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Lord Lieutenant.-Earl of Coventry.

High Sheriff-Sir John Pakington, of Westwood, Bart. *





May 12. An act for inclosing lams

March 8, A petition was presented in the parish of Iccomb. from the manufacturers and dealers in hats resident in the city and suburbs of Worcester, praying that the stamp duty on hats may be repealed.


May 12. An act for enlarging the term and powers of an act of Geo. III., for amending the road from Teddington to the turnpike road between Evesham and Pershore; and for making a new piece of road to communicate therewith, in the county of Gloucester.

An act for enlarging the term and powers of two acts, Geo. III. 7. 28., for amending and widening the road from the Bell iun at Northfleet, in the county of Worcester, to the Wootton turnpike, in the great road leading from Stratford-upon-Avon to Bir mingham.


Worcester, April 13, 1809.

The mayor of this city having in corsequence of a requisition, conveneda common bail, in order to consider ! the propriety of coming to certain re- | solutions relative to the investigation of the military conduct of the com mander in chief, a numerous bedy et the citizens and inhabitants assembled at the Guildhall. II. Rogers, Esq. the mayor, opened the business of the day by reading the requisition; after which at the request of Mr. Josiah Palmer, he read the following extract from a letter, which had been received by a gentleman of this city from A. Robaris, Esq. M.P. for Worcester.

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London, April 1, 1809.

"My dear Sir, "I am but very poorly recovered from the late severe attack of the gout: the relapse seized me at an unfortunate period, confined me a long time to my bed, and rendered me wholly incapable of motion, excepting sliding lat terly into Merlin's chair; and so circumstanced, it was utterly impossible for me to attend the house of commons, which I should gladly have done, as, after having read and studied the evidence on a recent occasion with all the attention I could apply to it, I had determined decidedly to vote against the duke; for my mind was strongly impressed with the conviction, by his not having extinguished in the very first instance all improper influence respecting military promotions, that it was absolutely to all intents and purposes a connivance in the iniquitous and systematical corrupt proceedings that were carried on, and, consequently, that punishment and disgrace ought most deservedly to follow.

"The night when the amended motion of Sir Thomas Turton was introduced, after the Chancellor had brought forward his resolution, I made an effort, and with infinite difficulty, and under the pressure of the pain, found means to be conveyed just withinside the door of the house; and after remaining till two o'clock in the morning, and the debate wearing the appearance of a much longer continuance, I became exhausted, and my limbs so tortured, I found it impossible to remain by the assistance of a friend, a member, who most kindly attended me, I was brought home, and afterwards, for several days, suffered 4 more severely than can possibly be conceived.

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otherwise I should have deemed myself unworthy the confidence of my friends, and unfit to have represented so numerous a body of independent electors.

"I believe there is no man, either in or out of the house, that can hold in greater detestation and abhorrence than I do all abuse in the sale of public offices; and I trust that such laws will now be enacted, as will, in future, effectually prevent such improper and pernicious practices.

"ABRAM ROBARTS." Mr. Josiah Palmer then rose: he pointed out in strong terms the evils which must necessarily result to the nation if corrupt practices were unchecked; and particularly if, in times like the present, the officers in the army should be induced to suppose that promotion was to be obtained through a different medium than that of merit. He considered that the undaunted firmness and perseverance Mr. Wardle had manifested in bring ing forward the serious charges against the Duke of York, which had ended in his royal highness's resignation, fully entitled that gentleman to the thanks of his countrymen; and he thought that the efforts produced by his patriotic conduct might justly be considered as one of those “Victories of peace" which one of our best poets considered superior to the triumphs of war. The resolutions which he should have the honour to move, were so framed, that he did not anticipate any objection to them. The resolutions being read from the chair, Mr. Pope seconded them with peculiar emphasis; at the conclusion of his observations he said, that though he concurred in censuring the Duke of York, he did not by any means intend thereby to cast any stigma upon the other branches of the royal family. Mr. J. Williams rose to move an amendment; his sentiments coincided with the general substance of the five first resolutions; but he wished that the names of Mr. Wardle, and of Mr. Robarts, and Mr.Gordon (representatives of this city) should be the only ones particularised, while the other supporters of Mr. Wardle should be thanked collectively. He strongly objected to the sixth and seventh resolutions,-to the sixth, because the language contained

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in it did not appear to be dictated by in bringing forward, and conducting that temper and moderation, which the business. should always distinguish public pro- Resolved unanimously-1. That it is ceedings; to the seventh, because he the opinion of this meeting that the did not conceive that parliamentary late investigation into the conduct of reform was a subject at all connected the commander in chief of his majes with the business of the meeting. Mr. ty's land forces, has disclosed the exKnapp, jun. remarked that he thought istence of gross abuses and corruption the present meeting was convened in that and other departments of the purposely to determine whether Mr. state. Wardle and his adherents were, or were not, entitled to a vote of thanks for their very proper conduct on a recent occasion. If herein he had erred, he trusted that the chairman would put him right. If he had not mistaken the object of the meeting, he contended the seventh resolution, relative to a reform in parliament, could not with propriety be taken in

to consideration.

