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to the bulk of mankind, during those and entitles it to the admiration of periods, than is consonant with jus- successive ages. tice and due consideration. This single circumstance may suffice to prove with how much diffidence youth should form a judgment of human character from the representa tions of history.

that caused Milton to lay the plan of Paradise Lost. It falls to the lot of few men to experience such an accident in their favour above once in the course of the longest life.

I know no way of accounting for this singular inequality in the productions of a man of genius, without we attribute it to the prevalence of acci dent in regard to the original concep tion of his works. If we enquired of men distinguished for the production Few particulars connected with the of classical compositions, I believe Fighter departments of literature ap- we should find that a single idea of pear more curious, or interesting, peculiar richness and capability form. than the circumstance of poetical ta- ed the basis of their most important lent experiencing a period at which it publications. This individual notion is capable of a loftiness of flight and was the acorn that produced the aufelicity of combination never before gust oak, with all its expansions of attained, and never afterwards attain- foliage and varieties of beauty. It able. If we asked the poets for the was a single idea, simple but capable, cause of this peculiarity, they would that opened to the comprehension of ascribe it, at once, to inspiration, Newton the principles of gravitation which they might with justice con- and the system founded on those tend is too great a favour to be principles. And I entertain no doubt dispensed to human nature above of it being a single accidental idea once during the course of its mortal peregrination. But this appears too visionary and fanciful a mode of accounting for the singularity, though it certainly is not easy to form a rational opinion concerning its real It is very possible that some of your origin. Those constituent portions subscribers may find more to say on of the mind which fertilize and invi- this subject than proceeds from a gorate imagination, are believed by single idea. If so, I trust that they men of talent to be more genial and will oblige the numerous readers of benignant at particular seasons. One your Miscellany with the fruit of has supposed that he could write best their cogitation; and no person will in spring, when all nature unfolds feel more gratified by such a favour itself around; another has contended than all connected with, that his muse aspired to a more lofty Your's, &c. flight on black and dismal winter evenings, when every extraneous object sank and disappeared, and each Hurst, Sept. 30, 1810. wandering faculty returned home from joyous but futile excursions, and played, in a wanton exuberance of strength, about that "grand citadel" the brain. It is with the ebullitions of genius as with the progress of cure in regard to nervous disorders; the imaginings of the patient, or subject, often accelerate the accomplishment of the desired object; but still, allont ANOTHER thing that hindered me from bringing any drama ing that, from the fond persuasion of forward at Paris was the disputes that his fancy, a man may write brilliantly in spring, and compose only vapid and imbecile lines in November, it does not appear why the same penman should write merely once in the course of his life with such a preeminent consistency of beauty as stamps his work classical at its birth,


Himself. Extracted from the La-
tin Edition of Leipsick, in 1743.

[Continued from p. 201.]

prevailed among the performers, viz. the French and Italian companies. At Fontainbleau, the difference broke out into an open war. Whenever the Italians came to Paris, the most pointed satire and epigram was sure to meet them. A comic piece, called L'Impromptu de la Folie, was got up on

purpose to mortify them by the French with, whatever may be the consecompany at Paris; this was also a quence. Sometimes the French drakind of opera. The Italians, who are matists represent him talking so long, not famous for a forgiving turn of that a servant is brought in to inform mind, avenged themselves soon after him that the opportunity he was lookby two pieces got up for the purpose ing for to promote the object he had of retaliating upon the French. As in view has been lost, &c. far as I understood, the French maintain that a moral drama should consist of one act alone. Of course, my dramatic pieces, that generally consist of five, or three acts at least, were quite out of rule. They have also an aversion to bringing persons of inferior condition upon the stage, unless it be a servant or a messenger, merely to deliver a message, a card, &c.

but, without comparing these dramas to others, they are very little better than contemptible in themselves; for instance, L'impromptu de la Folie and Les Amusemens de l'Automne were despised by every man of sense in Paris, as being beneath both the place where they were performed, and the companies who performed them.

them; but, at length, they multiplied to such a degree, that the whole city, the suburbs, and the public places, as well as the theatres, resounded with parodies, till the Parisians could no longer bear the name of them. In fact, they seemed to knit their brows, or to look grave, the moment any person begun to mention the name of parody.

