties; but it is not to be expected that men will wote one way in the meeting, and, when they come out of the house, declare, with unblushing fronts, that they have voted in opposition to their real opinion.

We said, that we must make allow

the dread of tyrants, and of timeserving priests! Spain owes great part of its present calamities to the checks on the liberty of the press, which prejudiced and narrow minds opposed to it, when the glow of enthusiasm first fired the Spanish breast. Some enlightened members of the Cortez view the subject in its true light, and we shall see by the disposal of the question, what hopes may be. entertained of the cause of liberty. A committee is appointed to take the

subject into consideration, and their were marked with red, the country labours are to be early submitted to the Cortez, which will then determine, whether Spain is to have a free press or not. If no religion is to be allowed but the Romish, if nothing is to be printed, but what the executive government permits, we should prefer a residence in Madrid to that in the Isle of Leon. In the former place religion is free, and a French at any rate would be better than a Spanish


The Spaniards have always been very fond of titles, and their common language is filled with epithets, to which our simple manners are unaccustomed. It became necessary to fix the titles, by which the Cortez should be addressed, and it has as sumed that of majesty, the title of highness being attributed to the council of regency. This may shock the English ear, which of late years has not heard with complacency the phrase of the majesty of the people: but it is well understood in Spain, and the Cortez have taken the title, which strictly belongs to it, as there is nothing greater than that body, and by the term is acknowledged, that all authority is from, and is intended for the benefit of, the people. These are the chief acts performed: various regulations are entered into for the bringing of the accounts of the regency before the body, for the promotion of union between the mother country and the colonies: but many of them were discussed with shut doors, as it was not expedient, that the enemy should know their measures, or traitors be enabled to frustrate them..

Whilst the Cortez are deliberating, the French are strengthening their works against Cadiz : but it does not appear, that on either side any very active measures are pursued. This seems very extraordinary; as from the strength in Cadiz, and the population at the back of the French, one would think, that they might be attacked on both sides with great prospect of entire success. Spain, if we can give credit to the reports, is one field of blood. In every part are actions, and guerillas are on the alert in every province. If spots on the map, where actions are said to have taken place,

would appear to be completely chequered, and in no district is there freedom from daily alarm. But it is difficult to reconcile these accounts with the employment of so large a body as is now in Portugal, as the French would scarcely risque the greater kingdom for the sake of a lesser conquest. But a very short time will develope the true state of the armies, and we shall know the real condition of both countries.

Lord Wellington has been constantly retreating, and by very rapid marches; yet with such good order, it is said, that he suffers no loss in ammunition, provisions, or baggage. On the contrary, Massena indeed pursues, but he is said to be destitute of provisions. Lord Wellington took the road nearly from Almeida to Coimbra; and it seems strange that Massena should pursue him, instead of taking the shorter road to Lisbon, if indeed there is one on which he could prudently venture. But he pursued the British army, and, by his advanced guard, made an attack on our army strongly posted on the heights of Busaco, a few miles distant from Coimbra.Here they were repulsed with very great slaughter, so great, that two thousand are reported to have been left dead on the field of battle; and thence, it is presumed that a vast number must have been wounded. Between three and four hundred prisoners fell into our hands, and the British buried their dead; but they had scarcely performed the task, when they received orders to quit the ground, and Lord Wellington continued his retreat towards the strong passes of Almeida. Massena, it seems, was marching his whole army round the heights of Busaco, took possession of Coimbra, and continued the pursuit of Lord Wellington. The position of the two armies will be known in due time. Lord Wellington may probably intrench himself, and defy the farther progress of the French: and, if the Portuguese should hover on the rear, and cut off their resources, the destruction of such an army seems to be inevitable. We speak, however, too much at random, not knowing what is the real strength of the French, and Low fer they are, or are not, deficient

in ammunition and provision. Massena is fighting, it is said, for a kingdom, for what he now conquers is to be delivered into his hands; and the splendour of the crown may have dazzled the eyes of the general.

time longer to its present sovereign; and that, under its present constitution, it is not likely to be so organised as to defend itself. It will be a constant expence to its defenders, without the advantage, which might be derived from so rich an island, if it were in our possession.

Sicily has been a witness to British valour, and the inhabitants of the shores on each side of the strait of If the peninsula of Spain and PorMessina will long remember the ex- tugal, and the two Sicilies, have been ploits by sea and land that daily oc- in complete commotion, no small concurred. The Neapolitan king vaunted fusion and alarm prevail in the of his strength, and made the most for- Turkish dominions. From one end of midable preparations for the conquest the empire to the other the sword is of Sicily. His shores were lined with drawn against the infidels; the threats troops, and his numerous gun-boats and promises of the prophet are were protected by batteries. On the brought forward; the Imams from other side, our commander was not every mosque call on the true believers inactive; but the great glory was due to defend their country, and their reto our sailers, who were continually ligion, both in extreme danger. The on the look out, attacked the Nea- Grand Signor has marched at the politan marine, whenever it stood out head of an immense army, collected to sea, drove it under its batteries, by these means; but how far he has and repeatedly burnt their gun-boats, proceeded, is not ascertained; nor can as they were lying on the shore. But, the effects of such a rabble be progin such a strait, of so small a width, nosticated. Out of it may be formed and great extent, from the nature of assuredly an army, capable of overwind, tide, and weather, it cannot be running the provinces, and driving always guarded. The Neapolitan the Russians over the Danube; but sovereign had the satisfaction of seeing they are more likely to create famine, his boats carry a portion of his troops tumult, and confusion, wherever they to the Sicilian shore; but, from the go, and may moulder away before same cause, which assisted him in this they do any thing efficacious in the attempt, he found it impossible to field. In the mean time, the two hos send reinforcements, and our troops tile armies, that have so often met on land gave so good an account of each other, retain nearly the same them, that they were glad to betake positions: the Vizier is on the borders themselves, after considerable loss, of Bulgaria and Romania, waiting again to their boats. The fact is, probably for the great reinforcements however, ascertained, that in spite of with which he is to perform wonders. our navy, an army may be landed: The strength of the Turkish nation yet, if there is any spirit in the Sici- being thus drawn out, and carried to lians, it can be to little effect. To a distance from Constantinople, may reinforce them, or to provide for them leave an opening for the French and will be an arduous task. The Neapo- Austrians to march to that capital litan sovereign seems sensible of this, and to throw down the crescent from for he has given up the enterprise; its walls. The time is fast approachand publishes to the world, that he is ing for such an event; and on this eccontent with what has been done; that count the result of the present camit has answered the purpose intended, paign will be highly interesting. If and that his troops may rest contented it shall end in driving the barbarians with the reputation they have ac- out of Europe, and restoring Greece quired. By this he probably means to a civilized government, few will to suggest, that all his efforts were in- lament the event; and it is of little tended merely to occupy our troops consequence by whom this is effected. and navy, and to prevent any supplies In this case, it will naturally be coubeing sent from Sicily to our army in sidered as our interest to secure some Portugal. It may be lamented, that of the islands in the Archipelago. so much bravery, on our part, will In the East our arms have been preserve the island but for a short successful, and the Isle of Bourbon,

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