Mr. Johnson (town clerk) agreed with the last speaker: he lamented that for a century past, corruption had been practised by every administration, but the work of reform was so delicate an undertaking, and had been in some instances attended by such unforeseen consequences, that he considered it would be much better to

leave the reform of parliament to the wisdom of parliament itself; and he thought that, in the course of time, this salutary reforination might take place. Mr. John Palmer, Mr.Moseley, and other gentlemen spoke upon the subject. Mr. John Palmer did not conceive that the necessity of a reform in parliament was improperly introduced, and pointed out an instance in which another meeting on a like occasion had adopted a similar mode of proceeding. Mr. Moseley was decidedly in favor of the original resolutions; he thought that it was vain to hope that parliament would reform itself, and conceived it to be the duty of the people to express their opinion on such subjects at meetings of this kind.

The original resolutions were then put separately, and the show of hands being in their favor, Mr. Williams's amendment was lost.

The thanks of this meeting were unanimously voted to the mayor, for his alacrity in calling the meeting, and for bis able and impartial conduct in the chair; thanks were likewise given to Mr. Josiah Palmer, for his ability

2. Resolved unanimously-That G. L. Wardle, Esq. for the dauntless intrepidity displayed by him in propos. ing the said investigation, and for the cool, yet steady perseverance with which he conducted himself to the termination thereof, is entitled to the thanks of this meeting, and in their estimation to the gratitude of his country.

3. Resolved unanimously-That the thanks of this meeting are in a special manner due to Sir F. Burdett, Bart. to Lord Visct. Folkestone, to Lord Visct. Althorpe, to S. Whitbread, Esq. to Sir S. Romilly, to Major Gen. Ferguson, and C. W. Wynne, Esq. for their able, manly, and patriotic exertions on the above occasion.

4. Resolved unanimously-That the thanks of this meeting be given to our worthy representatives, W. Gordon, Esq. and A. Robarts, Esq. to the first for the vote which he so honorably gave with Mr. Wardle's, and the latter for the conscientious and correct view which, it appears by a letter now produced from him, he held upon the occasion, but which we are sorry to learn his ill state of health prevented him from following up with his vote.

5. Resolved unanimously-That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Hon. W. H. Lyttleton, M. P. for this county, to the Hon. A. Foley, and Sir T. Winnington, Bart. M. P. for the borough of Droitwich, and to H. Haworth, Esq. M. P. for the borough of Evesham, both within this county, and to the other members composing

the majority of 125 who divided with Mr. Wardle.

6. Resolved unanimously-That his royal highness tl:e Duke of York, by resigning his situation of commander in chief, has acted in conformity with the wishes of the people in opposition to the majority of the house of com mons; and it is the opinion of this meeting, that if any person, at any

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future period, should advise his majesty to reinstate him, he will, by such advice, prove himself an enemy to his country.

comb; and presented him with a handsome silver vase, in testimony of their approbation of his conduct. Mr. Haworth addressed the deputation as follows:

7. Resolved-That the late decision in the house of commons has disap- 66 pointed the hopes and expectations of ber with the most perfect sense of graGentlemen,-I shail ever rememtitude, the honor conferred upon me by my constituents, in presenting me with this magnificent cup: I receive

the people, and convinces us of the necessity of a speedy and effectual reform in the representation of the commons in parliament, as a security it as a testimony of their approbation to the throne, a support to the nobility, and a safeguard to the people against that tide of corruption which has laid so many nations of Europe prostrate at the feet of France.

H. Rogers, chairman, and mayor.


of my conduct, in having submitted to the consideration of a committee of the house of commons the rights of the electors and the independence and to the other electors, I feel perof the borough of Evesham. To you suaded, that I cannot tender a more acceptable return than by an assurance, that, whilst I have the honour of representing them in parliament, no consideration shall tempt me to betray the trust which they have so kindly reposed in me."-On this occasion July 7. A deputation of the indepen- the novelty presented itself of the dent electors of the borough of Eves- electors treating their representative. ham, waited on their representative, The day was spent with great conHumphrey Haworth, Esq. at Winch- viviality and harmony.

Addresses were presented to his majesty, congratulating him upon enter ing into the 50th year of his arduous, prosperous, and eventful reign, from the boroughs of Worcester, Kidderminster, and Evesham.



.483. .311.


magnesia & alumina145. iron

Of carbonate of iron.
Of silica....


9. 75. 45.

