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Altenburg, who had completed their academical studies at this time, and as I had the finest time of the year before me, and could likewise count pretty securely upon good roads, I went (though considerably out of my way) through Gera and Altenburg to Leipsick. We had, indeed, to travel up hill and down, and to pass many a deep valley and many a considerable mountain, but, in other respects, the road was good and dry, and the country through which our journey lay was pre-eminently beautiful. This route, therefore, was, to me, highly agreeable, though I was at first, when Jena was receding from me, more melancholy than joyful.

Whether the same feelings are common to all students leaving the university, or whether it was a secret anticipation of what I was about to encounter, or whether from the double loss which I had sustained during my residence in Jena, I know not, but it is most certain that I was dull, melancholy, and quite cast down in the outset of my journey.

built upon a somewhat high hill, and partly in a shady valley which spreads itself round the hill in the form of a crescent. This town, which had suffered severely from fire about nine years before, lies upon the Gleisbach, has about eleven hundred inhabitants, and a very considerable pottery which supplies Jena, Kahla, Bosneck, Neustadt on the Orla, Schleitz, and many other towns and places with earthen ware. Not far from this place the road leads to Thalburgel, where there was formerly a Benedictine monastery, founded by a noble lady, Berchta Bamens, and endowed by the Emperor Lo thaire II. in the year 1138: but it is now converted into a princely resi dence. Here we parted from the numerous company of our former academical companions, sung, once more, with them, the song beginning,

My Jena, farewel, the day of parting is

come, &c.

wished each other every possible felicity, and thus we separated.

Our way, after we had quitted Jena, From Thalburgel we had to ascend lay through a tolerably narow but a high hill, from which we beheld very delightful valley, between two the most heavenly prospect, extending long ranges of hills, namely, the several miles round towards Jena, and Hausberge on the right, and the Gen- in other directions, especially at the sichtberge on the left. Both of these, foot of the ridge of hills of which we but particularly the latter, are, like had attained the summit. Most beau almost all the hills which surround tiful and most enchanting is the whole the delightful vale of Jena, ornament- of this country: it is the finest that I ed on their declivities with gardens, have any where seen in the whole summer houses, vineyards, small world. From this spot Burgel apshrubberies, and corn fields: on their tops are the ruins of ancient castles, with rugged peaks of the rocks between, or a few solitary trees, and from their variety the eye is delighted with a constant prospect. On the Hausberge there is an old tower, called Fuchsthurm, from which may be seen the greater part of the surrounding and charming country, and which, as I remember to have read in the interesting description of the city of Jena by the late Wiedeburg, has about ten years ago been provided with flight of stairs and a room.

pears to the eye with uncommon sweetness, especially the bordering valley, full of every kind of wood, with fruit trees, gardens, and, on the eastern side, plum trees: and of the industry of this country it gives an advantageous idea. We behold numerous villages, and, besides Burgel, there is, in the distant perspective, the little town of Eisenberg, belonging to the house of Saxe-Gotha.

While we were upon the hill, we approached towards an extensive forest of fir-trees, in which our path lay, pleasantly, for a long time. An The road gradually ascends up the agreeable variety of hue was produced hill on the left, and the prospect be- by the dark and light green of the comes more and more extensive, va- various trees which promiscuously rious, and beautiful. The little town appeared to the eye, lofty firs and of Burgel now displays itself situated pines, together with the more beauin a most romantic spot, being partly tiful oak and birch. Blackbirds,


finches, larks, nightingales sung and warbled in the bushes and trees, and, as it were, raised a song of praise to their Creator. Even my heart participated in this joy. I thank thee! thought I to myself; I thank thee, Almighty Power, that thou permittest me to feel this pleasure; permit me still to feel it with a heart as pure; let no remembrance of past sorrows, no gloomy cares, rob me of this serenity of mind.

In the midst of these and similar reflections, we arrived at the ancient village of Weissenborn in the middle of the wood, and which lies partly on a rising ground, partly on a descent between fr trees, and partly in a valley on the borders of a limpid lake. We here beheld, at every door, almost, proofs of the industry of the inhabitants, who manufacture various sorts of wooden instruments, such as ladders, wheel-barrows, trays, wooden spoons, &c. and carry them as far as Halle and further.