Now, if my Political Pewterer had The Italian company are by no been divested entirely of what they means despicable, when they perform would call low characters, then I sup- in their own native tongue; but when pose all the mechanics I have intro- they speak French in character, they duced there must have been changed are considerably inferior; for, exceptinto doctors and advocates, and of ing the wife of M. Lelius, there is not course the spirit of the play would be one of the whole company who can quite lost. In a word, to have given speak the language tolerably. Anothis piece a French dress, would have ther reason why none of the old been giving it the appearance of a flat stock comedies can be performed and stupid dialogue, instead of an in- with any good effect is, because the teresting and sprightly comedy. As modern harlequins or scaramouches to the French taste in general, with are infinitely inferior to the old ones, respect to the drama, it resembles there being little difference between those persons who, continually eating these and such as accompany the pheasants, at length get so weary of strolling players. However, the pathis kind of food, that they cannot rodies, lately introduced into the bear the smell of them. A regular French theatre, were pretty well atcomedy, in five acts, with a proper tended. I was much pleased with denouement, will never please the French in short, the more regular and rational a piece may be, so much the more confused and disagreeable it appears to the Parisians. Were I to enter into a criticism of most of their new plays, I could easily shew that they are not only absurd in the highest degree, but that they have not the least verisimilitude with the genuine drama. While I was in Paris, two This deviation relative to the French pieces were brought out, viz. Le Ba- stage, I make no doubt, is already bebillard and L'Indiscret. In these two come tedious. You expect that I pieces the rules of Aristotle are en- should give you some account of the tirely set aside; indeed, it seems these court. Were I writing to a young dramatists have not the least acquaint- lord, or to a courtier, I should proba ance with them, and that they are ig- bly dwell pretty largely on this subnorant of the true art of comedy. The ject. I might furnish you with complot, if such it may be called, has sel- plete portraits of the king, the queen, dom any connection with the title. and the princes of the blood, the The Babillard, I speak of, is one only prime minister, &c. Lastly, I might calculated to tire the audience with perhaps entertain you with an account his continual babble; he can by no of their amusements at court, which means retain the secret he is entrusted I confess I have never seen. Upon

all these subjects, however, I might of their order, never pay any thing enlarge considerably, to excuse my- when travelling. As I ascended the self as much as possible from the sup- carriage, in which, as I observed beposition, that I had lived as much like fore, I had taken a place to Artois, I a hermit in France as when I was in trembled at the sight of some pretty Denmark, or that I had neglected women who were going with us, those things that generally invite other especially when I saw that two cappeople to Paris. But as I am writing tains, passengers likewise, sat right to a friend, and, what is still more, to opposite them, whose nods and winks a philosopher, I will candidly confess seemed to intimate to me that I should to you, that during this journey to again be stripped of a fourth part of Paris, I have neither seen Versailles my money. I had before learned, by nor Fontainbleau, but this between experience, how much these sort of ourselves for if any other person goddesses are adored by military men, should enquire about the French and of course was convinced that court of me, I should probably say the king was very active and cheerful, the queen very gracious and condescending, the Duke of Bourbon rather serious or melancholy, while the Duke of Orleans resembled his father. And if any one should endeavour to persuade me that I had misrepresented the real fact, I should likewise confess, ingenuously, that I had borrowed my accounts from the authority of others.

these noble captains would not suffer the ladies to pay for themselves.Called to table, I observed they very duly made their appearance, but when the reckoning was called, they were silent or absent. For two days these were the laws observed in our little republic; but, as I was induced to make a narrow inspection into the small remains of my cash, I found that I should be obligated to quit the society unless things were altered. I candidly communicated the real state of my finances to one of these officers, who had influence enough to bring about the necessary reformation, and set things again upon a new footing, namely, that each individual should pay an equal share.