Mr. W. Weldon has analised the the water smells of sulphuretted hidrowater of a mineral spring, two miles gen; but if half a pint, or less, be exto the south of Dudley, in Worcester- amined, the odor is scarcely percep thire, which has been famous from tible. The taste very much resembles time immemorial, in the surrounding sea-water. From a wine gallon, or 231 country, for its efficacy in various cubic inches, were obtained: scrophulous and cutaneous diseases. Of muriate of soda In scrofula, in particular, it has been considered an almost infallible remedy. The spring flows into a well, about 36 feet in depth, and 7 in diameter. The bottom is a ferruginous, argillaceous sandstone, through which is perforated a hole, whence the water issues and rises to about four feet from the surface. The sides of the well near the top are covered with a yellowish ochrey substance. When the water is The following account of a parish fresh taken up, it is perfectly transpa- in this county deserves the attention rent & colourless. It is little refractive of all proprietors of great estates, of light, nor can it be said to sparkle; whose interest it is, even more than but after standing a short time, nume- that of the occupiers themselves, to rous small bubbles of air are seen ad- encourage every practicable attempt hering to the bottom and sides of the to lessen that enorms tax upon the glass. After a time, it becomes rather value of land, viz. the poor's rate:turbid, and at length a pale ochreous The commonable land belonging precipitate falls down, leaving the to a parish in Worcestershire, near water transparent. In large quantity Tewkesbury, in. Gloucestershire, was

Of earthy carbonates about........
Of carbonic acid and sul-cub. in,
phuretted hidrogen, the 23.735
latter in small proportion

Of azote...


inclosed about 22 years ago; and there
was an allotment containing 25 acres,
set out for the use of such of the poor
as rented less than 10%. a-year, to be
stocked in common. At that time
there were about sixteen people on the
parish books, some of whom had fa-
milies. Previous to the inclosure,
there were some few cottages, that had
land let with them, to the amount of
61. or 71. a-year each. The occupiers
of these cottages, with land annexed
to them, were remarkable for bringing
up their families in a more neat and
decent manner than those whose cot-
tages were without land; and it was
this circumstance which induced the
lord of the manor (to whom almost the
whole of the parish belonged) to lay a
plot of land, from five to twelve acres
(besides the common before-mention-
ed), to other of the cottages, and to
add a small building, sufficient to con-
tain a horse or a cow, and likewise to
allow grafting stocks to raise orchards.
In some instances, small sums of money
were lent to cottagers, for the purchase
of a cow, a inare, or a pig.

Jan. The following is the most singular instance of swindling which we recollect to have heard of for some time.-A genteel looking man arrived at a town in Worcestershire in a chaise, and, after making many inquiries respecting the inhabitants, he sent a note to the clergyman of the parish, saying, that, with his permission, he would do the duty of the church on the following day. The clergyman consented, and accordingly the stranger went through the various duties of the day. Being in company in the evening, he said he was going to take possession of a living at Brampton Brian, and observed that he should be rather short of money, if he could not get some body to cash a check (which he produced) on a London banker. A gentleman present offered to supply him with cash for it, which he accepted, and said he was going from that place, but should return on the following Thursday. In the mean time a person arrived at the same town from Bath, and said he was in pursuit of a man who had given him a check on a London banker which was found to be of no value; and on making inquiry, he felt convinced that the strange clergyman must be the man he sought, and an interview convinced him that he was right. The supposed clergyman framed some plausible excuse for his conduct, and satisfied his pursuer by paying him the greatest part of his debt. The next morning he left the town. He appeared about 26 years of age, and possessed an engaging person and address.

The following good effects have been the consequence of this proceeding. It has not in one instance failed in giving an industrious turn, even to some who were before idle and profligate. Their attention in nursing up the young trees has been so much beyond what a farmer, intent upon greater objects, can or will bestow, that the value of orchards is increased to 40s. per acre, in land which was of less than half the value in its former state. And the poor's rates have, from this cause, fallen to 4d. in the pound, or less, there being only two (and those very fire broke out in the china manufac April 26. About eleven o'clock, a old) people on the books at this time, whilst the adjoining parishes are as- tory of Messrs. Granger, Wood, & Co. sessed from 2s. 6d. to 5s. in the pound. situated in Losemore, Worcester. In These are laborers, and good ones; a very short time assistance was zeatheir little concerns are managed by lously rendered by the inhabitants,and their wives and children, with their the 36th regiment assembled to proown assistance after their day's work. tect the property. Engines arrived at Their stock consists of a cow, a year- spot without delay, and no means ling heifer, or a mare to breed (from were left untried to subdue the fury which a colt at half a year old will of the element; but all efforts proved fetch from 31. to 57.) a sow, and 20 or insufficient, and at one o'clock those This, therefore, has been spacious premises became a heap of ruins. The most strenuous endeavours of the neighbours, to preserve any part abortive; and they had the regret ar d of the valuable effects, were likewise

40 geese.
the means of ringing a supply of
poultry and fruit to the market, of
increasing population, and making
the land produce double the rent a
farmer can afford to give.


mortification to witness the entire de

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