We had travelled about half a mile from this place, when we beheld a decent looking young man, dressed in old and tattered soldier's uniform. He was sitting on the grass under a tree, not far from the high road, and was playing on the violin for amusement. As we approached nearer, we saw that he had a wooden leg, a part of which lay by him in pieces.

"What do you do here, soldier ?" said one of my companions to him. "I am returning to my native village, gentlemen," he replied.

But, my poor fellow," I answered, "if you have no other conveyance than the pieces of your wooden leg, you will be a sad long time in completing your journey.

"I am waiting for my waggon and my whole regiment," said the soldier; and, if not greatly mistaken, I see it at a distance approaching." We looked and saw a sort of cart coming along, drawn by a single horse, in which were seated a girl and a lad, the latter of whom drove.

While this conveyance was approaching, the soldier told us "that he had been wounded in the bloody conflict in 1760 at Torgau, between the Austrians and Prussians, and in which the latter conquered, and so badly wounded, that he was forced to

have his leg taken off. Before the beginning of the war he had been betrothed to a young girl in his neigh bourhood, and as he was forced to go for a soldier, his nuptials had been deferred till his return. As, however, after that battle at Torgau, he had had the misfortune to lose his leg, all the relations of the girl had opposed his union with her.

"The mother of the maiden, who was the only one of her parents that was alive, had always been his friend during the whole course of his wooing; but she had died during his absence with the army. The young girl, however, had remained true, received him with open arms, and resolved to go with him to his father, who lived not far from hence. On their way thither he had broken his wooden leg; and his bride was forced to go to the nearest village to fetch a cart to convey him thither, where he intended to stay till the carpenter should restore his fractured limb. It is a misfortune, gentlemen, that can soon be remedied.”

Our coachman, to whom this conversation appeared trifling, grew impatient, and would not wait any longer.

He cursed and scolded, and threatened to drive on without us if we did not get into the coach. Our friend from Gera, who knew the country well, and was aware that the way to Kostritz was not much farther, told him, at length, that we would follow on foot and then our coachman drove on, though discontented.

While this was taking place, the young girl arrived; she sprung from the cart, seized the outstretched hand of her future husband, and told him, with a smile full of kindness and affection, that she had found a proper carpenter, who had promised her to make a leg for her which should not break in a hurry; it should be ready by the next day, and then they could continue their journey as soon as they liked.

The soldier received his betrothed with a hearty kiss. She appeared to be about thirty years of age, was a handsome, well-formed country girl, a brunette in complexion, and her face expressive of feeling and vivacity.

"You must be very tired, my dear girl," said I to her; "rest yourself."


"We are not tired, Sir," answered she," when we do any thing for those whom we love. When a girl once gives her heart to a man, then, as you see, a leg more or less is not what can alter her affection; and, after all, it was not his legs that made the impression on my heart."

"But tell me," I continued, "in what manner will you be able to support yourself and your wife?"


myself with Canitz: "Sweep by me, thou stream of sorrow: that is the highest good which dwells within ourselves; and, while the Almighty's hand guides the wheel of fate, we may look for blessings as well as woes. He sends what he will: we cannot escape his visitations: hence, idle cares, hence: you only disease my thoughts."

We had now tarried some time That is my only anxiety," said with the soldier and his girl, and the the soldier and the girl answered that sun, which already began to sink in "she was as happy as their squire's the west, reminded us that it was time lady."-"A man," continued the for- to prosecute our journey; we parted mer, "who has had the resolution to therefore, and wished them both the live four years and more upon a sol- blessing of God, with the greatest sindier's pay, cannot be at much trouble cerity. Farewel, and be as happy about living for the rest of his life. I with each other as we wish you may play the fiddle," added he, pretty be. With these words we began our well, and perhaps there is not a village course towards Kostritz through alterfor many miles round the country nate woods and corn-fields, and our where there are so many weddings as chief conversation was about the conin the one where we are going to re- tented soldier and his equally conside: I shall not want, therefore, for tented lass. business and profit."

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And I," said the young lass, "can knit and mend stockings. Besides this, my father's brother has two hundred dollars of mine in his hands; and though he is the village justice's brother-in-law, and an unfeeling man, yet I'll take care that he shall pay me my money to the last halfpenny."— “I also," replied the soldier, I have fifteen dollars in my pocket, and besides, have lent two louis d'or to a person to pay his taxes with, and which he will return to me as soon as he is able."