Having passed the whole of the winter in the French capital, I found it high time to think of returning. For a whole month before this actually took place, I was equally as much dejected as if I had to set out for the Indies. And though I might enumerate the difficulties I had to encounter, it would be scarcely worth my pains; b, taken in the lump, they were not trifling, as you will perceive. Therefore, to proceed, scarcely had i been ready for my departure a few minutes, when an order was issued, forbidding any and every person, under very severe penalties, to take any money out of the country, either French or any other coin. On the contrary, it was all called into the royal treasury, with the loss of onefourth of its value. By this unexpected measure, the money I had appropriated to bear my expenses to Amsterdam was so much reduced, that, not without reason, I suspected it would be too little. In the course of February I took a carriage to convey me from Paris to Artois. A traveller in France, whose money, like mine, may run short, has two things Upon my arrival at Amsterdam, to beware of, namely, uomen and ca- where the letters which I expected puchins. The first, on account of from Denmark had not arrived, I was their sex, and the latter, on account so much reduced for want of money.

Having lost my way, not far from Peroune, in consequence of getting down a short time from the carriage, I wandered till I came to Bapaume, where I was under the necessity of hiring a horse to overtake my fellowtravellers. The horse got was so lean and hagged, that it seemed be had scarcely an hour to live. I, however, found him so spirited, that I looked for a fall every moment, and before I could well know any thing of the matter, imagined I might be transformed from a respectable rider to a lame pedestrian. In consequence of the agitation and the heat I was in, I scarcely felt the keen north wind that was blowing. At length, I reached the next post to Bapaume, where I found my company, to whom I related all the troubles I met with during my absence.


that, during eight days, I was com- same inn to dinner. The Germans pelled to live in a very frugal manner. wished to have all the kitchen proWhen my letters really came, they duced, roasted or boiled; the French were not of the most pleasant nature; contented themselves with eggs only; for a particular friend advised me to while the Spaniard looked out of the hasten my return, as my enemies had window, as if he could live upon the availed themselves of my absence to air. Thus every man exhibits the spread various reports to my preju- genius of his nation; for the Spaniards dice. I only mention this circum-.are like spirits, which neither eat nor stance to shew that troubles, with me, never came alone, but, on the con- I remained three weeks in Amstertrary, seemed ever to be connected, dam, and lived like a hermit in this as it were, in a chain. I could illus- populous city, for here the inhabitants tiate this by a multiplicity of exam- are entirely occupied with trade. And ples, and which, though they all had as learning is very little esteemed, a their causes, seemed nevertheless to learned man must not expect much have been something above common attention, nor promise himself any accidents. When people travel from great satisfaction. However, I, at Paris to Brussels, they generally chuse this time, visited the celebrated Le 10 pass through Bergen, in Hennegau, Clerc twice, whose faculties, at a very this being supposed to be the shortest advanced age, I found by no means way, and of course that money is impaired. We were, at one time, saved by it. But it is certainly much locked into an apartment by a servant more convenient, and less expensive, maid under a mistake, the most agreeto go by way of Lisle, because then able imprisonment I ever sustained, we meet with several other places of as it gave us an opportunity of talkconsequence, as Bapaume, Arras, ing upon a great variety of topics Douay, Lisle, Courtray, Menin, and whilst waiting the servant's return. Ghent, so near together that, gene- I observed that the name of this great rally speaking, they are separated by man was scarcely known in the street a very short ride. And as variety of where he lived. Enquiring for Cormen and cities has ever been a desira- nelius the currier, Jacob the broker, ble object with me, I preferred tra- or Ephraim the Jew, or for some of yelled through Lisle to any other. the common fishwomen, perhaps On that route one is in the constant some of the people could have pointed habit of meeting English, Spaniards, to their dwellings with their fingers; Germans, &c. and sometimes with but it was with the greatest difficulty soldiers and scholars. For two days that I could get a direction to the I had an old man as a fellow traveller, house of the learned Mr. Le Clerc. who had been one of that sort of robbers, or freebooters, in the West Indies, commonly called Flibustiers or Buccaneers. From him I learned the complete history of these people, and many circumstances I believe not to be found in books. When I expressed to him my surprise that a man, apparently honest and upright as he seemed to be, could lead the loose and immoral kind of life he had described, he said he had been initiated into it whilst he was a boy, and incapable of discerning the consequences, but that, after coming to riper years, he had seized the first opportunity to get out of this connection. Much about the same time we got into anoher carriage, in which I met with two Germans, two Frenchmen, and Spaniard. We all went into the