"You see, gentlemen," said the girl to us," that we are not objects of pity. Shall we not be happy with each other, my dear?" continued she, addressing herself to the soldier, while she turned towards him with a look full of tenderness." It would be our own fank if we were not."

The beautiful and spacious village of Kostritz, through which runs the main road to Naumberg, Merseburg, and Halle, lies, between hills, meadows, and woods, on the Elster, over which there is here a large bridge.

The castle, in which a collateral branch of the Count Reuss von Schlaitz resides, is entirely of stone, and built in the modern style, where may be seen an agreeable garden, together with a handsome farm. There are here, besides, a fine church and other public buildings. Two of the branches of the family of the Count Reuss zu Schlaits reside here, and there are two tolerable castles with pleasant gardens, which are open to every stranger.

From Kostritz to Gera the road lies, for about a mile, through a parti cularly fertile and beautiful valley. It is even more delightful than the fine I will not ny that this discourse valley of the Saal from Jena to Dornwith these people gave great pleasure burg on the road to Naumburg, though both to myself and to my travelling it is very much like it. On the right, companies. I had never experienced the Elster gently meanders through any thing of the kind before, nor had verdant meadows. Many hills also I ever before been so intimately con- rear their summits, which are thickly vinced that man can be so easily con- covered with woods, and in the midst tented and feel so cheaply happy. of which, not far from Gera, the faOften have 1, is the course of my mily mansion of Reuss, with its delife, thought of this fond couple; in lightful gardens, appear. On the left, thinking of them have roused my the country is still more gay and beanown fortitude, and have comforted tiful. Close to the meadows on the

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Elster, rich corn-fields are scattered, once sublime and noble Sophia is athrough which the public road leads. whore!" This exclamation, which I Then, on the sides, pleasing eminences uttered in the madness of despair, was appear sometimes covered with groves succeeded by such heart-rending senand gardens, sometimes with waving sations, that, overpowered by them, I grain, and sometimes intermingled could not so much as breathe, or utter with delightful villages. The town of a single groan; nay, but for the rage Gera, with its numerous spires, is and anger which succeeded, it had bounded by this beautiful valley in doubtless been my death. Oh! who front, and the prospect of it is scarcely can describe or express that chaos of once lost to the traveller during the contending sensations which shame, whole way. A lovely spring morn- love, fury, regret, affection, jealousy, ing, when we travelled through it, and dread despair made me, at once, lent additional charms to it. sustain. No! that situation, that mental agony cannot be described. The tumults of extreme joy, which, by a uniform and regular movement, seem to exalt our being, may be easily conceived, may be easily imagined. But, when excessive grief collects, in the bosom of a wretch, all the passions of hell; when a thousand opposite sensations tear and distract him, without being able to distinguish one; when he feels himself torn in pieces by a hundred different powers, which drag him different ways, he is no longer one; every atom of him is tainted with his grief, and he seems to be multiplied only to suffer. Such was precisely my situation; and thus Iremained for many hours: how then shall I draw the picture? Volume; could not describe what I felt every instant. Happy men, whose narrow souls, and hearts scarce lukewarm, know no reverses but those of fortune, and are actuated by no motive but that of vile interest, may you always treat this horrible state as a chimera, and never prove the cruel torments which spring from the noblest attachments (when broken) to hearts made to feel.

The town of Gera, which is the residence of a Count Reuss, and lies on the Elster which flows by its walls, is two miles from Zeitz, eight miles from Leipsick, three miles from Altenburg, the same distance from Graitz and from Neustadt on the Orla, one mile from Weyda, and the same distance from Ronneburg. Before the calamitous conflagration in 1780 it had many stone edifices and handsome, lofty houses, whence it was called, both on that account and because of its industry and considerable trade, Little Leipsick. In the market place there is a fine building belonging to a count.

The principal thing for which Gera is celebrated, however, and which has raised its name, is her trade and the fine stuffs which she manufactures, which have now flourished for nearly half a century. The merchants send these articles into Italy, Swisserland, and parts of Germany. About a quarter of a mile from the town is the castle of Osterstein.

[To be continued.]