Having obtained all I wanted from Copenhagen, I passed through East Frieseland to Hamburgh; but I shall not say any thing particular about the disturbances in this province, especially at Lierre, because they had‍ nothing but what happens in common, excepting that my progress was very much protracted. I continued my journey through Oldenburgh towards Bremen, where I remained three days, during which I visited some of the professors at the Gymnasium, and among others, Dr. Hasaus, a very deeply read man. His library, I believe, was the most copious and bean tiful of any in the city. His manuscripts were also of the choicest description. The common library of the Gymnasium is very large, in the truest sense of the word, because al


most all the books are in folio. I of mine uncommonly well. It was think the inhabitants of Bremen may in fact, a series of fables; though be divided into two classes, viz. stu- from the experiments tried upon dents and citizens. The former are so numerous, that in war time a very considerable corps might be raised among them. Turn your eyes which way you will in Bremen, you are sure to see a doctor; and, if no difference was to be made between doctus and doctor, Bremen might be justly reckoned one of the most learned cities in the world. At Hamburgh, among others, I visited the celebrated Fabricius, and John Hubner: and, at last, I arrived safe and sound at Copenhagen.

The first labour I applied myself to, after my return, was to complete a poetical performance which I began before my departure, and which I considered as a kind of metamorphosis. This piece described a society, consisting of trees, plants, and animals, under the superintendence of Pan, Sylvanus, and Bulbona. And as, in Övid, men were changed into beasts and trees, so in this piece of mine animals and trees were changed into men. A large oak, for instance, was changed into a man, the branches of which, instead of bearing leaves, produced persons of consequence and quality, under whose influence and protection the poor found refuge and à dwelling. A magpye, upon the same principle, is changed into a barber, from whence it is inferred these people are so talkative. A goat is converted into a philosopher, from whence it happens that these gentlemen love disputes; and besides, the ancient philosophers were all bearded. A sun-flower is changed into a court lady, and courtiers are known at all times to worship the rising sun, and sometimes to disappear almost as suddenly as this flower, when the sun shines upon it no longer.

I took no small trouble to imitate the style of the Latin poet as far as my abilities would admit; but painters, when they copy, it is well known very seldom come up to their originals. My poem, though it had the form, still it wanted the spirit of Ovid, together with the richness and the embellishments of the Latin language. The learned at Copenhagen, nevertheless, relished this production

public at large, who look merely
upon the satirical part, and are only
capable of judging from what imme-
diately strikes the eye, it did not ap-
pear to possess any peculiar merit.
On the contrary, it was the cause of
the appearance of a very low and abu-
sive satire, which some of my friends
would have had me to answer; but
in proportion as writers descend to
scurrility and abuse, so I have ever
deemed them unworthy of notice.
[To be continued.]



No II.

WOMAN not inferior to MAN. [Concluded from p. 191.]



HAT I have hitherto said has

not been with an intention to stir up any of my own sex to revolt against the men, or to invert the present order of things with regard to government and authority. No, let them stand as they are: I only mean to shew my sex that they are not so despicable as the men would have them believe themselves, and that we are capable of as much greatness of soul as the best of that haughty sex. And I am fully convinced it would be to the joint interest of both to think so.

This is plain from the ill consequences attending the opposite error. The men, by thinking us incapable of improving our intellects, have entirely thrown us out of all the advantages of education; and thereby contributed, as much as possible, to make us the senseless creatures they imagine us. So that, for want of education, we are rendered subject to all the follies they dislike in us, and are loaded with their ill treatment for faults of their own creating in us, and which we are denied the helps necessary to avoid. And what is the consequence of this tyrannic treatment of us? Why, it finally reverts on themselves: the same want of learning and education

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