Our powers are limited, and all violent transports have their intervals. [Continued from p. 196.] In one of those moments of exhausHASTENED thus without stop- tion, when nature, as it were, takes ping, without even once relaxing breath to suffer, I suddenly thought my pace, into a public garden. The of my youth, of you, my master, of aspect of the heavens and the day were my lessons; I reflected that I was a hateful to me. I sought for obscurity man, and immediately I asked myself, beneath the trees: at length, ex- What personal injury bave I received? hausted and out of breath, I threw What crime have I committed?--myself, half dead, upon the grass. What have I lost? If, at this instant, "Where am I? what have I become? such as I am, I had fallen from the what have I heard? What a catas- clouds and commenced my existence, trophe! Madman! what a chimera should I be unhappy? This reflechast thou pursued! Love, honour, tion, swifter than lightning, flashed faith, virtue, where are you? The upon my soul, a flame which I quickly

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lost, but which sufficed to shew me danger. I immediately entered a myself. I saw, clearly, my situation; house that was open; it was a tavern, and the precise use of this moment I was there accosted by people of my of reason was to prove that I was in- acquaintance; they spoke to me; capable of reasoning. The dreadful they dragged me I know not whither. agitation of my soul rendered it im- Struck with the noise of instruments possible to investigate any object; I and the glare of lights, I returned to was incapable of seeing any thing, of myself: I opened my eyes, and began comparing any thing, of deliberating, to regard the objects round me; I' of resolving on any thing, or of judg- found myself in the theatre on the ing of ought. It was, therefore, vain- first night of a new piece, pressed by ly tormenting myself to reflect on the crowd, yet unable to avoid them. what I had to do; it was adding a I shuddered within myself; but ! needless pungency to my pains, when formed my resolution. I remained my only care ought to have been to silent; not a word escaped me, though gain time to compose my mind, and this apparent tranquillity cost me to calm my imagination. I think dear. They made much noise, talked such would have been the plan you much, and spoke to me; but I heard would have pursued, had you been nothing: what then could I answer? there to have directed me.

Unluckily, one of those who had con Resolved to let that paroxysm of ducted me there accidentally men. passion, which I could not conquer, tioned my wife: at that dreadful name exhaust itself, I gave myself up to it I uttered a piercing shriek, which was with a fury bordering on I know not heard throughout the whole assembly, what of pleasure, having, as it were, and caused some disturbance. Ire given the reins to my grief. I arose collected myself suddenly, and all with precipitation; I began walking, was again quiet. However, having as before, without following any di- attracted the attention of those who rect road; Iran, I staggered from one surrounded me by this shriek, Į side to the other, I gave my body up watched an opportunity to avoid to all the agitations of my heart; I them, and approaching, by degrees, followed its impulse without con- to the door, I slipped out before the straint; I put myself out of breath, performance was over. and mixing, with my convulsed respiration, my sighs, I often felt myself nearly suffocated.

The agitation which this precipitate walking occasioned seemed, in a great degree, to comfort and relieve me. In violent passions, instinct dictates either cries,or movements, or gestures, which give a turn to the mind and divert the passions; that niournful silence is more to be deprecated than violent emotion, as it borders on despair. The same evening an adventure hap pened to me somewhat laughable, if that which shews the misery and folly of human nature ought, at any time, to excite laughter whoever may be its object.

Entering the street, and drawing my hand mechanically from my bosom, where I had kept it during the whole of the representation, I perceived my fingers were covered with blood, and I fancied I felt it flowing from my breast. I opened my bosom and looked at it; it was bloody and mangled, like the heart which it con tained. It may easily be imagined that a superficial observer of this scene would be at loss to divine the meaning of what he saw.

1 immediately hastened away, dread ing lest I should be again met. The night favouring my course, I began again to wander the streets, as if to indemnify myself for the captivity After a thousand turnings and from which I had just escaped; 1 windings which I made without per- walked, I know not how many hours, ceiving it, I found myself in the mid- without resting a moment: at length, dle of the city, surrounded with car- being unable any longer to sustain riages proceeding to the theatres, and myself, and perceiving that I was near in the very street where there was my dwelling, I entered my house; I should have been crushed in but not without a dreadful agitation the mob if some one had not seized of my heart. I demanded where my ne by the arm and told me of my son was; they replied that he was


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